Game on October 29, 2023 at 18:13, 8 players
1. 209 pts Pacific
2. 185 pts LongJump22
3. 156 pts Discus22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 36 36 


I3 27 63 


5E 68 131 


J5 29 160 


6D 55 215 


10B 80 295 


A8 32 327 


4D 28 355 


K7 82 437 


L9 40 477 


C7 36 513 


M3 87 600 


13G 36 636 


E8 80 716 


B1 88 804 


3B 42 846 


15A 69 915 


N10 34 949 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
Pacific 1 5:18 -740 209 1.9702 Pacific 1 5:18 -740 209
LongJump22 3 3:41 -764 185 Group: intermediate
3. -
Discus22 1 5:52 -793 156 1.6536 LongJump22 3 3:41 -764 185
Javelin22 2 3:00 -845 104 2.6607 Javelin22 2 3:00 -845 104
Hammer22 2 5:17 -857 92 3.6829 Hammer22 2 5:17 -857 92
6. -
IIIIII1121 1 1:31 -913 36 4.6520 HighJump22 1 1:13 -917 32
HighJump22 1 1:13 -917 32 5.6508 ShotPut22 0 1:25 -917 32
ShotPut22 0 1:25 -917 32 Group: not rated
1. - Discus22 1 5:52 -793 156
2. - IIIIII1121 1 1:31 -913 36
On 1st draw, MAWKIN H4 36 --- MAWKIN a scarecrow [n]
Other moves: MAWKIN H3 32, MAWKIN H7 32, MAWKIN H8 32, MAWKIN H5 30, MAWKIN H6 30
MAWKIN H4 36 LongJump22, IIIIII1121, Javelin22
On 2nd draw, GENOA I3 27 --- GENOA a large triangular sail [n]
Other moves: LEONE I5 26, GEAN I5 23, OLEA I4 23, AEON I5 21, EOAN I5 21
LEONE I5 26 LongJump22, Discus22
On 3rd draw, PEZANT(S) 5E 68 --- PEZANT a peasant [n]
Other moves: PUTZE(S) 10C 51, ZE(S)T 10F 47, P(I)ZED J6 46, (S)EZ 10H 46, DEPT(H) J4 43
PEZANT(S) 5E 68 LongJump22, Javelin22, Discus22
On 4th draw, TOYED J5 29 --- TOY to amuse oneself as if with a toy (a child's plaything) [v]
Other moves: TOYER J5 28, RAYED 6B 26, TOY J5 26, OYEZ G2 25, TOEY J5 24
On 5th draw, REX 6D 55 --- REX a king [n] --- REX an animal with a single wavy layer of hair [n]
Other tops: RAX 6D 55
Other moves: AX 6E 54, EX 6E 54, OX 6E 54, OXER G7 37, OXER K7 34
REX 6D 55 Pacific, LongJump22
On 6th draw, AY(W)ORDS 10B 80 --- AYWORD a byword [n]
Other moves: (B)OYARDS 10B 78, (B)YROADS 10B 78, AY(W)ORDS K9 73, ROYA(L)ISED 8C 70, (B)OYARDS G8 67
(B)YROADS 10B 78 Pacific
SA(V)OY 4B 32 ShotPut22, Hammer22
On 7th draw, TUNGS A8 32 --- TUNG a Chinese tree [n]
Other tops: GENTS A8 32, GENUS A8 32
Other moves: STUNG A7 29, TUNES A8 29, GENS A8 26, GENT A8 26, GENU A8 26
TUNGS A8 32 HighJump22
GENTS A8 32 Hammer22
On 8th draw, BOD 4D 28 --- BOD a person [n]
Other moves: BODE 9C 26, DOOBIE K8 24, BOD 9C 23, BEZ G3 22, DOBIE K8 22
BOD 4D 28 Hammer22
On 9th draw, ORIGANE K7 82 --- ORIGANE marjoram [n]
Other moves: ORIGANE B2 72, ORIGANE K9 69, ONAGER K7 30, ONAGRI K7 30, ORANGE K7 30
On 10th draw, VIMEN L9 40 --- VIMEN a long, flexible branch of a plant [n]
Other moves: VERMEIL 13G 34, VILER L9 34, VINER L9 34, ERMINE 8J 33, MILER L9 31
On 11th draw, LIVYERS C7 36 --- LIVYER a permanent resident of Newfoundland [n]
Other moves: SERVIENT 13F 32, SYLVITE C9 28, LIVEST M5 27, LIVRES M5 27, RESIT M8 27
LIVES M6 23 Discus22
On 12th draw, CHARLIE M3 87 --- CHARLIE charley [n]
Other moves: CHARLIE B1 80, CHARLIE M4 77, ACHENE 13H 28, CHAL 3B 28, CHAR 3B 28
CHARLIE M3 37 Discus22
On 13th draw, ACHAENIA 13G 36 --- ACHENIUM a dry fruit which doesn't open when mature [n]
Other moves: CHAI N2 32, CHAS N2 32, CHIA N2 32, CHIS N2 32, ACHENIA 13H 30
AA 5M 2 Discus22
On 14th draw, WOODFREE E8 80 --- WOODFREE of paper, treated to remove wood impurities [adj]
Other moves: OW 14I 31, DHOW 4L 30, FEDEXED F2 27, FEE 11E 27, FEOD 3B 27
OW 14I 31 Pacific
On 15th draw, LIQUATE B1 88 --- LIQUATE to purify metal by heating [v]
Other tops: TEQUILA B1 88
Other moves: TEQUILA 15D 51, QUELEA 15A 48, QUELEA 15C 48, EQUALI 15E 45, EQUATE 15E 45
QUATE 15A 45 Pacific
On 16th draw, QUOP 3B 42 --- QUOP to throb [v]
Other moves: LOBULUS 1B 36, PUEBLOS 15C 36, OBS 14I 35, LOUPES 15A 33, OBELUS 15C 33
On 17th draw, BUNJES 15A 69 --- BUNJE a strong rubber rope [n]
Other moves: BUNJE 15A 66, J*S**TJESUIT 15D 63, JUBAS N10 60, BENIS 15D 30, BENTS 15D 30
On 18th draw, FOLATE N10 34 --- FOLATE a form of vitamin B [n]
Other moves: FETAL N10 32, FLOAT N10 32, FLOTEL 1A 30, FLITE 1A 27, FLITT 1A 27
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