Game on October 4, 2023 at 05:23, 6 players
1. 622 pts Chelsea
2. 561 pts fatcat
3. 259 pts GLOBEMAN
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H7 66 66
2. G3 75 141
3. F6 38 179
4. 14H 74 253
5. 8A 30 283
6. 13B 87 370
7. 12H 76 446
8. 15L 54 500
9. 12A 40 540
10. O7 33 573
11. I1 71 644
12. 1C 107 751
13. 14A 36 787
14. 10N 31 818
15. J1 55 873
16. 15A 29 902
17. N6 38 940
18. M7 21 961
19. K3 44 1005
20. B3 65 1070
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7326 Chelsea 7 17:42 -448 622 1.7326 Chelsea 7 17:42 -448 622
2.6444 fatcat 4 12:02 -509 561 2.7007 GLOBEMAN 1 4:07 -811 259
3.7007 GLOBEMAN 1 4:07 -811 259 3.7002 shanice 1 5:28 -977 93
4.7002 shanice 1 5:28 -977 93 Group: intermediate
5. - chunk88 0 1:12 -1025 45 1.6444 fatcat 4 12:02 -509 561
6. - BadBoyBen 0 1:12 -1032 38 Group: not rated
1. - chunk88 0 1:12 -1025 45
2. - BadBoyBen 0 1:12 -1032 38
On 1st draw, ATELIER H7 66 --- ATELIER a workshop or studio [n]
Other moves: ATELIER H5 64, REALTIE H5 64, ELATER H3 14, ELATER H4 14, ELATER H7 14
ALERT H8 12 fatcat
On 2nd draw, VIB(I)EST G3 75 --- VIBEY lively, vibrant [adj]
Other tops: V(I)BIEST G3 75
Other moves: V(I)BIEST 14C 71, VIB(I)EST 14C 69, VIB(I)EST G1 68, VIB(I)EST I1 68, V(I)BIEST G1 68
BITES G7 27 Chelsea
I(N)VEST 14D 24 fatcat
On 3rd draw, HYE F6 38 --- HYE to hasten [v]
Other moves: DAH F4 34, DOH F4 34, HOBDAY 5E 30, YEAH F7 30, AH F5 29
DAH F4 34 GLOBEMAN, Chelsea
HIVED 11G 24 fatcat
On 4th draw, SOR(D)INO 14H 74 --- SORDINO a device used to muffle the tone of a musical instrument [n]
Other tops: IN(D)OORS 14B 74, ORI(S)ONS 14B 74, RONIO(N)S 14B 74, RO(N)IONS 14B 74, (C)ORONIS 14B 74, (M)ORIONS 14B 74, (Z)ORINOS 14B 74
Other moves: ORISON(S) 14B 73, IN(D)OORS I2 70, ORI(S)ONS I2 70, RO(N)IONS I2 70, (M)ORIONS I2 70
(M)OISTER 9C 17 Chelsea
NOOS(E) 14E 14 fatcat
On 5th draw, GIRLIEST 8A 30 --- GIRLIE girlish [adj] --- GIRLY featuring scantily clad women [adj]
Other tops: GURLIEST 8A 30
Other moves: LOURIEST 8A 27, ROILIEST 8A 27, LIGROIN M8 18, LOURING M9 18, ROILING M9 18
LOURING M9 18 Chelsea
RULING M10 14 fatcat
On 6th draw, DEERYARD 13B 87 --- DEERYARD an area where deer herd in winter [n]
Other moves: DEERYARD C2 82, DERAYED I1 75, YEARDED I1 75, DEERYARD C5 68, DEERYARD J8 65
DYED 15L 45 Chelsea, GLOBEMAN, chunk88
DEER 15L 30 fatcat
On 7th draw, EUPNOEAS 12H 76 --- EUPNOEA normal breathing [n]
Other moves: UNSOAPE(D) K7 68, NAPE 15L 30, NAPS 15L 30, NEPS 15L 30, NOPE 15L 30
NOPE 15L 30 Chelsea
PONDS B10 28 fatcat
On 8th draw, FAME 15L 54 --- FAME to make famous [v]
