Game on December 7, 2023 at 20:10, 6 players
1. 202 pts Pacific
2. 198 pts LongJump22
3. 121 pts DDDDDD1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 22 22 


4H 36 58 


K2 78 136 


2E 72 208 


1H 48 256 


1L 34 290 


I7 29 319 


6A 66 385 


K2 32 417 


A4 57 474 


1A 62 536 


E5 82 618 


H10 58 676 


15A 80 756 


J9 28 784 


8K 36 820 


F9 34 854 


14F 33 887 


B11 28 915 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
Pacific 3 6:07 -713 202 1.9704 Pacific 3 6:07 -713 202
LongJump22 3 3:15 -717 198 Group: intermediate
DDDDDD1112 2 3:50 -794 121 1.6656 LongJump22 3 3:15 -717 198
BBBBBB1112 1 4:08 -809 106 2.6486 DDDDDD1112 2 3:50 -794 121
CCCCCC1112 1 5:19 -809 106 3.6522 BBBBBB1112 1 4:08 -809 106
EEEEEE1112 2 2:45 -833 82 4.6629 CCCCCC1112 1 5:19 -809 106
5.6547 EEEEEE1112 2 2:45 -833 82
On 1st draw, PUGIL H4 22 --- PUGIL a small handful [n]
Other moves: PUGIL H8 18, GUILE H4 16, PUGIL H5 16, PUGIL H6 16, PUGIL H7 16
PUGIL H4 22 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, PTYXES 4H 36 --- PTYXIS a type of leaf folding in a bud [n]
Other moves: PYXES 4H 34, GOXES 6H 29, POXES 4H 28, SEXY G7 28, XYST 9F 28
PTYXES 4H 36 LongJump22, BBBBBB1112, CCCCCC1112
On 3rd draw, TAXATI(O)N K2 78 --- TAXATION the process of taxing [n]
Other moves: LATITAN(T) 8H 74, LA(T)ITANT 8H 74, LATI(T)ANT 8H 71, ASTATIN(E) M3 68, ATTAIN(S) 9B 66
LATITAN(T) 8H 74 LongJump22
AIN 5J 31 BBBBBB1112
AIT 5J 31 CCCCCC1112
On 4th draw, ANDESYTE 2E 72 --- ANDESYTE a volcanic rock [n]
Other moves: D(O)YENS 8J 39, N(O)YADE 8J 39, YEANED L8 38, DENAYS 10F 37, YEADS L8 36
On 5th draw, WEB 1H 48 --- WEB to provide with a web (an interlaced fabric or structure) [v]
Other tops: W(A)VE 1L 48, W(I)VE 1L 48, W(O)VE 1L 48
Other moves: WEB(S) 1L 45, WE(M)B 1L 45, W(A)RB 1L 45, BREVE 1A 44, WE(A)VE 1A 44
WEB 1H 48 Pacific
W(A)VE 1L 48 DDDDDD1112
W(O)VE 1L 48 EEEEEE1112
On 6th draw, MOOR 1L 34 --- MOOR to secure a vessel by cable or anchor [v]
Other tops: MONO 1L 34, MOON 1L 34, MOOT 1L 34, MORN 1L 34, MORT 1L 34
Other moves: MORON L8 28, MOTOR L8 28, MORON 1A 26, NORM 1L 24, ROOM 1L 24
On 7th draw, FIFE I7 29 --- FIFE to play a fife (a high-pitched flute) [v]
Other moves: AFF L6 28, *FFEFF L6 28, IFF L6 28, OFF L6 28, F(O)OTIE 8J 27
On 8th draw, DEBUTING 6A 66 --- DEBUT to make a first public appearance in society [v]
Other moves: BEDUIN H10 37, BIDENT H10 37, BUNTED H10 34, BEDUIN L8 32, BUNDE 1A 32
DEBUTING 6A 66 LongJump22
On 9th draw, TAXATI(O)NAL K2 32 --- TAXATIONAL
Other moves: EQUAL D4 30, TARGED A1 30, ARGLED A1 27, GLARED A1 27, GRATED A1 27
On 10th draw, PADLOCK A4 57 --- PADLOCK to secure with a type of lock [v]
Other moves: PLACK 1A 54, POLKA 1A 50, CLANK 1A 42, CLOAK 1A 42, CLONK 1A 42
PLACK 1A 54 Pacific
On 11th draw, NINJA 1A 62 --- NINJA a feudal Japanese warrior [n]
Other moves: OJIME B2 36, NOMINA H10 35, JAMBO C3 34, NOMINA 1A 31, JAMB C3 30
On 12th draw, STURGEO(N) E5 82 --- STURGEON an edible fish [n]
Other tops: OUTG(O)ERS E4 82, OUTR(A)GES E4 82, (O)UTGOERS E4 82
Other moves: SURGEO(N) 11A 81, S(C)OURGE 11A 81, S(C)ROUGE 11A 81, ROUG(H)ERS O1 80, REGROU(P)S O1 77
On 13th draw, MOTZAS H10 58 --- MOTZA a large amount of money [n]
Other tops: MATZOS H10 58
Other moves: AZO 3K 43, TZARS D10 43, MATZOS L10 42, MOTZAS L10 42, (O)RZOS 8K 42
On 14th draw, DENARIES 15A 80 --- DENARY a group of ten [n]
Other moves: ARSENIDE 15F 61, DRAISENE 15D 61, NEARSIDE 15D 60, ZANDER 13H 34, ZANIED 13H 34
On 15th draw, OGEE J9 28 --- OGEE an S shaped moulding [n]
Other moves: EWE 14A 27, OWE 14A 27, WEE 14B 26, WOE 14B 26, UG J9 24
On 16th draw, (O)VOID 8K 36 --- OVOID an egg-shaped body [n]
Other moves: WHID D10 34, AVOW 3K 33, DOH 14D 33, HOW I12 33, WHID B8 33
(O)VOID 8K 36 Pacific
On 17th draw, OHIA F9 34 --- OHIA a tropical tree [n]
Other moves: HEAL F10 31, HEAR F10 31, HOAR F10 31, HOER F10 31, LAH 14D 31
HOAR F10 31 Pacific
On 18th draw, HEART 14F 33 --- HEART to hearten [v]
Other moves: HEAL 14F 30, HEAR 14F 30, HEAT 14F 30, HULE 14B 30, EH 14E 28
HEART 14F 33 Pacific
On 19th draw, QUIRE B11 28 --- QUIRE to arrange sheets of paper in sets of twenty-four [v]
Other tops: VICU(N)A 12A 28
Other moves: QUIN C12 26, QUI(N)A 12B 26, QI 7N 25, QUID A12 24, CRUVE B11 20
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