Game on December 6, 2023 at 07:35, 6 players
1. 137 pts Chelsea
2. 116 pts LongJump22
3. 72 pts BBBBBB1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 68 68 


I7 26 94 


15B 113 207 


6F 81 288 


11A 80 368 


A8 42 410 


14G 76 486 


N7 74 560 


G9 41 601 


8L 69 670 


H1 30 700 


10F 43 743 


12A 30 773 


L8 32 805 


K9 43 848 


3A 82 930 


13B 28 958 


7C 45 1003 


A1 24 1027 


5B 22 1049 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Chelsea 0 5:21 -912 137 1.7081 Chelsea 0 5:21 -912 137
LongJump22 1 1:04 -933 116 Group: intermediate
BBBBBB1112 0 1:36 -977 72 1.6501 LongJump22 1 1:04 -933 116
CCCCCC1112 0 2:28 -977 72 2.6522 BBBBBB1112 0 1:36 -977 72
DDDDDD1112 0 1:35 -1015 34 3.6629 CCCCCC1112 0 2:28 -977 72
EEEEEE1112 0 1:23 -1025 24 4.6506 DDDDDD1112 0 1:35 -1015 34
5.6553 EEEEEE1112 0 1:23 -1025 24
On 1st draw, LANGUOR H8 68 --- LANGUOR the state of being languid [n]
Other tops: LANGUOR H2 68, LANGUOR H3 68, LANGUOR H4 68, LANGUOR H6 68, LANGUOR H7 68
Other moves: LANGUOR H5 66, LANUGO H8 18, OURANG H7 18, ALONG H8 16, GLAUR H4 16
On 2nd draw, COW I7 26 --- COW the female of the bovine animals [n] --- COW to intimidate [v]
Other moves: COWING 11C 24, ENOW I6 23, OWE G12 23, OWE I8 23, NOW I7 22
On 3rd draw, ARPENTS 15B 113 --- ARPENT an old French unit of area [n]
Other moves: ENTRAPS 15B 107, PANTERS 15B 107, PARENTS 15B 107, PASTERN 15F 107, TREPANS 15B 107
On 4th draw, HAYSEE(D) 6F 81 --- HAYSEED a bumpkin [n]
Other tops: EYE(L)ASH 6D 81, EYE(W)ASH 6D 81
Other moves: EYE(L)ASH J1 79, EYE(W)ASH J1 79, EYE(L)ASH J9 78, EYE(W)ASH J9 78, EYESHA(D)E E8 76
On 5th draw, EMMOV(I)NG 11A 80 --- EMMOVE to affect emotionally [v]
Other moves: MOVEMEN(T) K1 78, MOVEMEN(T) K3 78, (C)ONVEY H1 45, (L)ENVOY H1 45, (R)ENVOY H1 45
On 6th draw, LACEY A8 42 --- LACEY resembling lacework [adj]
Other moves: CANNY G9 41, LINEY A8 36, NICELY A8 36, AYIN 12A 34, LINNY G9 33
On 7th draw, ARBITERS 14G 76 --- ARBITER one chosen or appointed to judge a disputed issue [n]
Other tops: REBAITS J8 76
Other moves: BAITERS J8 74, BARITES J8 74, RAREBITS 14H 74, TERBIAS J8 72, TRIBA(D)ES L1 72
On 8th draw, WANHOPES N7 74 --- WANHOPE despair [n]
Other moves: OP A14 48, APHONY H1 45, PHONEY H1 45, POWNEY H1 45, CHAW 10A 44
On 9th draw, JIN G9 41 --- JIN a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other moves: JATOS D8 40, JIAOS D8 40, JA 14B 38, TAJ J8 35, TAJ 5E 34
On 10th draw, ZEAL 8L 69 --- ZEAL enthusiastic devotion [n]
Other moves: ZED O6 53, DZO 14A 50, ZEE O6 47, ZEL O6 47, ZOL O6 47
On 11th draw, OILERY H1 30 --- OILERY the oil industry [n]
Other moves: ZONER L8 28, ZORIL L8 28, YOUR 12A 26, ROUEN 5D 22, LENO 5E 20
On 12th draw, KINS 10F 43 --- KIN a group of persons of common ancestry [n]
Other moves: KIVAS M2 37, K(I)VA F10 37, KVAS M3 35, K(I)RS F10 34, KAURIS M1 33
On 13th draw, YEAD 12A 30 --- YEAD to go or proceed [v]
Other moves: LAIDED O8 27, LOADED O8 27, LOIDED O8 27, IODATED 2H 26, DOATED 5J 24
On 14th draw, ZIBET L8 32 --- ZIBET an Asian civet [n]
Other moves: BOOTIE 13G 31, BOOR 14B 28, BOOT 14B 28, OBITER 5J 27, REBOOT 13E 27
On 15th draw, QAT K9 43 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QAID 2F 34, TRADE 13B 31, TREAD 13B 31, DEAR 13B 30, DRAT 13B 30
QAID 2F 34 LongJump22, BBBBBB1112, CCCCCC1112, DDDDDD1112
On 16th draw, GRIEFFUL 3A 82 --- GRIEFFUL full of grief [adj]
Other moves: FIFER 5K 33, FIFE 15J 32, FIEF 5K 31, FIFE 5K 31, GRIFFE 5A 31
GRIEFFUL 3A 82 LongJump22
REF 13C 26 Chelsea
On 17th draw, URD 13B 28 --- URD an annual bean grown in India [n]
Other moves: DIGIT A1 24, DOUR 14B 24, DOUT 14B 24, RIGID A1 24, RIGOUT A1 24
RIGOUT A1 24 Chelsea
On 18th draw, DETOX 7C 45 --- DETOX to remove a toxin from [v]
Other moves: INDEX 7C 44, NIXE 15J 42, DEX 15J 41, DEX 7E 41, DIOXIN 2D 40
INDEX 7C 44 Chelsea
OX 4C 38 BBBBBB1112, CCCCCC1112
On 19th draw, NOGG A1 24 --- NOGG a strong ale [n]
Other tops: AGOOD 13F 24, DARING B1 24, OGGIN A1 24
Other moves: GOAD 13G 23, GOOD 13G 23, AIRING B1 22, DOING 5J 22, GRAND B2 22
GOAD 13G 23 Chelsea
On 20th draw, VAUNT 5B 22 --- VAUNT to brag [v]
Other moves: AVO 13F 20, VANT 5C 20, VAUT 5C 20, VINT 5C 20, INIA 8C 19
AVO 13F 20 Chelsea
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