Game on September 19, 2023 at 02:12, 6 players
1. 209 pts roocatcher
2. 188 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 136 pts sunshine12
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 28 28
2. H1 39 67
3. 1A 77 144
4. 2F 36 180
5. I2 29 209
6. 2A 42 251
7. 3H 33 284
8. J5 77 361
9. G8 68 429
10. F6 36 465
11. 4L 57 522
12. O4 51 573
13. N9 70 643
14. 14B 74 717
15. 11A 74 791
16. D4 78 869
17. A7 54 923
18. M12 37 960
19. 15K 45 1005
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.6847 roocatcher 1 5:17 -796 209 1.7142 GLOBEMAN 2 8:18 -817 188
2.7142 GLOBEMAN 2 8:18 -817 188 2.7397 sunshine12 2 5:16 -869 136
3.7397 sunshine12 2 5:16 -869 136 3.7417 bumpkin 1 3:15 -894 111
4.7417 bumpkin 1 3:15 -894 111 4.7603 enzotiger 0 1:36 -963 42
5.7603 enzotiger 0 1:36 -963 42 5.7016 FangTooth 1 0:08 -968 37
6.7016 FangTooth 1 0:08 -968 37 Group: intermediate
1.6847 roocatcher 1 5:17 -796 209
On 1st draw, HOUNDS H4 28 --- HOUND to pursue relentlessly [v]
Other moves: DUNSH H8 26, HINDS H4 26, HONDS H4 26, HOUND H4 26, HOUNDS H8 24
On 2nd draw, SEAHOUNDS H1 39 --- SEAHOUND a dogfish [n]
Other moves: CANEHS 4D 22, ENCASH 4C 22, HANCES 4H 22, ANSAE I4 21, CANEH 4D 20
On 3rd draw, TERNIONS 1A 77 --- TERNION a group of three [n]
Other tops: INTONERS 1A 77, NOINTERS 1A 77
Other moves: INTHRONE 4E 72, INORNATE 3C 70, REANOINT 3F 70, ANOINTER 3H 68, INTONER G9 62
On 4th draw, POESY 2F 36 --- POESY poetry [n] --- POESY to utter poetry [v]
Other moves: YIPS I3 33, YORP I3 33, POLY G3 31, POSY G3 31, PYES 2F 30
On 5th draw, SW(O)B I2 29 --- SWOB to swab [v]
Other tops: SW(A)B I2 29
Other moves: SWI(M) I2 25, WAI 3G 24, WI(N)CH 4D 24, WI(T)CH 4D 24, W(H)ICH 4D 24
On 6th draw, AXE 2A 42 --- AXE to ax [v]
Other moves: AX 2A 38, EX 2A 38, OX 2A 38, TAXER J4 38, TAXOR J4 38
On 7th draw, AWAKED 3H 33 --- AWAKE to rouse from sleep [v]
Other moves: AWAKES 3H 31, DAKS 3C 31, DEKE 3C 31, DEKES J4 31, DIKAS J4 31
On 8th draw, OFF(C)AST J5 77 --- OFFCAST a castoff [n]
Other moves: OFF(C)ASTS 9A 68, (C)ASTOFFS 9A 68, OFF(C)AST G9 67, OFF(C)AST I9 67, AFF(R)ONTS 7C 66
On 9th draw, AUGMENT G8 68 --- AUGMENT to increase [v]
Other moves: AUGMENT G9 65, AUGMENTS 9A 64, MUTAGENS 9A 63, AMENT 4K 33, AMEN 4K 29
On 10th draw, JUDO F6 36 --- JUDO a form of jujitsu [n]
Other moves: DOJO 4L 35, JOULED 12C 32, JUD F6 32, DOJO 2L 30, DOOL 3A 30
JUDO F6 36 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
JUD F6 32 roocatcher
On 11th draw, DITZ 4L 57 --- DITZ a ditsy person [n]
Other moves: ZINE 3C 55, ZITE 3C 55, ZED 3C 50, ZEA 3C 48, ZIN 3C 48
TEAZED L2 32 bumpkin, GLOBEMAN
On 12th draw, ZARAPE O4 51 --- ZARAPE a woollen riding blanket [n]
Other moves: AMAZE O1 48, MAIZE O1 48, MIRZA O1 48, PRIZE O1 48, ZAMIA O4 48
AMAZE O1 48 roocatcher
On 13th draw, ELOINER N9 70 --- ELOINER one that eloins [n]
Other moves: ELOIN H11 29, OLEIN H11 29, LEE K5 28, NOEL 3A 27, NOIL 3A 27
RONE 3A 27 roocatcher
On 14th draw, TOREUTIC 14B 74 --- TOREUTIC pertaining to a type of metalwork [adj]
Other moves: UREIC H11 35, ROC 3A 33, ROUTE O11 33, TOC 3A 33, COURIER 15H 30
CORE 15L 27 roocatcher
On 15th draw, MILLIEME 11A 74 --- MILLIEME a unit of value of Egypt and Sudan [n]
Other moves: MELILITE B8 62, LEMEL 15A 35, LEME 15A 30, LIME 15A 30, LEE K5 28
LIME 15A 30 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
On 16th draw, NOVERCAL D4 78 --- NOVERCAL pertaining to a stepmother [adj]
Other moves: NOVERCAL C4 67, CAVERN 15J 45, CANOER M9 42, NOVAE 3A 41, ROVEN 3A 41
CANER 15A 33 sunshine12
On 17th draw, BIGAMY A7 54 --- BIGAMY the crime of being married to two people simultaneously [n]
Other moves: ATIMY A8 42, VARY 15L 42, VAIRY 15K 36, BAY 13C 31, BAY 15A 31
VARY 15L 42 bumpkin, enzotiger
On 18th draw, QI M12 37 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI 15A 35, QI B6 35, IWI B9 30, GIRR 15L 21, GIRT 15L 21
QI M12 37 FangTooth, sunshine12, bumpkin
On 19th draw, WHIRL 15K 45 --- WHIRL to revolve rapidly [v]
Other tops: WHIRR 15K 45
Other moves: THIRL 15H 40, THIG 15H 37, THIRL 15K 36, TWIRL 15K 36, WHIG K9 36
WHIRL 15K 45 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN
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