Game on December 8, 2023 at 20:40, 5 players
1. 162 pts LongJump22
2. 137 pts DDDDDD1112
3. 137 pts EEEEEE1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 26 26 


11E 32 58 


I6 44 102 


H1 35 137 


10F 31 168 


12A 33 201 


8H 42 243 


13H 77 320 


C5 64 384 


14J 41 425 


15D 93 518 


8A 51 569 


N1 88 657 


1K 30 687 


B10 57 744 


3H 20 764 


6F 36 800 


4L 44 844 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
LongJump22 3 3:30 -682 162 1.6714 LongJump22 3 3:30 -682 162
DDDDDD1112 3 4:44 -707 137 2.6486 DDDDDD1112 3 4:44 -707 137
EEEEEE1112 3 6:29 -707 137 3.6547 EEEEEE1112 3 6:29 -707 137
BBBBBB1112 0 2:40 -784 60 4.6522 BBBBBB1112 0 2:40 -784 60
CCCCCC1112 0 3:27 -784 60 5.6629 CCCCCC1112 0 3:27 -784 60
On 1st draw, B(E)BOP H8 26 --- BEBOP a type of jazz [n] --- BEBOP to play a style of jazz [v]
Other tops: B(E)BOP H4 26
Other moves: BI(L)BOA H4 24, P(H)OBIA H4 24, BABO(O) H4 22, BAB(O)O H4 22, BA(M)BI H4 22
B(E)BOP H4 26 LongJump22
B(E)BOP H8 26 DDDDDD1112, EEEEEE1112
On 2nd draw, GANOINE 11E 32 --- GANOINE the outer hard layer on some fish scales [n]
Other moves: INANE I8 22, EANING I9 21, GENIE I7 21, ENGINE I5 20, EPIGEAN 12G 20
GANOINE 11E 32 LongJump22, DDDDDD1112, EEEEEE1112
On 3rd draw, APEX I6 44 --- APEX the highest point [n]
Other moves: PAX I7 43, EXPAT 12J 39, TAX I7 39, TEX I7 39, AX I8 37
APEX I6 44 LongJump22, DDDDDD1112, EEEEEE1112
On 4th draw, COMATE H1 35 --- COMATE a companion [n]
Other tops: CAMOTE H1 35
Other moves: COMAE J4 34, COMET J4 34, COTAN G7 30, MAE J6 30, MAT J6 30
On 5th draw, FAB 10F 31 --- FAB excellent (FABBER, FABBEST) [adj] --- FAB something created or constructed [n]
Other tops: FIB 10F 31, FUB 10F 31
Other moves: AUF 10D 30, FRATI 12A 27, AFRIT J4 24, FRUIT J4 24, MAFTIR 3H 24
AUF 10D 30 BBBBBB1112, CCCCCC1112
On 6th draw, FU(S)ION 12A 33 --- FUSION the act of melting together [n]
Other moves: VINOU(S) 12A 32, POUFIN(G) 12H 31, (Q)UINO J5 29, VINOU(S) 13C 28, V(E)XIN(G) 9G 28
On 7th draw, BEWAILER 8H 42 --- BEWAILER one that bewails [n]
Other moves: FLAW A12 30, FLEW A12 30, W(E)XE 9G 27, WAN G9 26, W(E)X 9G 26
FLAW A12 30 BBBBBB1112
FLEW A12 30 CCCCCC1112
On 8th draw, STOTTIE 13H 77 --- STOTTIE a wedge of bread cut from a round loaf and stuffed with meat or cheese [n]
Other moves: MOTTIEST 3H 72, TOTTIEST 5A 66, TOTEMIST 3D 62, STILETTO M5 60, STOTTIE(S) C5 59
STILETTO M5 60 LongJump22
On 9th draw, VEDALIA(S) C5 64 --- VEDALIA an Australian ladybug [n]
Other moves: V(E)XED 9G 37, AEFALD A10 30, FAVA A12 30, FAVE A12 30, FIVE A12 30
On 10th draw, DOITED 14J 41 --- DOITED old and feeble [adj]
Other moves: DIODE 14J 40, DITED B6 36, DOTED B6 36, DRIFTED A9 36, RIOTED 14J 32
On 11th draw, MELOIDS 15D 93 --- MELOID a type of beetle [n]
Other tops: MIDSOLE 15D 93
Other moves: SMOILED 15D 88, SMOILED 15E 88, MELODIES N2 80, MELODISE N1 76, DAMOISEL 4G 72
On 12th draw, SWARAJ 8A 51 --- SWARAJ self-government in British India [n]
Other moves: RAJES B6 38, AJAR 8A 36, WAFERS A10 36, JEERS J2 35, W(E)XES 9G 35
On 13th draw, VERNICLE N1 88 --- VERNICLE a handkerchief bearing the image of Christ's face [n]
Other moves: V(E)XER 9G 35, FIVE A12 30, CERVINE N2 28, FICE A12 27, FLIC A12 27
On 14th draw, GROVE 1K 30 --- GROVE a small forested area [n]
Other tops: GREVE 1K 30
Other moves: ENGORE 14A 28, NERVE 1K 27, TROVE 1K 27, GRONE 14B 26, REWET B6 25
On 15th draw, HEUGHS B10 57 --- HEUGH a steep cliff [n]
Other tops: HAUGHS B10 57
Other moves: HAUGH B10 55, HEUGH B10 55, HAUSE B10 47, H(E)XES 9G 35, HAW B6 33
On 16th draw, MOURNER 3H 20 --- MOURNER one that mourns [n]
Other moves: ENOW J5 18, NE 15N 18, NO 15N 18, WORN J8 18, NEW J6 17
On 17th draw, QUEAN 6F 36 --- QUEAN a worthless woman [n]
Other tops: QUAY J2 36
Other moves: YAW B6 33, QUA J2 32, YA 2J 30, YU 2J 30, ONY 2H 29
On 18th draw, YANK 4L 44 --- YANK to pull with a jerk [v]
Other moves: YUTZ 10K 41, AZUKI 5J 38, ROKY 2G 38, ZEK 6B 36, KA 15N 34
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