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Game on September 29, 2023 at 02:28, 5 players
1. 142 pts roocatcher
2. 80 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 78 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aacopst   H4    26    26   capots
 2. ?ahlnox   I3    52    78   phlox
 3. aaeqrst   5G    30   108   talaqs
 4. agikpsu   G3    39   147   situp
 5. adgilmr   F1    25   172   amid
 6. bdeenru   1B    92   264   unbeared
 7. aeinorv   L1    76   340   aversion
 8. ?deimno   8A    90   430   demonist
 9. adeirtu   E5    86   516   urinated
10. aefgirs   B7    78   594   fegaries
11. befiowy  D11    47   641   wifey
12. aeegory  A12    39   680   goey
13. aceilou   2J    32   712   cavie
14. aelntvw   M7    29   741   wave
15. elnooor   O1    29   770   orlon
16. ejnrttu   N6    35   805   jet
17. ahikltu  N10    53   858   haiku
18. egnortz  15C    57   915   zygote

Remaining tiles: bllnnrt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.7157 Fileroocatcher  1  6:25  -773  142     1.8191 enzotiger   0  3:55  -886   29 
  2.6953 FileGLOBEMAN    1  3:12  -835   80            Group: advanced
  3.7354 Filesunshine12  1  3:10  -837   78     1.7157 roocatcher  1  6:25  -773  142 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  1:53  -870   45     2.7354 sunshine12  1  3:10  -837   78 
  5.8191 Fileenzotiger   0  3:55  -886   29            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6953 GLOBEMAN    1  3:12  -835   80 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  chunk88     0  1:53  -870   45 

On 1st draw, CAPOTS H4 26 --- CAPOT to win all the tricks [v]
Other tops: COAPTS H4 26
Other moves: CAPAS H4 24, CAPOS H4 24, CAPOT H4 24, COAPT H4 24, PACAS H4 24

On 2nd draw, (P)HLOX I3 52 --- PHLOX a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: HOX I5 47, AX(I)ON I6 45, H(E)X I5 45, H(O)X I5 45, (M)OXA I5 42

On 3rd draw, TALAQS 5G 30 --- TALAQ a form of divorce [n]
Other moves: REAST J2 28, REATA J2 28, TALAQ 5G 28, ASEA G6 27, TRACHEAS 4E 26

On 4th draw, SITUP G3 39 --- SITUP an exercise in which one moves from a lying to a sitting position [n]
Other moves: PAIKS G7 35, PATUS G3 35, PITAS G3 35, PAIK G7 34, AITUS G3 31

On 5th draw, AMID F1 25 --- AMID a type of chemical compound [n]
Other moves: DISARM L3 24, MAD F2 24, MID F2 24, AMIR F1 23, DAM F2 23

On 6th draw, UNBEARED 1B 92 --- UNBEAR to free from the pressure of a rein [v]
Other moves: BEADER 1D 36, BEANED 1D 36, BEARED 1D 36, BEARD 1D 33, BRAND 1D 33

On 7th draw, AVERSION L1 76 --- AVERSION a feeling of repugnance [n]
Other moves: AVERSION 9D 63, VIROSE L1 26, VAIRS L1 24, VANES L1 24, VARES L1 24

On 8th draw, DEMONI(S)T 8A 90 --- DEMONIST one who believes in demons [n]
Other moves: DEMOIN(G) M7 85, DEMONI(C) M7 85, DOMINE(E) M7 85, DOMINE(S) M7 85, DOMIN(E)E M7 85

On 9th draw, URINATED E5 86 --- URINATE to discharge urine [v]
Other tops: RUINATED E5 86
Other moves: MURIATED C8 74, INDURATE E7 68, DAUNTER E5 32, URANIDE E5 32, DIVERT 2J 28

On 10th draw, FEGARIES B7 78 --- FEGARY a whim [n]
Other moves: FEGARIES 11D 74, FIVERS 2J 40, FAVER 2J 38, FAVES 2J 38, FIVER 2J 38
FAGS M7 25 roocatcher

On 11th draw, WIFEY D11 47 --- WIFEY an endearment for wife [n]
Other moves: OBEY A12 39, WIFEY K7 35, YOWIE D11 35, BOYF D11 34, FEW A13 34
YOW A13 34 roocatcher

On 12th draw, GOEY A12 39 --- GOEY anxious to go [adj]
Other tops: GRAY A12 39, GREY A12 39
Other moves: AGREE A11 35, RYA C13 35, OYER A12 34, GEAR A12 30, GOER A12 30

On 13th draw, CAVIE 2J 32 --- CAVIE a hen coop [n]
Other tops: CAVEL 2J 32, CAVIL 2J 32
Other moves: ACULEI M8 24, ALNICO 8J 24, CINEOL 8J 24, CUNEAL 8J 24, ANCLE 8K 21
NICE 8L 18 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN

On 14th draw, WAVE M7 29 --- WAVE to move freely back and forth or up and down [v]
Other moves: WANNEL 8J 27, NAVEW K7 26, ALEW 1L 25, TWAE M6 25, TWAL M6 25
WANNEL 8J 27 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
NA M7 8 enzotiger

On 15th draw, ORLON O1 29 --- ORLON a crease-resistant acrylic fabric used for clothing, furnishing etc [n]
Other moves: ORLE O1 26, IRONE F8 23, ENROL 11K 21, LEMON C6 21, LONER 11I 21
ALOE 1L 16 sunshine12
NARE 8L 12 enzotiger

On 16th draw, JET N6 35 --- JET to spurt forth in a stream [v]
Other moves: JURE 11K 33, JURE N4 30, JUTE N4 30, FUJI 7B 29, JETE 10J 27
JET N6 35 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
JO 4N 9 enzotiger

On 17th draw, HAIKU N10 53 --- HAIKU a Japanese poem [n]
Other moves: HAULT N10 45, HUTIA N10 45, HAIK N10 32, HAKU N10 32, HULK N10 32
HAULT N10 45 chunk88

On 18th draw, ZYGOTE 15C 57 --- ZYGOTE a cell formed from the union of two gametes [n]
Other moves: ZONATE 8J 45, GRENZ K8 35, ROZET L10 34, ZERK 13K 34, ZONK 13K 34
TOGE O12 30 roocatcher

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