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Game on September 20, 2023 at 21:27, 8 players
1. 226 pts LongJump22
2. 147 pts queen66
3. 147 pts Javelin22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aafinpx   H8    44    44   panax
 2. ceilrtu   I3    71   115   cultier
 3. abdglos   G9    32   147   bolas
 4. adeehin   5E    98   245   headline
 5. ?aioprv   4A    82   327   ovipara
 6. ?aegijo   L1    42   369   jaygee
 7. defnqtu   2J    68   437   quant
 8. ddefors   J9    75   512   fodders
 9. abfiosv   O1    45   557   fabs
10. deloorv  15F    89   646   oversold
11. aeehist   B1    82   728   heaviest
12. einttwy   1A    54   782   thewy
13. eglnnou   3A    34   816   lagune
14. aeknoru   A8    51   867   unrake
15. imottwy  14B    51   918   witty
16. egimmoo  15A    31   949   mooi
17. egimorz   M5    37   986   rez
18. giiimno   2F    24  1010   mig

Remaining tiles: ciino

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6743 FileLongJump22  1  3:10  -784  226     1.7726 queen66     1  4:49  -863  147 
  2.7726 Filequeen66     1  4:49  -863  147     2.7701 moonmonkey  1  3:31  -865  145 
  3.6795 FileJavelin22   1  5:32  -863  147     3.7619 Mycophot    1  4:29  -865  145 
  4.7701 Filemoonmonkey  1  3:31  -865  145     4.7573 sicilianc5  0  3:01  -868  142 
  5.7619 FileMycophot    1  4:29  -865  145            Group: intermediate
  6.6802 FileShotPut22   1  5:11  -865  145     1.6743 LongJump22  1  3:10  -784  226 
  7.7573 Filesicilianc5  0  3:01  -868  142     2.6795 Javelin22   1  5:32  -863  147 
  8.6577 FileHammer22    2  2:56  -878  132     3.6802 ShotPut22   1  5:11  -865  145 
                                             4.6577 Hammer22    2  2:56  -878  132 

On 1st draw, PANAX H8 44 --- PANAX a tree [n]
Other moves: PANAX H4 34, FAIX H5 28, FAIX H6 28, FAIX H7 28, FAIX H8 28
PANAX H8 44 LongJump22, moonmonkey, Mycophot, ShotPut22, queen66, Javelin22

On 2nd draw, CULTIER I3 71 --- CULTY intended to appeal to a small group of fashionable people [adj]
Other moves: RETICULA 11A 70, UTRICLE I2 65, LINCTURE 10F 64, RETICULA 9A 62, CULEX 12D 28
RETICULA 11A 70 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, BOLAS G9 32 --- BOLAS a throwing weapon [n]
Other moves: BOLA G9 30, ALBUGOS 4F 26, BUSLOAD 4H 26, GOADS J4 26, SOBA G9 26

On 4th draw, HEADLINE 5E 98 --- HEADLINE to provide with a title [v]
Other moves: ECHIDNAE 3H 78, INHALED 5E 44, HAINED J4 37, HANDAX 12C 34, DELAINE 11E 32
DELAINE 11E 32 LongJump22, moonmonkey, Mycophot, ShotPut22

On 5th draw, OVIP(A)RA 4A 82 --- OVIPARA egg-laying animals [n]
Other tops: OVIPAR(A) 4A 82
Other moves: OVIPAR(A) 6A 81, OVIP(A)RA 6A 81, VA(L)PROIC 3B 80, PRIVA(D)O M4 78, OVERPAI(D) L3 76
VA(L)PROIC 3B 80 LongJump22

On 6th draw, JA(Y)GEE L1 42 --- JAYGEE a military officer [n]
Other tops: JAEGE(R) L1 42
Other moves: A(D)JIGO J8 39, JA(X)IE 6B 39, G*dJ* M3 38, G*dJ* M3 38, JA(X)IE L1 38
JIGO(T) A1 36 moonmonkey, Mycophot, ShotPut22

On 7th draw, QUANT 2J 68 --- QUANT to propel through water with a pole [v]
Other tops: QUATE 2J 68
Other moves: FIQUE C3 36, QUITED C2 36, QUAD 2J 34, JUTE 1L 33, QUAT 2J 33
JUTE 1L 33 ShotPut22, Mycophot, moonmonkey, queen66, Javelin22

On 8th draw, FODDERS J9 75 --- FODDER to feed cattle with dried food [v]
Other moves: FODDERS M6 70, JOES 1L 37, FODDERS A3 36, DOOFERS A2 33, DOOFERS A3 33
FODDERS A3 36 Javelin22, queen66

On 9th draw, FABS O1 45 --- FAB something created or constructed [n]
Other moves: FAS F10 41, FAB O1 39, OAFS O1 39, JIAO 1L 37, OAFS 6D 37
FABS 6D 34 queen66, Javelin22

On 10th draw, OVERSOLD 15F 89 --- OVERSELL to sell more of than can be delivered [v]
Other moves: NOODLE M2 37, OVERLAX 12B 34, VOLVED B1 34, SOLVED 15J 33, REDO I11 31
SOLVED 15J 33 sicilianc5

On 11th draw, HEAVIEST B1 82 --- HEAVY having much weight [adj]
Other moves: ATHEISED M8 76, ATHEISE N4 72, ATHEISE M6 64, SAITH 14B 45, SIETH 14B 45
AHS 6E 36 sicilianc5

On 12th draw, THEWY 1A 54 --- THEWY muscular [adj]
Other moves: TWENTY 14A 53, WITNEY 14A 53, TWINY 14B 51, WHEY 1A 51, WINEY 14B 51
WITTY 14B 51 sicilianc5

On 13th draw, LAGUNE 3A 34 --- LAGUNE a shallow body of water [n]
Other moves: AGONE 3B 30, ENNOG A8 30, ENNOG 14B 27, ALONE 3B 26, ENGINE C1 26
NOUN A6 22 sicilianc5

On 14th draw, UNRAKE A8 51 --- UNRAKE to uncover by racking [v]
Other moves: KARO F10 50, ATOKE 8A 42, OTAKU 8A 42, ATOK 8A 39, ANKER A8 36
KARO F10 50 Hammer22

On 15th draw, WITTY 14B 51 --- WITTY humorously clever [adj]
Other moves: MOTTY 14B 49, WITTY B11 35, MOTTY B11 32, TOWY 14C 31, MITY 14C 30
WITTY 14B 51 Hammer22

On 16th draw, MOOI 15A 31 --- MOOI fine [adj]
Other moves: EM I12 26, MEM 2F 25, MIM 2F 25, MOM 2F 25, MEG 2F 24
MOOI 15A 31 Hammer22

On 17th draw, REZ M5 37 --- REZ a North American Indian reservation [n]
Other moves: DORIZE 12J 34, DOZIER 12J 34, MOZED M11 34, DORIZE 11J 32, DOZIER 11J 32

On 18th draw, MIG 2F 24 --- MIG a type of playing marble [n]
Other tops: DOMING 12J 24, MOG 2F 24
Other moves: MOI 2F 23, MOI K10 23, MON 2F 23, NOM N6 23, GEMINI 13I 22

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