Game on October 5, 2023 at 19:12, 8 players
1. 399 pts LongJump22
2. 264 pts shanice
3. 166 pts Hammer22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 30 30
2. 5E 32 62
3. 8A 80 142
4. E8 78 220
5. D11 43 263
6. 15D 42 305
7. F1 40 345
8. B2 78 423
9. A1 25 448
10. 1D 36 484
11. J9 84 568
12. F10 38 606
13. L1 45 651
14. 2J 68 719
15. 13A 29 748
16. 6H 52 800
17. N2 61 861
18. O5 44 905
19. 14A 29 934
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
1.6710 LongJump22 6 9:04 -535 399 1.9584 Pacific 2 3:18 -773 161
2.6906 shanice 3 4:38 -670 264 Group: intermediate
3.6650 Hammer22 1 3:36 -768 166 1.6710 LongJump22 6 9:04 -535 399
4.9584 Pacific 2 3:18 -773 161 2.6906 shanice 3 4:38 -670 264
5.6737 Discus22 2 5:09 -799 135 3.6650 Hammer22 1 3:36 -768 166
6.6637 ShotPut22 2 5:59 -810 124 4.6737 Discus22 2 5:09 -799 135
7.6662 Javelin22 2 3:28 -813 121 5.6637 ShotPut22 2 5:59 -810 124
8. - HIGHSCORES 1 1:55 -866 68 6.6662 Javelin22 2 3:28 -813 121
Group: not rated
1. - HIGHSCORES 1 1:55 -866 68
On 1st draw, CALVED H4 30 --- CALVE to give birth to a calf [v]
Other moves: CALVED H7 28, CAVED H4 28, VADED H4 28, CALVE H4 26, CALVED H3 26
CALVED H4 30 LongJump22, ShotPut22, Discus22, Javelin22
On 2nd draw, MANA(G)ER 5E 32 --- MANAGER one that manages [n]
Other tops: MANQ(U)E 5G 32, MARQ(U)E 5G 32, M(U)RAENA 5E 32
Other moves: Q(O)RMA 5D 30, AQ(U)AE 5E 26, AQ(U)AE 5H 26, MANQ(U)E G8 26, MANQ(U)E I8 26
MANQ(U)E 5G 32 LongJump22, ShotPut22
On 3rd draw, INDURATE 8A 80 --- INDURATE to make hard [v]
Other tops: DATURINE 8A 80
Other moves: RUINATED 8B 60, URINATED 8B 60, DULIA 6F 26, TUNICA 4D 25, DURIAN 4A 24
DATURINE 8A 80 LongJump22
DATURINE 8A 30 Discus22, ShotPut22
On 4th draw, RE(M)ODIFY E8 78 --- MODIFY to change in form or character [v] --- REMODIFY to modify again [v]
Other tops: RE(C)ODIFY E8 78, RE(C)ODIFY K5 78, RE(M)ODIFY K5 78
Other moves: EY(E)LID 6E 47, (E)YELID 6E 47, FO(G)EY 6B 43, FO(L)EY 6B 43, FE(N)DY 6J 42
RE(M)ODIFY K5 78 LongJump22
FOID(S) L1 32 Discus22
FIDO(S) L1 32 ShotPut22
On 5th draw, ZOS D11 43 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other tops: ZAS D11 43, ZOA D11 43, ZOL D11 43
Other moves: AZO D10 42, ZONARY B6 40, LAZOS L1 39, SAZ 4D 39, ZA D11 39
ZOA D11 43 Discus22
On 6th draw, CYANIN 15D 42 --- CYANIN a blue dye [n]
Other moves: N*NCYNANCY 15A 39, CANNY 15A 33, LANA F11 32, INYALA 15C 30, ALAN F10 28
N*NCY 15ANANCY 15A 39 Javelin22, Hammer22
On 7th draw, SVARAJ F1 40 --- SVARAJ self-government in British India [n]
Other moves: JIVEASS J2 35, AJIVAS F1 34, JIVERS J2 34, JAVAS F2 33, JIVER J2 33
VAIRS L1 33 Hammer22
On 8th draw, AFEARING B2 78 --- AFEAR to frighten [v]
Other moves: FRIGES 1A 36, FERIA 6J 33, GRIEFS 1A 33, AGRAFE J10 32, LIFER 6H 32
On 9th draw, LEET A1 25 --- LEET a former English court for petty offenses [n]
Other tops: LEER A1 25, TEER A1 25
Other moves: LEER C2 24, LEET C2 24, LERE C2 24, REEL C2 24, RETE C2 24
On 10th draw, BUSING 1D 36 --- BUSING the act of transporting by bus [n]
Other tops: SORBING 1F 36, SUBRING 1F 36
Other moves: BOUSING 1C 33, BISON 1D 30, BOSUN 1D 30, GIBSON 1C 30, OBSIGN 1D 30
On 11th draw, THIBLES J9 84 --- THIBLE a porridge-stick [n]
Other moves: BLITHE J10 37, BETHS L1 35, BHELS L1 35, HEILS 6J 33, HEILS L1 33
BETHS L1 35 shanice
On 12th draw, MOD F10 38 --- MOD one who wears boldly stylish clothes [n]
Other moves: DOEK I8 37, MOE F10 36, KIMBOED 12G 34, KOINE K8 33, MENO G3 31
BONKED 12J 30 LongJump22
On 13th draw, KIPPS L1 45 --- KIPP a gymnastic movement [n]
Other moves: KATIS L1 37, PAIKS L1 37, PIKAS L1 37, P*P*STPAPIST L1 35, PIPAS L1 33
KIPPS L1 45 LongJump22, Pacific, shanice
On 14th draw, QUIRT 2J 68 --- QUIRT to strike with a riding whip [v]
Other moves: QUBIT 12H 52, QUIPO 3I 52, QUOIT K7 39, QUIET J2 36, ALIQUOT 13I 34
QUIRT 2J 68 shanice, LongJump22, HIGHSCORES
On 15th draw, NEWSIER 13A 29 --- NEWSY full of news [adj]
Other moves: KEEN 1L 28, WEBER 12H 28, NEWSIE 13A 25, WEAN K8 25, WEEN K8 25
KEEN 1L 28 shanice
WEBER 12H 28 LongJump22
On 16th draw, LOX 6H 52 --- LOX liquid oxygen [n] --- LOX to supply with lox (liquid oxygen) [v]
Other moves: AXE 14A 45, EXO 14A 45, TAX C3 44, TEX C3 44, TOWNIE A10 39
LOX 6H 52 Pacific, shanice, Javelin22
NE A13 2 LongJump22
On 17th draw, TUTELAGE N2 61 --- TUTELAGE the act of tutoring [n]
Other moves: KEEL 1L 28, KEET 1L 28, TALE C3 27, TELE C3 27, TAG C3 26
KEET 1L 28 Hammer22
KEEL 1L 28 Pacific
TI 11I 2 LongJump22
On 18th draw, TOWIE O5 44 --- TOWIE a form of contract bridge for three players [n]
Other tops: TAWIE O5 44
Other moves: TOWNIE A10 39, WITE O7 37, TWAE C3 36, WAGE 8L 36, WIT O7 34
WITE O7 37 Hammer22
WAGE 8L 36 Pacific, shanice
AI 7N 2 LongJump22
On 19th draw, OHO 14A 29 --- OHO used to express surprise or exultation [interj]
Other moves: IVY 7G 26, HO 14B 25, BOOHAI 12J 24, HON G3 24, YON G3 24
OHO 14A 29 Hammer22
OI 11I 2 LongJump22
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