Game on October 6, 2023 at 02:02, 7 players
1. 174 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 162 pts roocatcher
3. 108 pts sunshine12
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H8 74 74
2. 15E 75 149
3. D11 36 185
4. C9 37 222
5. E8 37 259
6. B7 25 284
7. A9 107 391
8. G3 77 468
9. 5D 90 558
10. 14G 74 632
11. 10H 65 697
12. O4 78 775
13. H1 45 820
14. B14 28 848
15. N5 52 900
16. M1 30 930
17. 1J 30 960
18. L8 40 1000
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.6831 GLOBEMAN 1 4:03 -826 174 1.7067 roocatcher 1 5:15 -838 162
2.7067 roocatcher 1 5:15 -838 162 2.7290 sunshine12 0 4:44 -892 108
3.7290 sunshine12 0 4:44 -892 108 3.7532 lazy.lion 1 2:30 -919 81
4.7532 lazy.lion 1 2:30 -919 81 4.7877 bumpkin 1 1:22 -948 52
5. - chunk88 1 0:14 -948 52 5.7187 FangTooth 1 1:53 -948 52
6.7877 bumpkin 1 1:22 -948 52 Group: intermediate
7.7187 FangTooth 1 1:53 -948 52 1.6831 GLOBEMAN 1 4:03 -826 174
Group: not rated
1. - chunk88 1 0:14 -948 52
On 1st draw, RENEW(E)(R) H8 74 --- RENEWER one that renews [n]
Other tops: EN(D)(O)WER H8 74, NEW(S)(I)ER H2 74, N(O)W(H)ERE H2 74, REEN(D)(O)W H6 74, RENEW(A)(L) H8 74, RENEW(E)(D) H8 74, REN(E)WE(D) H8 74, REN(E)WE(R) H8 74, REW(A)(K)EN H2 74, REW(I)(D)EN H2 74, REW(O)(K)EN H2 74, REW(O)(V)EN H2 74, R(E)NEWE(D) H8 74, R(E)NEWE(R) H8 74, WEEN(I)(E)R H4 74, WEN(C)(H)ER H4 74, WEN(N)(I)ER H4 74, WE(A)NER(S) H4 74, WE(E)N(I)ER H4 74, WE(I)NER(S) H4 74, WE(N)N(I)ER H4 74, WE(S)(T)ERN H4 74, W(A)(K)ENER H4 74, W(E)EN(I)ER H4 74, W(H)ERE(I)N H4 74, W(H)ERE(O)N H4 74, W(I)ENER(S) H4 74, W(I)RE(M)EN H4 74, W(I)(D)ENER H4 74, (O)(V)ERNEW H6 74, (R)ENEW(E)R H8 74, (R)EN(E)WER H8 74, (R)(E)NEWER H8 74, (T)WEEN(E)R H3 74, (T)WE(E)NER H3 74, (T)W(E)ENER H3 74
Other moves: EN(D)(O)WER H3 68, EN(D)(O)WER H4 68, EN(D)(O)WER H6 68, EN(D)(O)WER H7 68, NEW(S)(I)ER H3 68
On 2nd draw, ZHOS 15E 75 --- ZHO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: THOLOS 15C 66, ZOLS 15E 66, ZOOS 15E 66, HOLTS 15D 63, HOOTS 15D 63
On 3rd draw, AREAD D11 36 --- AREAD to declare [v]
Other tops: ARSED D11 36, RASED D11 36, SARED D11 36, SURED D11 36
Other moves: ARED D12 34, EARD D12 34, READ D12 34, RUED D12 34, SARD D12 34
On 4th draw, DEFEAT C9 37 --- DEFEAT to win a victory over [v]
Other tops: FATED I9 37, FETED I9 37
Other moves: FATED C9 36, FETED C9 36, DAFT C11 33, DEFAT C9 33, DEFT C11 33
On 5th draw, FIVER E8 37 --- FIVER a five dollar bill, a five pound note [n]
Other tops: FAVER E8 37
Other moves: FAVER E7 34, FIVER E7 34, (R)EFRAIN 14H 34, FAINER E7 33, INFARE E7 33
On 6th draw, SLIP B7 25 --- SLIP to slide suddenly and accidentally [v]
Other tops: SLOP B7 25
Other moves: LEP B8 24, LIP B8 24, LOP B8 24, PILOSE D3 24, SIP B8 24
On 7th draw, RANPIKE A9 107 --- RANPIKE a standing dead tree [n]
Other moves: RANPIKE A1 100, P(R)ANKIER 14G 84, RANPIKE D2 84, RANPIKE F2 72, RANPIKE G2 71
On 8th draw, TELECOM G3 77 --- TELECOM short for telecommunication [n]
Other moves: CO(R)MEL 14F 32, TELOME I9 31, METOL I9 29, MOTEL I9 29, CLEOME D3 28
On 9th draw, TABLEAUS 5D 90 --- TABLEAU a picture [n]
Other moves: ABLATES 5E 36, ABLAUTS 5E 36, STAB F3 28, ABAS H1 26, ABET H1 26
On 10th draw, T(R)ILBIES 14G 74 --- TRILBY a soft felt hat [n]
Other moves: STILBITE 3F 72, STILBITE 3A 70, BLITES H1 34, BLITE H1 29, ELITES H1 28
On 11th draw, NOONTIDE 10H 65 --- NOONTIDE noon [n]
Other moves: ODEON 15K 37, OOTID 15K 32, DIENE H1 26, ED B14 25, ODEON 13K 25
On 12th draw, QUINATE O4 78 --- QUINATE arranged in groups of five [adj]
Other moves: HAIQUE O5 54, ANTIQUE O4 51, QUAI 4A 50, QUATE H1 50, QUINE H1 50
QUAI 4A 50 roocatcher, sunshine12
On 13th draw, HOIDEN H1 45 --- HOIDEN to act like a tomboy [v]
Other moves: HAINED H1 41, HAIRED H1 41, HOARED H1 41, HODAD N6 38, AHIND 6I 34
HOD N6 33 roocatcher
HAD N6 33 sunshine12
On 14th draw, UM B14 28 --- UM used to indicate hesitation [interj]
Other tops: MOGUL 4A 28
Other moves: MINGLER M9 26, MONO I9 26, MOL N6 25, MON N6 25, MONG 6J 25
MON N6 25 roocatcher, sunshine12
On 15th draw, OX N5 52 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other tops: XU N6 52
Other moves: WOX 13M 38, WOX I9 38, OX I2 37, LOX 15M 34, NOX 15M 34
OX N5 52 chunk88, lazy.lion, bumpkin, FangTooth
On 16th draw, GRAVY M1 30 --- GRAVY a sauce of the fat and juices from cooked meat [n]
Other moves: BY F5 29, YEN 6F 29, OVARY M1 28, YOGA 4A 28, AGGRY M1 26
GRAVY M1 30 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 17th draw, LOGGIA 1J 30 --- LOGGIA an open-sided gallery or arcade [n]
Other tops: LAGGIN 1J 30
Other moves: GINGAL 1J 27, OGGIN 1K 27, LINGUA 1J 24, NILGAU 1J 24, UNGAG 1K 24
UNGAG 1K 24 roocatcher
On 18th draw, JOTUN L8 40 --- JOTUN a giant [n]
Other moves: JOUNCY K7 36, COUNTRY D1 30, JONTY D2 30, BY F5 29, YEN 6F 29
BY F5 29 lazy.lion
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