Game on October 8, 2023 at 10:05, 9 players
1. 473 pts Chelsea
2. 438 pts SQUAW1
3. 248 pts LongJump22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 74 74
2. 10A 73 147
3. A10 42 189
4. 12A 76 265
5. 5C 66 331
6. 8F 63 394
7. D1 82 476
8. 1D 30 506
9. 2I 39 545
10. 13C 42 587
11. 2B 26 613
12. 1K 72 685
13. K5 34 719
14. 10J 33 752
15. 11D 47 799
16. O8 36 835
17. H12 24 859
18. N1 23 882
19. 8A 42 924
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7363 Chelsea 4 12:49 -451 473 1.7363 Chelsea 4 12:49 -451 473
2.7770 SQUAW1 6 8:29 -486 438 2.7770 SQUAW1 6 8:29 -486 438
3.6744 LongJump22 2 3:34 -676 248 3.7662 queen66 1 3:28 -780 144
4.7662 queen66 1 3:28 -780 144 Group: intermediate
5.6711 Javelin22 1 4:33 -790 134 1.6744 LongJump22 2 3:34 -676 248
6.6531 ShotPut22 1 6:01 -790 134 2.6711 Javelin22 1 4:33 -790 134
7. - JJJJJJ1140 0 1:52 -879 45 3.6531 ShotPut22 1 6:01 -790 134
8.6708 Hammer22 1 1:52 -882 42 4.6708 Hammer22 1 1:52 -882 42
9.6609 Discus22 0 1:34 -892 32 5.6609 Discus22 0 1:34 -892 32
Group: not rated
1. - JJJJJJ1140 0 1:52 -879 45
On 1st draw, BILLONS H4 74 --- BILLON an alloy of silver and copper [n]
Other moves: BILLONS H2 70, BILLONS H3 70, BILLONS H6 70, BILLONS H7 70, BILLONS H8 70
BILLONS H4 74 LongJump22
BILLONS H4 24 Javelin22, ShotPut22
On 2nd draw, THRIPSES 10A 73 --- THRIPS an insect [n]
Other tops: PHILTERS 6E 73, PHILTRES 6E 73
Other moves: HIPSTERS 10A 67, HIPSTERS 10E 67, THRIPSES 10C 67, PHILTERS 7E 65, PHILTRES 7E 65
HIPSTERS 10A 67 LongJump22
PITIERS 5E 36 Javelin22, ShotPut22
On 3rd draw, TOUGHY A10 42 --- TOUGHY a tough person [n]
Other moves: EIGHTY A6 39, HOGTIE A7 33, YOUTH A7 33, EGOITY A6 30, HYTE A8 30
TOUGHY A10 42 LongJump22, Javelin22, ShotPut22, Hammer22
On 4th draw, U(N)AFRAID 12A 76 --- AFRAID filled with apprehension [adj] --- UNAFRAID not afraid [adj]
Other moves: FAIRL(E)AD 6D 65, FARADIS(E) F4 63, FARADIS(M) F4 63, FAIRL(E)AD 7D 62, HAIR(I)F 14A 38
FAIRL(E)AD 6D 65 LongJump22
On 5th draw, ALLERION 5C 66 --- ALLERION in heraldry, an eagle displayed without feet or beak [n]
Other moves: LLANEROS F3 60, HOLLER 14A 22, LAER 13C 21, GALE 13A 20, GANE 13A 20
LAER 13C 21 Chelsea
On 6th draw, KNOTTIER 8F 63 --- KNOTTY full of knots [adj]
Other moves: KINE 4A 32, KITE 4A 32, KITTLER D1 32, KIRTLE D1 30, KITTLE D1 30
KITE 4A 32 Chelsea, Javelin22, SQUAW1, Discus22
KINE 4A 32 ShotPut22
On 7th draw, CRADLI(N)G D1 82 --- CRADLE to nurture during infancy [v]
Other moves: DI(S)GRACE L1 76, CAGE(B)IRD L5 72, DECIGRA(M) L7 72, GRI(M)ACED L2 72, (B)IRDCAGE L1 72
CARD(S) K1 30 Chelsea
CRAG(S) K1 30 queen66
On 8th draw, CONGED 1D 30 --- CONGE to take leave [v]
Other moves: COGENT 1D 27, CODEN 1D 24, CONED 1D 24, CONGE 1D 24, COTED 1D 24
CONGED 1D 30 Chelsea, SQUAW1
On 9th draw, OVERDO 2I 39 --- OVERDO to do to excess [v]
Other moves: HOOVED 14A 34, OVERDO 13H 31, OVERDO 2A 31, HOARED 14A 28, HOOVER 14A 28
OVERDO 2I 39 queen66, SQUAW1
HOOVED 14A 34 Chelsea
On 10th draw, WYES 13C 42 --- WYE the letter Y [n]
Other moves: WYE 13C 38, YOWIES 6J 35, YOWES 6J 34, YOWIE 6J 34, DEWY H12 33
DEWY H12 33 SQUAW1, Chelsea
On 11th draw, VIREO 2B 26 --- VIREO a small bird [n]
Other moves: DIVE H12 24, DOVE H12 24, OINT 1L 23, OUTVIE 13H 23, OUTVIE 4J 22
DIVE H12 24 Chelsea
On 12th draw, BUAZE 1K 72 --- BUAZE an African shrub [n]
Other moves: ZA 1N 44, DAZE H12 42, BRAZEN L1 40, BRAZE L1 38, PREZ L1 36
ZA 1N 44 Chelsea
On 13th draw, SOMITE K5 34 --- SOMITE a longitudinal segment of the body of some animals [n]
Other moves: BEETS K1 32, BETES K1 32, SEMIE K5 32, SEMI K5 30, SOM 3M 30
SOM 3M 30 Chelsea
On 14th draw, XENIUM 10J 33 --- XENIUM a present or offering [n]
Other moves: ADMIXT M1 32, ADMIX M1 30, MINX L10 30, MIXT L10 30, MINX J10 29
MIXT L10 30 Chelsea, queen66
On 15th draw, FAP 11D 47 --- FAP drunk or befuddled [adj]
Other moves: JIMP O8 45, FAE 11D 41, CAMPI O8 36, JAM O8 36, FA 11D 35
JIMP O8 45 SQUAW1, Chelsea, queen66, JJJJJJ1140
On 16th draw, JAM O8 36 --- JAM to force together tightly [v]
Other moves: JAI 6B 28, AJEE 13H 22, JAR G3 22, JEED 4A 22, QI 11I 20
JAM O8 36 Chelsea, SQUAW1
On 17th draw, DAWT H12 24 --- DAWT to fondle [v]
Other tops: DAWN H12 24, TWIG 8A 24, WANG 8A 24, WING 8A 24
Other moves: CANG 8A 21, DICT H12 21, WATCH B6 21, WINCH B6 21, WITCH B6 21
WING 8A 24 SQUAW1, Chelsea
On 18th draw, ZOETIC N1 23 --- ZOETIC relating to life [adj]
Other moves: ACUATE 13H 22, NAUTIC L10 22, CAREEN G3 21, AE B14 19, EA B14 19
HAE 14A 18 Chelsea
On 19th draw, QUAG 8A 42 --- QUAG a quagmire [n]
Other moves: AQUA C5 30, UNIQUE N10 30, YANQUI 15A 28, QUAD 4A 26, QUIETEN 15D 26
QUAG 8A 42 SQUAW1, Chelsea
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