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Game on September 23, 2023 at 17:03, 10 players
1. 217 pts LongJump22
2. 146 pts Pacific
3. 138 pts moonmonkey

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ilnstux   H8    40    40   linux
 2. ehiimps  11G    28    68   humpies
 3. ?adlttu   L4    68   136   latitude
 4. ceeloqt  12B    37   173   celotex
 5. ?beeilz   5H    86   259   seizable
 6. aenorsv   9C    64   323   aversion
 7. aeioqrt   8A    38   361   qat
 8. aeintuy   A4    71   432   antiquey
 9. abddiny   O1    48   480   daybed
10. gioortw   H1    36   516   grows
11. defimrs  13C    41   557   fires
12. aeegkor   N1    34   591   oka
13. eiiinsv   1A    89   680   visieing
14. aefnopu   6J    43   723   fate
15. admnoor   E3    72   795   marooned
16. aegrtuw   M1    41   836   raw
17. eghinot   M9    42   878   hosting
18. egjopru  15J    51   929   jogger

Remaining tiles: cepu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.6706 FileLongJump22  2  3:17  -712  217     1.9589 Pacific     1  5:53  -783  146 
  2.9589 FilePacific     1  5:53  -783  146            Group: advanced
  3.7872 Filemoonmonkey  1  4:36  -791  138     1.7872 moonmonkey  1  4:36  -791  138 
  4.7713 FileMycophot    1  5:28  -791  138     2.7713 Mycophot    1  5:28  -791  138 
  5.7168 Filequeen66     2  3:19  -815  114     3.7168 queen66     2  3:19  -815  114 
  6.  -  FileALPHABET21  1  0:57  -889   40            Group: intermediate
  7.6670 FileHammer22    0  0:58  -890   39     1.6706 LongJump22  2  3:17  -712  217 
  8.6717 FileDiscus22    0  1:22  -890   39     2.6670 Hammer22    0  0:58  -890   39 
  9.6629 FileJavelin22   0  1:48  -890   39     3.6717 Discus22    0  1:22  -890   39 
 10.6843 FileShotPut22   0  0:17  -895   34     4.6629 Javelin22   0  1:48  -890   39 
                                             5.6843 ShotPut22   0  0:17  -895   34 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  ALPHABET21  1  0:57  -889   40 

On 1st draw, LINUX H8 40 --- LINUX a nonproprietary computer operating system for personal computers [n]
Other moves: LINUX H4 26, LINUX H5 24, LINUX H6 24, LINUX H7 24, LUX H6 20
LINUX H8 40 LongJump22, ALPHABET21, moonmonkey, Mycophot

On 2nd draw, HUMPIES 11G 28 --- HUMPY an Aboriginal hut [n]
Other moves: HEM G9 27, HIM G9 27, MIHIS I11 27, HIMS I11 26, HIPS I11 26
HIM G9 27 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, LAT(I)TUDE L4 68 --- LATITUDE freedom from narrow restrictions [n]
Other tops: ALT(I)TUDE L4 68
Other moves: ALTITUD(E) 9E 60, LATITUD(E) 9E 60, ALTITUD(E) K8 58, LATITUD(E) K8 58, TATU(E)D N9 31
ALT(I)TUDE L4 68 LongJump22

On 4th draw, CELOTEX 12B 37 --- CELOTEX a building board that is employed as insulation or paneling -- a trademark [n]
Other moves: TELCO N11 29, TELEX 12D 29, ELECT N7 28, CLOTE N8 24, QAT 5K 24
QAT 5K 24 moonmonkey, Mycophot

On 5th draw, (S)EIZABLE 5H 86 --- SEIZABLE able to be seized [adj] --- SEIZE to take hold of suddenly and forcibly [adj]
Other tops: (S)IZEABLE 5H 86
Other moves: (O)BELIZE G2 82, ZIBELI(N)E 9C 79, BEZEL(S) K3 60, BEZIL(S) K3 60, BEZEL K3 59
(O)BELIZE G2 82 LongJump22
(O)BELIZE G2 32 moonmonkey, Mycophot

On 6th draw, AVERSION 9C 64 --- AVERSION a feeling of repugnance [n]
Other moves: VERONALS 8B 62, VERONALS D6 62, OVERSEA O3 42, AVERSE O3 39, NAEVES O1 39
OVERSEA O3 42 Mycophot, moonmonkey, queen66

On 7th draw, QAT 8A 38 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QAT 6F 33, QI 10B 33, QAT N9 29, ROATE 6I 28, TATE 6J 25
QAT 8A 38 queen66, Pacific

On 8th draw, ANTIQUEY A4 71 --- ANTIQUEY resembling an antique [adj]
Other moves: YENTA O4 36, YENTE O4 36, AUNTLY N1 34, NEATLY N1 34, TAILYE N2 34

On 9th draw, DAYBED O1 48 --- DAYBED a couch that can be converted into a bed [n]
Other moves: BENDAY O4 45, BEADY O4 42, BENDY O4 42, INBYE O1 42, BEANY O4 39

On 10th draw, GROW(S) H1 36 --- GROW to cultivate [v]
Other moves: TROW(S) H1 33, TWIG N11 31, ROWT N8 30, TWIG(S) H1 30, OWT N9 29

On 11th draw, FIRES 13C 41 --- FIRE to project by discharging from a gun [v]
Other moves: MISFED M9 40, DIMER 13C 39, DIMES 13C 39, EFS 12J 39, IFS 12J 39
IDS 12J 33 Pacific

On 12th draw, OKA N1 34 --- OKA a Turkish unit of weight [n]
Other moves: EEK N1 30, OAK N1 30, OKA G2 30, KA N2 29, KO N2 29
OKA N1 34 queen66

On 13th draw, VISIEING 1A 89 --- VISIE to look at closely [v]
Other moves: SNIB M2 33, ENS 12J 30, INS 12J 30, SIEN 12L 30, SINE 12L 30
VISIEING 1A 39 Hammer22, Discus22, Javelin22

On 14th draw, FATE 6J 43 --- FATE to destine [v]
Other moves: FAT 6J 38, NAP M1 37, FAB M3 36, FOB M3 36, OF M2 35
FORANE 2F 34 ShotPut22
FORE 2F 30 Pacific

On 15th draw, MAROONED E3 72 --- MAROON to abandon in an isolated place [v]
Other moves: DAM M1 40, DOM M1 40, ADOBE M2 39, MAD M1 39, MOD M1 39

On 16th draw, RAW M1 41 --- RAW a sore or irritated spot [n] --- RAW uncooked [adj]
Other tops: TAW M1 41
Other moves: EWT 14E 38, AREW F3 36, AW M2 35, TAW 14D 34, TEW 14D 34

On 17th draw, HOSTING M9 42 --- HOST to entertain socially [v] --- HOSTING a battle [n]
Other moves: HISTONE M9 40, HOSING M9 40, HETING N9 39, HOSTIE M9 38, ETHION N10 37

On 18th draw, JOGGER 15J 51 --- JOGGER one that jogs [n]
Other moves: JOG D4 45, JUG D4 45, JO G3 39, JO D4 38, PRORE F6 34
JUG D4 45 Pacific

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