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Game on September 24, 2023 at 14:09, 8 players
1. 270 pts LongJump22
2. 150 pts Discus22
3. 147 pts moonmonkey

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeiijlr   H4    42    42   jailer
 2. dinostu   5E    86   128   sudation
 3. afgimor   E3    64   192   gasiform
 4. ?bcehot   L3    80   272   benchtop
 5. aaeiltw   M9    34   306   waite
 6. aaiortw   N9    35   341   two
 7. fimnopu   D1    37   378   pouf
 8. deelntv  14J    44   422   veldt
 9. eelqsst   M1    30   452   seels
10. adehnry   1H    48   500   henrys
11. ?biiknn   O4    48   548   kinins
12. aeegnor   D8    27   575   geare
13. acglooy   2F    44   619   coaly
14. adeisvz  10H    46   665   saz
15. beinopr   C9    43   708   probe
16. aeiiimt   F8    28   736   amie
17. ddeginu  14A    37   773   duding
18. aeiortx  A11    63   836   oxide
19. aanqrtu   6B    40   876   quair

Remaining tiles: antv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6706 FileLongJump22  3  3:27  -606  270     1.7665 moonmonkey  3  3:38  -729  147 
  2.6698 FileDiscus22    4  3:39  -726  150     2.7659 Mycophot    3  4:59  -729  147 
  3.7665 Filemoonmonkey  3  3:38  -729  147     3.7168 queen66     3  6:24  -729  147 
  4.7659 FileMycophot    3  4:59  -729  147     4.7631 sicilianc5  1  0:55  -833   43 
  5.6843 FileShotPut22   3  5:11  -729  147            Group: intermediate
  6.7168 Filequeen66     3  6:24  -729  147     1.6706 LongJump22  3  3:27  -606  270 
  7.  -  FileALPHABET21  2  3:53  -789   87     2.6698 Discus22    4  3:39  -726  150 
  8.7631 Filesicilianc5  1  0:55  -833   43     3.6843 ShotPut22   3  5:11  -729  147 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  ALPHABET21  2  3:53  -789   87 

On 1st draw, JAILER H4 42 --- JAILER a keeper of a jail [n]
Other moves: JAILER H3 28, JAILER H7 28, JAILER H8 28, JAILER H5 26, JAILER H6 26
JAILER H4 42 LongJump22, moonmonkey, Mycophot, ShotPut22, queen66

On 2nd draw, SUDATION 5E 86 --- SUDATION excessive sweating [n]
Other moves: TURDIONS 9F 63, STURNOID 9E 61, JUDOIST 4H 30, JOINTS 4H 26, JOTUNS 4H 26
SUDATION 5E 86 LongJump22
SUDATION 5E 36 moonmonkey, Mycophot, ShotPut22, queen66

On 3rd draw, GASIFORM E3 64 --- GASIFORM having the form of gas [adj]
Other moves: FRAIM 6J 41, ROMAJI 4D 41, FOGRAM 4A 38, FRAIM 6B 36, FOAM 6J 34
GASIFORM E3 64 LongJump22

On 4th draw, BENCHTO(P) L3 80 --- BENCHTOP on the working surface of a bench [adj]
Other moves: COHOB(A)TE K4 78, BIOTECH(S) J4 74, BOTCHE(D) G8 72, BOTCHE(R) G8 72, BOTCHE(S) G8 72
COHOB(A)TE K4 78 LongJump22

On 5th draw, WAITE M9 34 --- WAITE to be on guard [v]
Other moves: WEAL D1 29, AWATO 8A 27, AWETO 8A 27, WATTLE 8J 27, LEW D6 26
WAITE M9 34 moonmonkey, Mycophot, ShotPut22, queen66, Discus22

On 6th draw, TWO N9 35 --- TWO a number [n]
Other moves: AROW L12 28, WO N10 28, AWATO 8A 27, TOW D6 26, ATTAR 8K 24
TWO N9 35 Discus22, ShotPut22, queen66, moonmonkey, Mycophot

On 7th draw, POUF D1 37 --- POUF a loose roll of hair [n] --- POUF to give a puffed shape to the hair [v]
Other moves: MOUP D1 33, PIUM D1 33, FICO 6J 32, FOCI 6J 32, FUCI 6J 32
POUF D1 37 Discus22

On 8th draw, VELDT 14J 44 --- VELDT a grassland in southern Africa [n]
Other moves: ELEVON 8A 39, NEVEL O11 30, NUDE F4 27, PELTED 1D 27, VEEP 1A 27
VELDT 14J 44 Discus22, ALPHABET21

On 9th draw, SEELS M1 30 --- SEEL to stitch closed the eyes of, as a falcon during training [v]
Other tops: LEETS M1 30, TEELS M1 30
Other moves: EELS M2 28, LEES M2 28, LESS M2 28, LETS M2 28, SEES M2 28

On 10th draw, HENRYS 1H 48 --- HENRY a unit of inductance [n]
Other tops: YRNEHS 1H 48
Other moves: HEADY D8 47, HYDRASE 1H 45, DENAYS 1H 42, DERAYS 1H 42, HYDRAS 1H 42

On 11th draw, KININ(S) O4 48 --- KININ a hormone [n]
Other moves: BI(S)K O12 45, B(U)NKO 8A 45, BI(S)K O7 43, KI(M)BO 8A 39, (P)INKO 8A 39

On 12th draw, GEARE D8 27 --- GEARE to jeer, to scoff [v]
Other moves: GENOA D6 24, GRAPE 1A 24, GROPE 1A 24, REOPEN 1A 24, GEARE 2F 23

On 13th draw, COALY 2F 44 --- COALY containing coal [adj]
Other tops: COOLY 2F 44
Other moves: GOOLY 2F 41, COLY 2G 37, GOOPY 1A 33, YOGA F7 33, COALY C10 31

On 14th draw, SAZ 10H 46 --- SAZ a stringed instrument of the Middle East [n]
Other tops: SEZ 10H 46
Other moves: VASE O12 43, VISA O12 43, VISE O12 43, ADZES 13C 40, AZIDES 13A 40

On 15th draw, PROBE C9 43 --- PROBE to investigate or examine thoroughly [v]
Other moves: PRONE C9 37, ORPINE F8 34, ORPIN F8 33, REPIN F8 33, REPO F8 32
PROBE C9 43 sicilianc5, ALPHABET21

On 16th draw, AMIE F8 28 --- AMIE a female friend [n]
Other tops: EMIT F8 28
Other moves: AMI F8 27, TEMPI 1A 27, MAE 11I 25, MAT 11I 25, MITE F9 24

On 17th draw, DUDING 14A 37 --- DUDE to dress up in flashy clothes [v]
Other tops: NUDGED 14A 37
Other moves: INDUED 14A 35, NIDED 14A 25, NUDGE 14A 25, UNDID 14A 25, DINGED 14C 24

On 18th draw, OXIDE A11 63 --- OXIDE a binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical [n]
Other moves: EXTRAIT 12G 44, OXER 15F 36, RAX 11I 33, TAX 11I 33, AX 11J 29

On 19th draw, QUAIR 6B 40 --- QUAIR a twentieth part of a ream [n]
Other moves: QUAI 6B 33, QANAT 12I 28, QUANT 12I 28, QUART 12I 28, AQUA 13F 27

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