Game on December 5, 2023 at 21:09, 6 players
1. 310 pts Pacific
2. 226 pts LongJump22
3. 154 pts BBBBBB1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H6 72 72 


G8 36 108 


11E 36 144 


L5 68 212 


12A 50 262 


B10 38 300 


14A 61 361 


M3 41 402 


15G 38 440 


A6 41 481 


N2 87 568 


B2 45 613 


F2 81 694 


2D 67 761 


O1 38 799 


1H 61 860 


A1 58 918 


O8 24 942 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
Pacific 4 5:09 -632 310 1.9620 Pacific 4 5:09 -632 310
LongJump22 4 2:31 -716 226 Group: intermediate
BBBBBB1112 2 4:25 -788 154 1.6519 LongJump22 4 2:31 -716 226
CCCCCC1112 2 6:00 -788 154 2.6560 BBBBBB1112 2 4:25 -788 154
DDDDDD1112 1 1:53 -892 50 3.6706 CCCCCC1112 2 6:00 -788 154
EEEEEE1112 0 1:34 -915 27 4.6506 DDDDDD1112 1 1:53 -892 50
5.6553 EEEEEE1112 0 1:34 -915 27
On 1st draw, DROILED H6 72 --- DROIL to drudge [v]
Other tops: DROILED H4 72
Other moves: DROILED H2 70, DROILED H3 70, DROILED H7 70, DROILED H8 70, DROILED H5 68
DROILED H4 72 LongJump22, Pacific
On 2nd draw, OX G8 36 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: OXALIS 10E 31, DIAXONS 12H 30, DIOXANS 12H 30, SALIX 10F 30, OXIDS 6E 29
OX G8 36 LongJump22, BBBBBB1112, Pacific, CCCCCC1112
On 3rd draw, URAEMIA 11E 36 --- URAEMIA an abnormal condition of the blood [n]
Other moves: MADEIRA 12F 20, ADMIRE 12G 18, ARAMID 12C 18, MADEIRA 6F 18, MARAUD 12C 18
On 4th draw, TANNERS L5 68 --- TANNER one that tans [n]
Other moves: ENTRAINS J6 62, TRANNIES J6 62, SAMEN I9 25, ANENST L7 24, ASTERN L10 24
TANNERS L5 68 LongJump22, Pacific
On 5th draw, QU(A)GS 12A 50 --- QUAG a quagmire [n]
Other moves: C(I)NQUE 8J 48, QUE(Y)S 12A 48, QUES(T) 12A 47, C(A)SQUE K1 38, SQUEG 10A 38
QU(A)GS 12A 50 LongJump22, BBBBBB1112, CCCCCC1112, Pacific, DDDDDD1112
On 6th draw, FAUVE B10 38 --- FAUVE a member of a group of expressionist painters [n]
Other moves: HAUTE B10 32, VAUTE B10 32, LAH 10H 31, THRAVE 10J 31, HARE 10J 30
HART 10J 30 BBBBBB1112
HARE 10J 30 CCCCCC1112
On 7th draw, LEISURED 14A 61 --- LEISURE freedom from the demands of work or duty [adj] --- LEISURE to have recreational time [v]
Other moves: ISLED 15A 33, USED 15A 33, ISLE 15A 27, LIERS I5 27, USER 15A 27
On 8th draw, BEATY M3 41 --- BEATY of music, having a marked beat [adj]
Other moves: LOBATE 15G 38, TOBY 15G 38, ABLY 15H 36, ABYE 15H 36, BERAY 10J 36
TOBY 15G 38 BBBBBB1112, CCCCCC1112
On 9th draw, LOOTED 15G 38 --- LOOT to plunder [v]
Other tops: TOOLED 15G 38
Other moves: DOLENT 15G 36, NOODLE 15G 35, TOLEDO 15G 35, LOOTEN 15G 32, DOOLE 15G 30
On 10th draw, AWOKE A6 41 --- AWAKE to rouse from sleep [v]
Other tops: LAKER 10H 41, WEKA K4 41, WROKE A6 41
Other moves: AWOKE 14J 40, AWORK 14J 40, WAKE A7 38, WOKE A7 38, AWORK N1 37
On 11th draw, GOATE(E)S N2 87 --- GOATEE a small pointed beard [n]
Other tops: GA(R)OTES N2 87, GOAT(E)ES N1 87
Other moves: O(U)TAGES B2 86, TO(W)AGES B2 86, (D)OTAGES B2 86, (P)OTAGES B2 86, O(N)STAGE B1 84
(H)OSTAGE B1 84 Pacific
On 12th draw, TONEY B2 45 --- TONEY stylish [adj]
Other tops: ATONY B2 45
Other moves: TONEY O8 42, YONT O1 36, YEN B6 34, YON B6 34, AYE B5 32
On 13th draw, PINCHER F2 81 --- PINCHER one that pinches [n]
Other moves: PHRENIC F2 77, NEPHRIC F2 73, INCHER O8 42, HEP O8 39, HIC O8 39
On 14th draw, AMPHORAE 2D 67 --- AMPHORA a narrow-necked jar used in ancient Greece [n]
Other moves: HARAM O8 54, HAREM O8 54, HAOMA O8 48, HERMA O8 48, HOMER O8 48
On 15th draw, LIGNE O1 38 --- LIGNE a measure of watch movements [n]
Other moves: CIEL 1G 35, GIBE A1 33, BEL 1H 31, BEN 1H 31, BEIGEL K1 30
On 16th draw, JUT 1H 61 --- JUT to protrude [v]
Other moves: JAUP D1 42, JIB A1 42, PUB 1H 39, JOB H1 36, JUT A1 34
On 17th draw, FIZ A1 58 --- FIZ a hissing or spluttering sound [n]
Other moves: ZIP A1 48, CAPIZ D1 42, FRIZ 10K 41, ZIP J10 34, RIZ 10L 32
On 18th draw, IWI O8 24 --- IWI a large Maori tribe (sometimes the whole Maori nation) [n]
Other tops: BAWN D1 24, CABIN D1 24, PANIC D1 24, PAWN D1 24
Other moves: BANC D1 22, CAPI D1 22, WAIN D1 22, BIN 3I 21, PIN 3I 21
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