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Game on October 5, 2023 at 13:58, 8 players
1. 624 pts SQUAW1
2. 446 pts LongJump22
3. 273 pts Papa_Sloth

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?einptu   H4    72    72   petunia
 2. ?aaiopr   5D    86   158   paroemia
 3. acdimns   7B    70   228   scandium
 4. dekrruy   4K    38   266   kerry
 5. acegiju   4B    45   311   gauje
 6. dehloqu   O1    48   359   quey
 7. beillsv   J2    31   390   visie
 8. aceeimn   B2    34   424   magics
 9. aeilstw  11C    79   503   waliest
10. adgiotu   N2    30   533   gordita
11. adeeltt   O8    83   616   ladette
12. aeiluvy  13I    34   650   vilayet
13. efnoruw  12A    43   693   frow
14. elnosuz  15I   128   821   zonules
15. bfginoo   A9    48   869   boffing
16. bdeoorx  10D    61   930   dex
17. behnort  13C    38   968   other
18. bhnnoor   A1    33  1001   boh

Remaining tiles: nnor

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7794 FileSQUAW1      6 12:14  -377  624     1.7794 SQUAW1      6 12:14  -377  624 
  2.6749 FileLongJump22  5  5:41  -555  446            Group: intermediate
  3.6753 FilePapa_Sloth  2  8:12  -728  273     1.6749 LongJump22  5  5:41  -555  446 
  4.6678 FileHammer22    1  6:03  -795  206     2.6753 Papa_Sloth  2  8:12  -728  273 
  5.6737 FileDiscus22    3  4:21  -846  155     3.6678 Hammer22    1  6:03  -795  206 
  6.6637 FileShotPut22   1  4:23  -873  128     4.6737 Discus22    3  4:21  -846  155 
  7.6665 FileJavelin22   1  6:03  -873  128     5.6637 ShotPut22   1  4:23  -873  128 
  8.  -  FileHIGHSCORES  1  1:59  -940   61     6.6665 Javelin22   1  6:03  -873  128 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  HIGHSCORES  1  1:59  -940   61 

On 1st draw, PETUNI(A) H4 72 --- PETUNIA a tropical herb [n]
Other tops: PINETU(M) H4 72, PUNIE(S)T H4 72, PUNTIE(S) H4 72, P(O)UTINE H4 72, (R)EPUNIT H2 72
Other moves: PETUNI(A) H2 68, PETUNI(A) H3 68, PETUNI(A) H7 68, PETUNI(A) H8 68, PINETU(M) H2 68
PUNIE(S)T H4 72 LongJump22
PUNIE(S)T H4 22 ShotPut22, Javelin22, Hammer22

On 2nd draw, PAROE(M)IA 5D 86 --- PAROEMIA a proverb [n]
Other tops: (C)APOEIRA 5D 86
Other moves: APORIA(S) 11B 74, APORIA(S) G9 66, A(T)ROPIA G9 65, ATROP(H)IA 6G 63, A(T)ROPIA I8 63
PAROE(M)IA 5D 86 LongJump22
PAROE(M)IA 5D 36 ShotPut22, Javelin22

On 3rd draw, SCANDIUM 7B 70 --- SCANDIUM sa metallic element [n]
Other moves: MUSCADIN 7G 68, MANICS L1 38, MANIC L1 36, CAMIS L1 34, MICAS L1 34
MUSCADIN 7G 68 LongJump22
MINDS L1 32 ShotPut22, Javelin22

On 4th draw, KERRY 4K 38 --- KERRY one of an Irish breed of cattle [n]
Other tops: YUKE 4C 38
Other moves: YEUK 4B 36, YUKED 4K 35, DUKE 4C 34, DUYKERS B1 34, YUK 4C 34
KERRY 4K 38 SQUAW1, LongJump22, ShotPut22, Javelin22, Discus22

