Game on September 26, 2023 at 01:45, 6 players
1. 202 pts roocatcher
2. 190 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 184 pts sunshine12
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H8 30 30
2. 8C 64 94
3. 12H 74 168
4. 14B 84 252
5. D6 82 334
6. N10 66 400
7. O5 90 490
8. D4 36 526
9. M4 78 604
10. E8 34 638
11. F8 33 671
12. K4 34 705
13. J6 37 742
14. L1 34 776
15. 1F 33 809
16. N2 32 841
17. 11G 30 871
18. 2B 31 902
19. 3A 42 944
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.6965 roocatcher 1 8:32 -742 202 1.7058 GLOBEMAN 0 6:41 -754 190
2.7058 GLOBEMAN 0 6:41 -754 190 2.7326 sunshine12 2 7:27 -760 184
3.7326 sunshine12 2 7:27 -760 184 3.7495 lazy.lion 2 7:19 -804 140
4.7495 lazy.lion 2 7:19 -804 140 4.7417 bumpkin 1 3:54 -827 117
5.7417 bumpkin 1 3:54 -827 117 5.7856 enzotiger 1 4:00 -851 93
6.7856 enzotiger 1 4:00 -851 93 Group: intermediate
1.6965 roocatcher 1 8:32 -742 202
On 1st draw, REPAVE H8 30 --- PAVE to cover with material that forms a firm, level surface [v] --- REPAVE to pave again [v]
Other tops: PAREVE H8 30
Other moves: PAREV H8 28, PAREVE H4 28, PAREV H4 26, PARVE H4 26, PAVEN H4 26
On 2nd draw, (L)EAPFROG 8C 64 --- LEAPFROG to jump over with the legs wide apart [v]
Other moves: (B)EFOG I7 30, (D)EFOG I7 30, FA(D)GE 14F 29, FOP G9 29, FAG I9 27
On 3rd draw, VINTRIES 12H 74 --- VINTRY a wine-shop [n]
Other tops: VITRINES 12H 74
Other moves: INVITERS 12F 72, ERINITES 13B 70, NITERIES 13B 70, ERINITES 13H 68, ERINITES D8 68
On 4th draw, UNGIRDS 14B 84 --- UNGIRD to remove a belt from [v]
Other moves: UNGIRDS K2 82, GRUNDIES 13B 77, UNGIRDS 14C 74, GRUNDIES D2 70, GRUNDIES N6 68
On 5th draw, WREATHING D6 82 --- WREATHE to shape into a wreath [v]
Other moves: TARWHINE D1 80, THRAWING J1 75, WRATHING J1 69, TARWHINE N5 68, WREATH N10 40
On 6th draw, ZOE(A)E N10 66 --- ZOEA a larval form of certain crustaceans [n]
Other tops: ZOE(A)L N10 66
Other moves: OZ(A)LID M8 50, ZO(R)ILLE M9 50, DO(N)ZELS O6 48, ZO(O)ID M9 48, Z(O)OID M9 48
On 7th draw, IGNAROES O5 90 --- IGNARO an ignorant person [n]
Other moves: ORANGIER L5 60, ARSING O10 37, ORIGANS O6 37, REGIONS O6 37, ENWREATHING D4 36
ARSING O10 37 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
Other tops: UNWREATHING D4 36
Other moves: COUNT C11 27, COIN C11 25, COON C11 25, UNCOO(L) C3 24, COUNT 13A 22
COOT N2 14 roocatcher
On 9th draw, CHATTED M4 78 --- CHAT to converse informally [v]
Other moves: CADIE M9 40, AHEAD E8 38, CHANT C11 36, CHA 15A 31, CHE 15A 31
CHA 15A 31 roocatcher
On 10th draw, ALAMO E8 34 --- ALAMO a softwood tree [n]
Other moves: AMOLES K3 30, MOAI E11 30, MOLLAS K3 30, SMALTO K8 30, SAMEN C10 29
MOLLAS K3 30 roocatcher
On 11th draw, PAW F8 33 --- PAW to strike or scrape with a beating motion [v]
Other moves: WALDO E1 25, DAWAH 5I 24, TAWHAI 5J 24, WAD 7I 23, WALDO C1 23
PAW F8 33 roocatcher, sunshine12, lazy.lion
On 12th draw, BLEYS K4 34 --- BLEY a small fish [n]
Other tops: LYMES K4 34, YELMS K4 34, YLEMS K4 34
Other moves: BEYS K5 32, BYES K5 32, EMYS K5 32, LYMS K5 32, SLEETY K8 32
MY O14 25 sunshine12, lazy.lion, enzotiger
On 13th draw, FOGY J6 37 --- FOGY a person with an old-fashioned outlook [n]
Other tops: FAGOT J6 37
Other moves: FILA L1 36, LOAF J3 34, LOFTY E1 34, YAGI J6 34, YOGA J6 34
FY O14 29 roocatcher, sunshine12, lazy.lion
On 14th draw, CODA L1 34 --- CODA a passage at the end of a musical composition [n]
Other moves: DECKO C1 32, CAA L3 30, AKA L2 28, CAKE C2 28, COKE C2 28
COKE C2 28 bumpkin, roocatcher
On 15th draw, BIONTIC 1F 33 --- BIONT a living organism [adj] --- BIONTIC pertaining to biont [adj]
Other moves: BIONIC 1G 30, BIOTIC 1G 30, EOBIONT 2H 30, NIOBIC 1G 30, BIOTIN 2J 28
BO I7 18 sunshine12
On 16th draw, QIS N2 32 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: ALKIES 2B 32
Other moves: ALSIKE 2A 30, LAKES 11G 30, SAKAI 11G 30, SAKIA 11G 30, AKES 11H 28
QIS N2 32 sunshine12, lazy.lion
On 17th draw, RAKEE 11G 30 --- RAKEE a Turkish liqueur [n]
Other moves: AKEE 11H 28, TROKE 2B 28, TROKE C1 26, REWOKE 6B 25, REKE C2 24
TROKE C1 26 bumpkin, enzotiger, sunshine12
On 18th draw, MAULED 2B 31 --- MAUL to batter or maltreat [v]
Other tops: LOAMED 2B 31
Other moves: ALMUDE 2A 28, DUMELA 2A 28, MODULE 2A 28, DOLMA 2B 26, DOUMA 2B 26
EMO 15A 21 sunshine12, lazy.lion, bumpkin
On 19th draw, LUX 3A 42 --- LUX a unit of illumination [n]
Other tops: LEX 3A 42, LOX 3A 42, TEX 3A 42, TUX 3A 42
Other moves: EX 3B 40, OX 3B 40, JO I7 38, JOY 7I 38, EX 1C 36
TUX 3A 42 bumpkin, enzotiger
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