Game on October 4, 2023 at 06:11, 6 players
1. 499 pts Chelsea
2. 429 pts shanice
3. 89 pts Hammer22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H3 26 26 


4H 42 68 


5J 41 109 


3C 30 139 


M1 80 219 


1J 30 249 


L8 86 335 


11E 114 449 


6F 41 490 


10F 41 531 


13H 74 605 


D1 38 643 


O9 51 694 


15H 49 743 


1A 36 779 


5A 36 815 


12C 31 846 


B4 37 883 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Chelsea 2 14:51 -384 499 1.7326 Chelsea 2 14:51 -384 499
shanice 1 16:46 -454 429 Group: intermediate
Hammer22 0 2:50 -794 89 1.6979 shanice 1 16:46 -454 429
Discus22 0 2:58 -794 89 2.6671 Hammer22 0 2:50 -794 89
ShotPut22 0 0:35 -849 34 3.6530 Discus22 0 2:58 -794 89
Javelin22 0 1:02 -849 34 4.6622 ShotPut22 0 0:35 -849 34
5.6631 Javelin22 0 1:02 -849 34
On 1st draw, SHANTI H3 26 --- SHANTI peace [n]
Other tops: HAINTS H4 26, QATS H5 26, QATS H6 26, QATS H7 26, QATS H8 26
Other moves: HAINS H4 24, HAINT H4 24, HANTS H4 24, HIANT H4 24, HINTS H4 24
HINTS H8 18 shanice
On 2nd draw, HOWZAT 4H 42 --- HOWZAT int a cricketing appeal for a dismissal [n]
Other moves: AZOTH 4D 34, AZON 6E 33, ZONA 6F 33, AZO G4 30, ZOA G5 29
On 3rd draw, EATEN 5J 41 --- EAT to consume food [v]
Other moves: EAN 5J 35, EAT 5J 35, FEAZE K1 34, PEZANT K2 34, ANE 5K 32
EATEN 5J 41 shanice
On 4th draw, SNARKS 3C 30 --- SNARK an imaginary animal [n]
Other tops: SLINKS 3C 30
Other moves: KAIL 3L 29, KAIN 3L 29, KAIS 3L 29, KALI 3L 29, KANS 3L 29
KAIN 3L 29 Chelsea
NANS 6H 26 shanice
On 5th draw, PROTEOME(S) M1 80 --- PROTEOME the complement of proteins expressed by a genome [n]
Other moves: NEOMORP(H) D3 74, OO(S)PERM 9F 73, OO(S)PERM I6 70, OO(S)PERM I7 69, PROMO(T)ER F2 69
M(A)P 3L 21 Chelsea
WEM J4 14 shanice
On 6th draw, UNIPOD 1J 30 --- UNIPOD a one-legged support [n]
Other moves: DOULA 2B 26, APOD 1L 24, DOLINA L8 24, DUALIN L8 24, IDEAL 8K 24
APOD 1L 24 Chelsea
DEAN 8L 21 shanice
On 7th draw, PERSICO L8 86 --- PERSICO a cordial [n]
Other moves: CONSPIRE D1 82, INCORPSE D2 76, COPSIER 9E 75, COPIERS 9B 73, PERSICO 9E 73
CREEP 8K 30 Chelsea
On 8th draw, MEAT(A)XES 11E 114 --- MEATAXE a meat cleaver. Australian slang has "mad as a meataxe", very angry [n]
Other tops: ME(A)TAXES 11E 114
Other moves: MEAT(A)XE 15I 111, ME(A)TAXE 15I 111, TAXEME(S) 15F 106, TAXEME(S) N9 86, MEATAXE(S) E1 82
N(O)X 6H 54 shanice
N(I)X 6H 54 Chelsea
On 9th draw, BENTY 6F 41 --- BENTY like wiry grass [adj]
Other tops: BANTY 6F 41, CANTY 6F 41
Other moves: YBET 10F 37, ABYE 10E 36, BAYE 10D 36, BAYT 10D 36, CITY 4A 36
BAYE 10D 36 shanice
BACCY 13I 34 Chelsea
On 10th draw, BLATE 10F 41 --- BLATE boastful [adj]
Other moves: VALET 15H 40, VAWTE 10D 40, ABLET 15H 37, BLEAT 15H 37, TWAE 15L 37
VAW 10D 34 shanice, Chelsea
On 11th draw, AURICLED 13H 74 --- AURICLE the external ear or ear-shaped part [adj] --- AURICLED relating to an auricle [adj]
Other tops: RADICULE 13H 74
Other moves: RESIDUAL C1 60, AULDER 12D 35, DERAIL 12A 27, ALDER 12E 26, ARILED 12A 26
RELAID 12A 26 Chelsea
P**D 8LPEED 8L 21 shanice
On 12th draw, JINN D1 38 --- JINN a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other tops: HOVEN N10 38
Other moves: JOHN 14F 37, JOIN 12C 31, JOIN 14F 31, JIVE N10 30, JUVE N10 30
JINN D1 38 Chelsea
JIN 12D 29 shanice
On 13th draw, CROWDIE O9 51 --- CROWDIE porridge [n]
Other moves: CROWNED O7 42, ATWAIN H10 39, CROWED O8 39, WINCED O8 39, COWRIE 12A 37
WINCED O8 39 Chelsea
CROWED O8 39 shanice
On 14th draw, FLAYS 15H 49 --- FLAY to strip off skin or hide [v]
Other tops: FLEYS 15H 49, FYLES 15H 49
Other moves: JASEY 1D 45, ALEFS 15H 40, FEALS 15H 40, FLEAS 15H 40, LEAFS 15H 40
FLAYS 15H 49 Chelsea
FAY 12D 30 shanice
On 15th draw, OUIJA 1A 36 --- OUIJA a board used in seances [n]
Other moves: HAGG 12D 32, HOGG 12D 32, GIGA 5C 28, HA 2J 28, HO 2J 28
HAGG 12D 32 Chelsea, shanice
On 16th draw, HIVED 5A 36 --- HIVE to cause to enter a hive (a bee's nest) [v]
Other moves: HIVED 12B 34, GIVED 5A 32, DEVIL 5A 30, GIVED 12B 30, LIVED 5A 30
HIVED 12B 34 Chelsea, ShotPut22, shanice, Javelin22, Discus22, Hammer22
On 17th draw, VIOLD 12C 31 --- VIOLD contained in a vial [adj]
Other moves: VILD 12D 29, VOID 12C 26, DROIL 2A 25, GILD 12D 25, GOLD 12D 25
VID 12D 24 Hammer22
VIG 12D 24 Chelsea
HOLD A5 24 Discus22
On 18th draw, FIQUE B4 37 --- FIQUE a tropical plant [n]
Other moves: REHUNG A3 33, EF 6A 31, HUNGER A5 30, HUGER A5 27, HUGE A5 24
EF 6A 31 Discus22, Chelsea, Hammer22
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