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Game on October 3, 2023 at 19:28, 9 players
1. 308 pts SQUAW1
2. 246 pts LongJump22
3. 228 pts moonmonkey

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aafnor   H4    76    76   forlana
 2. aaeilnw   G1    22    98   lawine
 3. aopstwy  11C    90   188   waypost
 4. aeehnrs   J9    80   268   arsheen
 5. eeilott   2B    70   338   etiolate
 6. aeirtux   1A    78   416   eaux
 7. adiqsuy  13C    98   514   quayside
 8. bdelouz  15H    54   568   benzol
 9. ?iilotv   K3    70   638   vitriol
10. aaimntu   1F    42   680   alumina
11. deijopr  14B    40   720   jird
12. ceghkor  N11    46   766   choke
13. efgnors  O12    86   852   eros
14. degmorv   3I    38   890   moved
15. ceinnrt   8K    24   914   orcin
16. eefgipt   F6    29   943   feg
17. begintv   4J    33   976   biting
18. degprtu   O1    33  1009   pugged

Remaining tiles: rtv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7773 FileSQUAW1      6  5:44  -701  308     1.7773 SQUAW1      6  5:44  -701  308 
  2.6752 FileLongJump22  3  2:33  -763  246     2.7605 moonmonkey  3  8:56  -781  228 
  3.7605 Filemoonmonkey  3  8:56  -781  228     3.7523 Mycophot    1  5:40  -867  142 
  4.  -  FileHIGHSCORES  2  3:45  -845  164            Group: intermediate
  5.7523 FileMycophot    1  5:40  -867  142     1.6752 LongJump22  3  2:33  -763  246 
  6.6671 FileHammer22    1  2:08  -888  121     2.6671 Hammer22    1  2:08  -888  121 
  7.6530 FileDiscus22    1  2:45  -889  120     3.6530 Discus22    1  2:45  -889  120 
  8.6631 FileJavelin22   1  3:58  -889  120     4.6631 Javelin22   1  3:58  -889  120 
  9.6617 FileShotPut22   0  1:07  -974   35     5.6617 ShotPut22   0  1:07  -974   35 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  HIGHSCORES  2  3:45  -845  164 

On 1st draw, FOR(L)ANA H4 76 --- FORLANA a dance of old Venice [n]
Other moves: FOR(L)ANA H2 70, FOR(L)ANA H3 70, FOR(L)ANA H6 70, FOR(L)ANA H7 70, FOR(L)ANA H8 70
FOR(L)ANA H4 76 LongJump22
FOR(L)ANA H4 26 Discus22, Javelin22, moonmonkey

On 2nd draw, LAWINE G1 22 --- LAWINE an avalanche [n]
Other tops: FLAWN 4H 22
Other moves: ALEW I7 21, ANEW I7 21, LAWINE I8 21, WANE I3 20, WENA G3 20
FLAWN 4H 22 Mycophot

On 3rd draw, WAYPOST 11C 90 --- WAYPOST a guidepost [n]
Other moves: WAYPOST I8 80, YAWLS 1D 45, YOWLS 1D 45, PATLY 1D 39, PAWLS 1D 39
WAYPOST 11C 90 LongJump22
WAYPOST 11C 40 Discus22, Javelin22

On 4th draw, ARSHEEN J9 80 --- ARSHEEN a Russian unit of length [n]
Other moves: ARSHEEN 12I 74, HASTENER I8 73, HEALERS 1D 42, HEALER 1D 39, HAS F2 38
ARSHEEN J9 80 LongJump22
ARSHEEN J9 30 Mycophot

On 5th draw, ETIOLATE 2B 70 --- ETIOLATE to make pale [v]
Other moves: ETIOLATE D6 68, TELOI 12B 28, ENTITLE 15I 24, LOTE 12B 22, TELE 12B 22
ENTITLE 15I 24 Mycophot, moonmonkey

On 6th draw, EAUX 1A 78 --- EAU a river or water [n]
Other moves: LATEX 1G 44, LUREX 1G 44, REX 12B 43, TEX 12B 43, TAXI 1B 42

On 7th draw, QUAYSIDE 13C 98 --- QUAYSIDE the area adjacent to a quay [n]
Other moves: QUAYSIDE 14C 79, QUINSY 15G 66, YANQUIS 15H 60, YANQUI 15H 57, SQUINY 15F 54
QUINSY 15G 66 Mycophot

On 8th draw, BENZOL 15H 54 --- BENZOL a crude form of benzene [n]
Other moves: BONZE 15H 51, DONZEL 15H 51, ZONED 15H 51, ZONULE 15H 48, DOZEN 15F 45
BENZOL 15H 54 Discus22, Javelin22, moonmonkey

On 9th draw, VIT(R)IOL K3 70 --- VITRIOL to treat with sulfuric acid [v]
Other tops: VIOLI(S)T K3 70
Other moves: V(O)LITION 9A 62, VOLITI(O)N 9A 61, VI(S)TO 14B 39, LIT(H)O 14B 33, IOLIT(E) N10 31

On 10th draw, ALUMINA 1F 42 --- ALUMINA an oxide of aluminum [n]
Other moves: LAMINA 1G 37, LUMINA 1G 37, ALUMIN 1F 36, ALUMNA 1F 36, ALUMNI 1F 36

On 11th draw, JIRD 14B 40 --- JIRD an African gerbil [n]
Other moves: JOE N13 38, DOPIER F4 36, DOPER F4 35, JEDI 14L 35, DOPE F4 34
JIRD 14B 40 moonmonkey, SQUAW1

On 12th draw, CHOKE N11 46 --- CHOKE to impede the breathing of [v]
Other moves: OCKER 8K 42, HOKE N12 40, OCHER 8K 39, OCHRE 8K 39, CHORE N11 38
HOCK F6 35 ShotPut22, Hammer22

On 13th draw, EROS O12 86 --- EROS sexual desire [n]
Other moves: NOS O13 74, OS O14 69, BENZOLES 15H 57, GOFERS F4 42, GOFER F4 41

On 14th draw, MOVED 3I 38 --- MOVE to change from one position to another [v]
Other moves: MOVER 3I 36, DOVER 3I 30, DROME I5 28, MIRVED 4J 28, GRAVURE D9 24
MO 15A 21 SQUAW1, moonmonkey

On 15th draw, ORCIN 8K 24 --- ORCIN a chemical compound [n]
Other tops: ONCER 8K 24, ONCET 8K 24, ONTIC 8K 24
Other moves: ERN 12E 22, RECIT L8 22, RECTI L8 22, TRINE I5 22, CENT 2L 20

On 16th draw, FEG F6 29 --- FEG a segment of an orange (also FIG) [n]
Other tops: FEET F6 29, FETE F6 29, FIG F6 29
Other moves: FEE F6 28, FET F6 28, FIE F6 28, FIT F6 28, FE F6 27

On 17th draw, BITING 4J 33 --- BITE to seize with the teeth [v] --- BITING the act of biting [n]
Other moves: BETING 8A 30, VIBE 2L 27, BINIT 4J 25, BEIN I5 23, BINE 4J 23
BETING 8A 30 moonmonkey

On 18th draw, PUGGED O1 33 --- PUG to fill in with clay or mortar [v]
Other moves: PURGED O1 30, GURGED O1 27, PUDGE O1 27, RUGGED O1 27, TUGGED O1 27
PUGGED O1 33 SQUAW1, moonmonkey

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