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Game on October 4, 2023 at 02:20, 5 players
1. 329 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 308 pts bumpkin
3. 218 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. cfimnos   H4    28    28   ficos
 2. ?aeeivw   8A   101   129   seawives
 3. aekmnot   E5    36   165   amniote
 4. aadoort   B2    20   185   odorate
 5. aadehny   A1    59   244   ayah
 6. adeilot   A8    80   324   solidate
 7. aaenrst  14A    70   394   tartanes
 8. ?diijou  H12    54   448   joss
 9. beglopr   C2    38   486   bop
10. adnoqtu   F2    44   530   quota
11. cegmrru   D4    31   561   em
12. eginrsz  D11    50   611   nertz
13. cehnrsu   6H    69   680   crunches
14. eeilnrw   O4    36   716   wiser
15. deginpu   K3    74   790   upending
16. efgilst   L8    38   828   feist
17. eiklruy   L1    36   864   kuri
18. begivxy  13L    38   902   yex
19. dgiilnv   1J    42   944   viking

Remaining tiles: bdglll

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6960 FileGLOBEMAN    1 10:41  -615  329     1.7074 roocatcher  0  7:37  -726  218 
  2.  -  Filebumpkin     1 13:13  -636  308            Group: intermediate
  3.7074 Fileroocatcher  0  7:37  -726  218     1.6960 GLOBEMAN    1 10:41  -615  329 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  1:43  -900   44            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  1:32  -916   28     1.  -  bumpkin     1 13:13  -636  308 
                                             2.  -  chunk88     0  1:43  -900   44 
                                             3.  -  BadBoyBen   0  1:32  -916   28 

On 1st draw, FICOS H4 28 --- FICO something of little worth [n]
Other moves: COIFS H4 26, CONFS H4 26, COSMIN H4 26, FINOS H4 24, FOINS H4 24

On 2nd draw, (S)EAWIVES 8A 101 --- SEAWIFE a kind of wrasse, a bony fish [n]
Other tops: A(L)EWIVES 8A 101
Other moves: I(N)WEAVES 8A 92, SEAWIVE(S) 8H 92, I(N)WEAVE G8 68, I(N)WEAVE I8 68, WAVIE(R) G7 30

On 3rd draw, AMNIOTE E5 36 --- AMNIOTE a vertebrate that develops an amnion during the embryonic stage [n]
Other tops: AMNIOTE 5E 36
Other moves: KAM 7C 34, AMOK 7B 33, KAT 7C 30, KOA 7C 30, MAK 7C 30
KAM 7C 34 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, bumpkin

On 4th draw, ODORATE B2 20 --- ODORATE emitting a smell [adj]
Other moves: TARDO D2 19, TARDO F2 19, FARAD 4H 18, FOOTRA 4H 18, FORDO 4H 18

On 5th draw, AYAH A1 59 --- AYAH a native maid or nurse in India [n]
Other moves: HYED A1 52, HYENA A1 49, HANDY F2 46, HEADY F2 46, HAYED C2 45

On 6th draw, (S)OLIDATE A8 80 --- SOLIDATE to consolidate [v]
Other moves: FOLIATED 4H 78, (S)ODALITE A8 77, VIOLATED F8 74, DATOLITE 10C 63, I(S)OLATED A7 61

On 7th draw, TARTANES 14A 70 --- TARTANE a mediterranean sailing vessel [n]
Other moves: SANTERA 12E 68, SERENATA 11D 66, CANASTER 6H 64, CATERANS 6H 64, SERENATA G7 64

On 8th draw, JOS(S) H12 54 --- JOSS a Chinese idol [n]
Other tops: J*S(M) H12 54, JOS(H) H12 54, JUS(T) H12 54
Other moves: JUDO C1 46, JUD(O) C1 43, JUD(S) C1 43, JUD(Y) C1 43, J(U)DO C1 43

On 9th draw, BOP C2 38 --- BOP to dance to pop music [v]
Other moves: BOG C2 35, REBOP I9 29, OBE C3 28, OPE C3 28, PROB I10 27

On 10th draw, QUOTA F2 44 --- QUOTA a proportional part or share [n]
Other moves: QUOAD I9 41, QUAD F2 37, QUOD F2 37, QUAT F2 35, DIQUAT 5G 32
QAT I3 29 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, bumpkin

On 11th draw, EM D4 31 --- EM the letter M [n]
Other moves: ER D4 25, FERRUM 4H 22, FEMUR 4H 20, FUMER 4H 20, MOC 13G 20
MOC 13G 20 bumpkin

On 12th draw, NERTZ D11 50 --- NERTZ used to express defiance [interj]
Other moves: RITZ D12 46, SITZ D12 46, ZEINS G7 46, ZEES G7 45, ZEIN G7 45
ZEE G13 44 roocatcher, bumpkin, chunk88

On 13th draw, CRUNCHES 6H 69 --- CRUNCH to chew with a crackling sound [v]
Other moves: ROUCHES 13G 31, JEHUS 12H 30, FRENCH 4H 28, OCHERS 13H 28, OCHRES 13H 28
FRENCH 4H 28 BadBoyBen

On 14th draw, WISER O4 36 --- WISE having wisdom [adj]
Other moves: NEWSIER O3 33, JEWEL 12H 30, JEWIE 12H 30, NEWELS O1 30, NEWIES O1 30
WISER O4 36 GLOBEMAN, bumpkin

On 15th draw, UPENDING K3 74 --- UPEND to set or stand on end [v]
Other moves: ENDUING K5 36, JUDGE 12H 28, DIP G1 27, GIP G1 27, NIP G1 26
PONGED 13G 21 bumpkin

On 16th draw, FEIST L8 38 --- FEIST a small dog of mixed breed [n]
Other moves: FLIGHTS M2 30, ITSELF L10 29, FIGHTS M3 28, FLIGHT M2 28, FIGHT M3 26
FOGIES 13G 25 GLOBEMAN, bumpkin, roocatcher

On 17th draw, KURI L1 36 --- KURI (New Zealand) a mongrel, an extinct native dog [n]
Other tops: KYLIE 13K 36, KYRIE 13K 36
Other moves: KYLE 13K 34, RYKE 13K 34, YELK 13L 34, YERK 13L 34, YEUK 13L 34
YOKER 13G 30 roocatcher, bumpkin, GLOBEMAN

On 18th draw, YEX 13L 38 --- YEX to hiccup [v]
Other moves: EX M3 36, BOXY 13G 34, GYVE 13K 34, YEX G7 34, GYBE 13K 32
BOXY 13G 34 GLOBEMAN, bumpkin
OXY 13H 21 roocatcher

On 19th draw, VIKING 1J 42 --- VIKING a Scandinavian pirate [n]
Other moves: DIKING 1J 36, DIV 14M 35, LIKING 1J 33, DIG 14M 31, DIN 14M 29
DIV 14M 35 roocatcher, bumpkin, GLOBEMAN

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