Game on November 19, 2023 at 06:51, 6 players
1. 468 pts Chelsea
2. 434 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 202 pts Papa_Sloth
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 70 70
2. 5E 36 106
3. G9 73 179
4. 15B 39 218
5. L1 38 256
6. 13B 76 332
7. 12C 32 364
8. K4 76 440
9. 2G 76 516
10. 8K 60 576
11. 1D 62 638
12. 11B 25 663
13. F7 42 705
14. 4D 51 756
15. 14I 77 833
16. O11 30 863
17. 1L 36 899
18. 2A 37 936
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7369 Chelsea 4 9:59 -468 468 1.7369 Chelsea 4 9:59 -468 468
2.6959 GLOBEMAN 5 13:17 -502 434 Group: intermediate
3.6829 Papa_Sloth 2 6:09 -734 202 1.6959 GLOBEMAN 5 13:17 -502 434
4.6532 fatcat 0 3:00 -844 92 2.6829 Papa_Sloth 2 6:09 -734 202
5.6890 mousecat 0 1:59 -912 24 3.6532 fatcat 0 3:00 -844 92
6.6663 FangTooth 0 1:23 -925 11 4.6890 mousecat 0 1:59 -912 24
5.6663 FangTooth 0 1:23 -925 11
On 1st draw, DAUTIES H4 70 --- DAUTIE a small pet [n]
Other moves: DAUTIES H2 68, DAUTIES H3 68, DAUTIES H6 68, DAUTIES H7 68, DAUTIES H8 68
On 2nd draw, SABATON 5E 36 --- SABATON a piece of armour for the foot [n]
Other moves: SABOT G7 25, SOBA G7 24, BOAST G5 23, BASTO I3 21, BATONS G9 21
On 3rd draw, DAYTIME G9 73 --- DAYTIME day [n]
Other moves: DAYTIMES 10A 72, DYNAMITE K3 64, MEATY 6B 39, DEITY 6B 36, MATEY 6J 36
On 4th draw, (S)AVORER 15B 39 --- SAVORER one that savors [n]
Other tops: (F)AVORER 15B 39
Other moves: OVA F9 37, (N)OVA F8 37, AVO(W)ER 15C 36, AVO(Y)ER 15C 36, R(I)VA F8 36
On 5th draw, FRAPS L1 38 --- FRAP in sailing, to bind well [v]
Other tops: FAAS F10 38
Other moves: FAA F10 35, FAS F10 35, FA F10 32, FAP 6J 31, FAAN 6J 30
FANS 6J 30 fatcat
On 6th draw, HONE(Y)ING 13B 76 --- HONEY to sweeten with honey (a sweet, viscid fluid) [v]
Other moves: (F)OHN F8 37, (J)OHN F8 37, HOE(D) F10 36, HOE(S) F10 36, HOE F10 35
HOE(S) F10 36 Chelsea
HORNE(D) 2J 32 fatcat
On 7th draw, BORATE 12C 32 --- BORATE to mix with borax or boric acid [v]
Other tops: RIBA F8 32
Other moves: OBA F9 31, BOEUF 1H 30, BRIEF 1H 30, BARRIE 2J 28, BARRIO 2J 28
BRIEF 1H 30 fatcat
FRAB 1L 27 Chelsea
On 8th draw, UNVAILES K4 76 --- UNVAILE to remove one's veil [v]
Other moves: EASILY 11B 34, VARIES 2J 34, VERSAL 2J 34, VARES 2J 32, VARUS 2J 32
VARIES 2J 34 Chelsea
On 9th draw, TELEGRAM 2G 76 --- TELEGRAM to send a message by telegraph [v]
Other moves: GAMELY 11B 42, TAMELY 11B 40, GIMLET 8J 36, GAMY 11D 34, IMAGE 8K 33
TAME J8 28 Chelsea
On 10th draw, IXTLE 8K 60 --- IXTLE a strong fibre [n]
Other tops: DETOX 6B 60
Other moves: WOX 6D 56, LOX 6D 53, LOXED 1D 53, OX 6E 52, FLEX 1L 48
DETOX 6B 60 Chelsea
On 11th draw, PACEY 1D 62 --- PACEY keeping a fast pace (rate of speed) [adj]
Other moves: YAP 1H 45, YEP 1H 45, PAY 1H 43, YIPE 1F 43, CAY 1F 41
PACEY 1D 62 Chelsea
On 12th draw, TOGE 11B 25 --- TOGE a toga [n]
Other moves: GET 14A 24, GIT 14A 24, GOT 14A 24, OOT 14A 22, AGIO 3L 20
GIT 14A 24 Papa_Sloth
TOG 6D 17 Chelsea
On 13th draw, HOIK F7 42 --- HOIK to hitch up [v]
Other moves: OIK F8 38, ROK F8 38, DOH F8 33, QI 14A 32, OH F9 31
ROK F8 38 Chelsea
QI 14A 32 Papa_Sloth
On 14th draw, JIZ 4D 51 --- JIZ a wig [n]
Other moves: JIZ 10A 40, REZ 4D 37, RIZ 4D 37, JEEZ 10J 36, ZERO 6B 35
JIZ 4D 51 Papa_Sloth, GLOBEMAN
JEEZ 10J 36 Chelsea
On 15th draw, INFERNO 14I 77 --- INFERNO a place that resembles or suggests hell [n]
Other moves: FEN J10 29, FER J10 29, FIE J10 29, FIN J10 29, FIR J10 29
FIN J10 29 Chelsea
On 16th draw, INDOW O11 30 --- INDOW to bequeath [v]
Other tops: AWED 3L 30, ENDOW O11 30, WED J10 30, WEID 13L 30
Other moves: WEN J10 29, WIN J10 29, INDEW L11 28, WE J10 28, CION O12 27
ENDOW O11 30 Chelsea
CION O12 27 Papa_Sloth
On 17th draw, FLOW 1L 36 --- FLOW to move steadily and smoothly along [v]
Other moves: FLOC 1L 33, WUD J10 30, AWOL 3L 28, WO J10 28, CLOW 2B 27
FLOW 1L 36 Papa_Sloth, Chelsea, GLOBEMAN
On 18th draw, EQUID 2A 37 --- EQUID an animal of the horse family [n]
Other moves: QUID 2B 35, QI 14A 32, QUIN N11 29, QUIRE M11 28, QUIN 12L 26
QUID 2B 35 Chelsea
QI 14A 32 Papa_Sloth
QI N11 24 mousecat
QI 11N 11 FangTooth
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