Game on October 6, 2023 at 11:07, 10 players
1. 403 pts Chelsea
2. 277 pts LongJump22
3. 138 pts ShotPut22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H2 78 78
2. 4H 22 100
3. 3B 77 177
4. O2 104 281
5. N6 34 315
6. 2J 38 353
7. K4 90 443
8. E2 72 515
9. 1A 45 560
10. D8 49 609
11. O10 44 653
12. 13H 76 729
13. H12 39 768
14. M7 50 818
15. 13B 40 858
16. 14A 34 892
17. 4A 37 929
18. J10 33 962
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7362 Chelsea 4 11:03 -559 403 1.7362 Chelsea 4 11:03 -559 403
2.6748 LongJump22 3 2:55 -685 277 2.7044 roocatcher 2 3:14 -862 100
3.6637 ShotPut22 2 3:20 -824 138 3.7320 sunshine12 1 2:43 -895 67
4.6737 Discus22 2 4:50 -824 138 4.7908 bumpkin 0 0:14 -931 31
5.7044 roocatcher 2 3:14 -862 100 5.7532 lazy.lion 0 1:04 -932 30
6.7320 sunshine12 1 2:43 -895 67 Group: intermediate
7.6795 Hammer22 0 1:36 -908 54 1.6748 LongJump22 3 2:55 -685 277
8.6662 Javelin22 1 1:35 -928 34 2.6637 ShotPut22 2 3:20 -824 138
9.7908 bumpkin 0 0:14 -931 31 3.6737 Discus22 2 4:50 -824 138
10.7532 lazy.lion 0 1:04 -932 30 4.6795 Hammer22 0 1:36 -908 54
5.6662 Javelin22 1 1:35 -928 34
On 1st draw, TAVERNA H2 78 --- TAVERNA a cafe in Greece [n]
Other moves: TAVERNA H3 72, TAVERNA H4 72, TAVERNA H6 72, TAVERNA H7 72, TAVERNA H8 72
TAVERNA H2 78 LongJump22
TAVERNA H2 28 ShotPut22, Discus22
On 2nd draw, VINTAGE 4H 22 --- VINTAGE a season's yield of wine from a vineyard [n] --- VINTAGE to strip of grapes [v]
Other tops: EVITING 4G 22
Other moves: AGNATE 3H 18, GANEV 4D 18, IGNATIA 3B 18, NATIVE 4D 18, TEAING I5 18
VINTAGE 4H 22 ShotPut22, Discus22
On 3rd draw, BARONIAL 3B 77 --- BARONIAL pertaining to a baron [adj]
Other moves: BARONIAL 8B 61, BARONIAL 8G 61, BARONIAL L3 61, BAIRN O1 37, INORB O1 37
BARONIAL 8G 61 LongJump22
On 4th draw, MADDEST O2 104 --- MAD insane [adj]
Other tops: MADDEST O1 104
Other moves: DEMASTED 5B 78, MADDEST 9C 77, DEMASTED N3 68, DAMNDEST 7E 67, MADDEST G8 67
MADDEST O1 104 LongJump22
MADDEST O1 54 ShotPut22, Discus22
MADDEST O2 54 Hammer22
On 5th draw, HOU(R)I N6 34 --- HOURI a beautiful maiden in Muslim belief [n]
Other tops: HOI(S)T N6 34
Other moves: HOUT N6 32, HOUT(S) N6 32, HOI N6 31, HOI(K) N6 31, HOU(F) N6 31
HOI(S)T N6 34 Chelsea
HOU(R)I N6 34 LongJump22, ShotPut22, Discus22, Javelin22
On 6th draw, BEFOAM 2J 38 --- BEFOAM to cover with foam [v]
Other tops: ABUSE 2B 38
Other moves: SAFE 2A 29, SOFA 2A 29, *B*SABOS 2B 28, BASE 4A 28, BUFOS 11J 28
FAB 2A 28 Chelsea
On 7th draw, TOWE(R)IER K4 90 --- TOWERY very tall [adj]
Other tops: TOWERIE(R) K4 90
Other moves: (L)OWERIER 6D 70, (T)OWERIER 6D 70, IRONWEE(D) 7E 65, BOWERIE(S) B3 64, (L)OWERIER 6A 64
WIRE(S) 4A 33 Chelsea
On 8th draw, VOLUTION E2 72 --- VOLUTION a spiral [n]
Other tops: INVOLUTE 5A 72
Other moves: INVOLUTE 10D 71, VIRTU D1 24, OILNUT O10 23, VIRL D1 22, VOL 2A 22
VIN 4A 16 Chelsea
On 9th draw, HINGE 1A 45 --- HINGE to attach a jointed device [v]
Other moves: HETING D8 39, PEGH J7 39, THINE 1A 39, HINGE D8 37, PIGHT D8 37
HETING D8 39 Chelsea
On 10th draw, WAXER D8 49 --- WAXER one that waxes [n]
Other tops: WAXEN D8 49, WOXEN D8 49
Other moves: WAXEN J10 40, WAXER J10 40, WOXEN J10 40, AXEL 4B 39, REWAX J10 39
WAXER D8 49 Chelsea
On 11th draw, SPOKED O10 44 --- SPOKE to provide with spokes (rods that support the rim of a wheel) [v]
Other moves: DOPERS C9 43, PORED C9 43, DOPER C9 41, DOPES C9 41, PORES C9 41
PORED C9 43 Chelsea
On 12th draw, RETURNIK 13H 76 --- RETURNIK one who returns to their own country [n]
Other moves: RUNTIER M8 74, UNRETIRE 14H 70, UNRETIRE 11A 66, RUNTIER I8 61, RETURN C9 31
RINK 13L 16 Chelsea
On 13th draw, FRAP H12 39 --- FRAP in sailing, to bind well [v]
Other moves: AFROS H11 36, PROF H12 36, FAP C9 35, FOP C9 35, FASTIE J10 34
PROF H12 36 Chelsea
On 14th draw, ZOA M7 50 --- ZOON the whole product of one fertilized egg, pl ZOA or ZOONS [n]
Other moves: GAZY F8 47, ZO M7 46, ZLOTY 6B 45, COZEY 10H 39, ZAX 10B 39
GLAZE 10G 35 Chelsea
On 15th draw, QIS 13B 40 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: CIGS 13A 30, COGS 13A 30, COLS 13A 28, QIS 4A 28, CIS 13B 26
QIS 13B 40 Chelsea
On 16th draw, CIT 14A 34 --- CIT not a gentleman [n]
Other tops: CIS 14A 34, MIS 14A 34
Other moves: METRIC L10 32, LIS 14A 30, LIT 14A 30, MI 14A 30, SIT 14A 30
MIS 14A 34 Chelsea, roocatcher, sunshine12
On 17th draw, YODEL 4A 37 --- YODEL to sing with a fluctuating voice [v]
Other tops: DOGY J7 37
Other moves: DULY J7 35, DYE J9 33, EDGY F6 31, LYE J9 31, OYE J9 31
DYE J9 33 roocatcher, sunshine12
On 18th draw, YELTS J10 33 --- YELT a young sow [n]
Other moves: LYE J9 31, SYE J9 31, JEELY 11B 30, JEELY 11C 30, YELT J10 30
YELTS J10 33 roocatcher
SYE J9 31 bumpkin
YELT J10 30 lazy.lion
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