Other moves: FARM 15L 52, FERM 15L 52, FADE 15L 50, FARD 15L 49, FARE 15L 46
FAME 15L 54 GLOBEMAN, Chelsea
FLAMES O7 33 fatcat
On 9th draw, WAFT 12A 40 --- WAFT to carry lightly over air or water [v]
Other moves: WOF 12D 38, WALDO B10 34, AVOWS O8 33, FLAWS O8 33, FLOWS O8 33
WAFT 12A 40 Chelsea
WOF 12D 38 GLOBEMAN, BadBoyBen
FLOWS O8 33 fatcat
On 10th draw, BEVIES O7 33 --- BEVY a group [n]
Other moves: SENVIES O6 30, VIBES O8 30, BEADS B10 28, ENVIES O7 27, NEIVES O7 27
VIBES O8 30 GLOBEMAN, fatcat, Chelsea
On 11th draw, LAMITER I1 71 --- LAMITER a cripple [n]
Other moves: TRAMLINE(D) K6 70, MALTIER I1 69, REALTIME M5 62, VITAMER 3G 26, AIRTIME 4C 24
MAT N6 17 Chelsea
TRADE B10 16 fatcat
On 12th draw, CHIPOTLE 1C 107 --- CHIPOTLE a smoked and dried jalapeno pepper [n]
Other moves: HELICOPT 1G 98, CHIPOTLE D2 80, CLOTHE 1H 45, ELTCHI 1H 45, CLOTH 1H 42
CLOTHE 1H 45 fatcat, Chelsea
On 13th draw, KOND 14A 36 --- KON to know [v]
Other moves: KOA N10 35, SNOOK K1 34, KONS 14A 33, KORS 14A 33, SNOOK J6 33
KOA N10 35 Chelsea, fatcat
On 14th draw, QI 10N 31 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: TALAQ 5I 28, CANOLA N2 24, ALANE 11K 20, ALONE 11K 20, ANCILIA 4D 20
QI 10N 31 fatcat, Chelsea
On 15th draw, EXO J1 55 --- EXO excellent (Australian slang) [adj]
Other moves: AX J5 52, OX J5 52, AX 2I 50, EX J1 50, COXA N4 33
EXO J1 55 fatcat, Chelsea
On 16th draw, AS 15A 29 --- AS a Norse god living in Asgard [n] --- AS a ridge left by a glacier [n] --- AS an old Roman coin [n] --- AS to the same degree [adv]
Other moves: ANGST J6 22, ASTUN J6 21, INUST 4I 21, GAUNTS K3 20, SUITING 4E 20
AS 15A 29 Chelsea, fatcat
On 17th draw, JOW N6 38 --- JOW to ring or toll (a bell) [v]
Other moves: JO N6 29, CLOWN K3 27, JOIN B6 27, UNCOWL K3 27, CLOW K3 25
JOW N6 38 fatcat, Chelsea
CLOWN C1 20 shanice
On 18th draw, GAN M7 21 --- GAN to go, GANNED, GANNING, GANS nir past tense of GIN (to begin) [v] --- GAN to go [v] --- GIN to begin [v]
Other tops: GAL M7 21, GAT M7 21, GAU M7 21, INULA 4I 21
Other moves: GALANT K3 20, HANGUL D1 20, TAILING 4E 20, AILING 4F 19, ANGA J6 19
GAL M7 21 Chelsea, shanice
CLANG C1 16 fatcat
On 19th draw, ZOIC K3 44 --- ZOIC pertaining to animals or animal life [adj]
Other moves: ZIG K3 40, ZORI K3 40, ZOIC E3 37, COZ K3 35, CUZ K3 35
ZIG K3 40 fatcat, Chelsea, shanice
On 20th draw, NATURING B3 65 --- NATURING creative [adj]
Other moves: GRUE 11L 22, HUNGAN D1 20, TRUE 11L 20, AUE 11M 17, RUE 11M 17
HUNG D1 16 Chelsea
ORGAN 4K 14 fatcat
CANT C1 12 shanice
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