On 5th draw, GAUJE 4B 45 --- GAUJE a fellow [n]
Other moves: JUICES B2 34, GAUJES B2 32, CAGY O1 30, GJU 4B 30, JE(M)IMA I3 30
GAUJE 4B 45 Discus22

On 6th draw, QUEY O1 48 --- QUEY a young cow [n]
Other moves: QU(A)LE 10F 35, QUOD 3I 34, ROQUE N4 34, EQU(A)L 10E 33, QU(A)D 10F 33
QUEY O1 48 SQUAW1, Discus22

On 7th draw, VISIE J2 31 --- VISIE to look at closely [v]
Other moves: SLIVE J7 30, VIBES 11D 29, BLIVE 6K 27, VIBS 11E 27, EVILS 11D 25
BREVIS M3 24 Discus22

On 8th draw, MAGICS B2 34 --- MAGIC to affect by magic (sorcery) [v]
Other moves: NARIC N2 32, MAGNESIC B2 30, MARINE N2 30, MARC N2 26, MERC N2 26
CAM 3A 25 Hammer22, SQUAW1

On 9th draw, WALIEST 11C 79 --- WALY excellent [adj]
Other moves: TAWA C1 28, LAWEST 11D 27, WAITES 11C 27, WALIES 11C 27, WALISE 11D 27
WALIEST 11C 29 Hammer22

On 10th draw, GORDITA N2 30 --- GORDITA a stuffed and fried pocket of cornmeal dough [n]
Other moves: DIOTA 3I 29, DIOTA 12A 27, TOGA 12B 23, AGATOID D9 22, DITA 12D 22
DIOTA 12A 27 Hammer22

On 11th draw, LADETTE O8 83 --- LADETTE a lively woman who behaves like one of the lads [n]
Other moves: LADETTE M8 70, LADETTE M6 68, ELATED O7 35, ETTLED O7 35, DELATE O8 33
DELATE O8 33 Hammer22
DATE O6 26 Papa_Sloth

On 12th draw, VILAYET 13I 34 --- VILAYET an administrative division of Turkey [n]
Other moves: VLEI 12A 31, VRIL M3 31, WAVEY C11 28, LAY A1 27, LEY 12B 27
LEY 12B 27 SQUAW1, Hammer22

On 13th draw, FROW 12A 43 --- FROW a cleaving tool [n]
Other moves: WOWFER C9 38, FONE 14J 37, FORE 14J 37, WOF A1 36, FUERO 12A 35
FROW 12A 43 SQUAW1, Hammer22
FORE 14J 37 Papa_Sloth

On 14th draw, ZONULES 15I 128 --- ZONULE a small zone [n]
Other moves: LOZENS 15J 102, OUZELS 15J 102, ZELS 15L 96, ZOLS 15L 96, ZONES 15K 72
ZONULES 15I 128 LongJump22
ZO 12L 49 Papa_Sloth

On 15th draw, BOFFING A9 48 --- BOFF to have sexual intercourse with -- sometimes considered vulgar [v]
Other moves: BOFFIN A10 42, GONIFF A8 39, OFFING A10 39, FRIB M3 37, FR*G M3 34
BOFFING A9 48 LongJump22, SQUAW1
FROG M3 34 Papa_Sloth

On 16th draw, DEX 10D 61 --- DEX a sulfate used as a central nervous system stimulant [n]
Other moves: REX 10D 59, EX B9 54, OX B9 54, EX 10E 52, DEB 10D 31
IO 6N 2 LongJump22

On 17th draw, OTHER 13C 38 --- OTHER one that remains of two or more [n]
Other moves: BAHT 3A 33, BOH A1 33, ETH 13C 32, HOB A1 32, NTH 13C 32
BOH A1 33 Papa_Sloth
IN 6N 2 LongJump22

On 18th draw, BOH A1 33 --- BOH exclamation used to startle [interj]
Other moves: HOB A1 32, HOOT 12L 31, OH 14E 31, OH B9 30, BOOT 12L 27
BOH A1 33 Papa_Sloth, SQUAW1
IO 6N 2 LongJump22

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