Game on October 19, 2023 at 18:43, 7 players
1. 416 pts shanice
2. 356 pts Inkey
3. 112 pts Pacific
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H7 74 74
2. 13H 80 154
3. N10 38 192
4. O4 103 295
5. 15L 48 343
6. J12 32 375
7. 8E 60 435
8. E5 90 525
9. L2 76 601
10. K5 71 672
11. M1 29 701
12. 2I 42 743
13. 1E 28 771
14. 2B 53 824
15. 3A 60 884
16. 1A 45 929
17. D12 50 979
18. A3 48 1027
19. F10 25 1052
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
1.6923 shanice 2 18:37 -636 416 1.9725 Pacific 0 4:12 -940 112
2.7848 Inkey 5 5:24 -696 356 Group: advanced
3.9725 Pacific 0 4:12 -940 112 1.7848 Inkey 5 5:24 -696 356
4.7637 moonmonkey 0 1:05 -1016 36 2.7637 moonmonkey 0 1:05 -1016 36
5.7628 Mycophot 0 1:24 -1016 36 3.7628 Mycophot 0 1:24 -1016 36
6.7543 sicilianc5 0 0:14 -1017 35 4.7543 sicilianc5 0 0:14 -1017 35
7.7591 queen66 0 0:32 -1017 35 5.7591 queen66 0 0:32 -1017 35
Group: intermediate
1.6923 shanice 2 18:37 -636 416
On 1st draw, TORPIDS H7 74 --- TORPID a racing boat [n]
Other tops: DISPORT H4 74, TRIPODS H7 74
Other moves: DISPORT H2 72, DISPORT H3 72, DISPORT H6 72, DISPORT H7 72, DISPORT H8 72
PRODS H8 18 shanice
On 2nd draw, SCURVIE(S) 13H 80 --- SCURVY a disease resulting from vitamin C deficiency [n]
Other tops: SCURVIE(R) 13H 80, SCU(R)VIER 13H 80
Other moves: I(N)CURVED 12A 78, CURVIES(T) 13B 76, CUR(S)IVES 13A 76, I(N)CURVES 13A 76, VIRUC(I)DE 12B 76
VIRU(S)ES 13B 20 shanice
On 3rd draw, FAVEL N10 38 --- FAVEL light brown [adj]
Other tops: VENEY N10 38, YEVEN N10 38
Other moves: FAYNE(S) O8 36, NAVVY L11 36, NAVVY L10 28, ELVAN(S) O8 27, FLANE(S) O8 27
FAYNE(S) O8 36 moonmonkey, Mycophot
On 4th draw, COUNTRY O4 103 --- COUNTRY the territory of a nation [n]
Other moves: COUNTY O5 41, OUTCRY O5 41, ROUNCY O5 41, CORNY O6 38, CRONY O6 38
CORY O7 35 sicilianc5, queen66
CURVY L10 26 shanice
On 5th draw, KEA(S) 15L 48 --- KEA a parrot [n]
Other tops: KOA(N) 15L 48, KOA(P) 15L 48, KOA(S) 15L 48
Other moves: KA(L)E 15L 47, KO(L)A 15L 47, DE(B)EAK 15J 42, D(H)AK 15L 42, K(N)EAD 15K 39
(S)AVED L11 20 shanice
On 6th draw, SUQ J12 32 --- SUQ a marketplace in the Middle East [n]
Other moves: PIQUES J10 25, QI G11 25, PIQUE J10 24, PE 14J 22, PEAS I8 20
QI I6 15 shanice
On 7th draw, EULOGIAS 8E 60 --- EULOGIA holy bread [n]
Other moves: GUILES 15E 34, UGALIS 15E 34, UGLIES 15E 34, AEGIS 15F 31, AGLUS 15F 31
GUILES 15E 34 shanice
On 8th draw, TIRESOME E5 90 --- TIRESOME tedious [adj]
Other moves: MORTISED 12A 78, MORTISES L1 76, EROTISMS L1 72, TRISOMES L1 72, EROTISMS L3 70
On 9th draw, WOMANISE L2 76 --- WOMANISE to pursue women amorously [v]
Other moves: WOMAN F10 41, WOMEN F10 41, MIAOW F10 40, WAME F10 38, WEM F10 37
WOMEN F10 41 Pacific
On 10th draw, HIDABLE K5 71 --- HIDABLE able to be hidden [adj]
Other moves: HIRED M3 45, BILED M3 41, HIRED F10 40, HIDER F10 39, BELAH K5 37
HER 10J 28 shanice
On 11th draw, RERUN M1 29 --- RERUN to present a repetition of a recorded performance [v]
Other moves: TURNED D10 28, DEN M3 24, DUE M3 24, DUN M3 24, NUDER D10 24
DUNE F10 22 Inkey
RED M1 19 shanice
On 12th draw, THAWED 2I 42 --- THAW to melt [v]
Other moves: HAWED 2J 40, THOWEL 2I 40, HADAL F10 39, LOATH J2 39, DOTH J3 37
THAWED 2I 42 Inkey
HOLD F10 35 shanice
On 13th draw, TANGIE 1E 28 --- TANGIE a water-spirit [n]
Other tops: TAEING D10 28, TEAING D10 28, TOEING D10 28
Other moves: INGATE 1D 26, TAGINE 1D 26, TANGIE 1D 26, TANGIE D10 26, AGENT D9 25
TAGINE 1D 26 Inkey
TONG D10 20 shanice
On 14th draw, POGEY 2B 53 --- POGEY any form of government relief [n]
Other moves: YAWP D10 43, YAWP D12 40, WYE F10 39, YOWE D10 39, GAWP D10 37
YAWP D10 43 Inkey
YAW D10 37 shanice
WAY 2D 32 Pacific
On 15th draw, ZEX 3A 60 --- ZEX a tool for cutting roof slates [n]
Other tops: ZAX 3A 60
Other moves: ZAX D4 49, ZEX D4 49, ZOEAE 12A 48, ZED D10 47, ZOEAL D10 47
ZAX 3A 60 Inkey, shanice
REZ 1M 39 Pacific
On 16th draw, WOF 1A 45 --- WOF a nobody,a fool (a waste of flesh) [n]
Other moves: DOF 1A 39, DOW 1A 39, DOWF D10 39, WOF F10 39, WOF D10 37
WOF 1A 45 Inkey, shanice
On 17th draw, BENJ D12 50 --- BENJ narcotic hemp [n]
Other moves: JOBE D10 47, JAB D10 45, JOB D10 45, BANJO D10 40, JANE D10 39
JOB D10 45 Inkey
JANE D10 39 shanice
On 18th draw, ZOONAL A3 48 --- ZOON the whole product of one fertilized egg, pl ZOA or ZOONS [adj] --- ZOONAL like a zoon [adj]
Other tops: ZEALOT A3 48, ZELANT A3 48, ZONATE A3 48, ZOOEAL A3 48
Other moves: JETON 15D 36, ETALON C8 23, NOTAL F10 22, OATEN F10 22, ALONE C10 21
ZOOEAL A3 48 Inkey
On 19th draw, DATA F10 25 --- DATUM something used as a basis for calculating [n]
Other tops: DATE F10 25, DIET F10 25, DITA F10 25, DITE F10 25
Other moves: DAE F10 24, DIE F10 24, DIT F10 24, ELD 10J 21, TINED 14B 20
DATE F10 25 Inkey
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