Game on December 8, 2023 at 21:24, 6 players
1. 377 pts Inkey
2. 321 pts LongJump22
3. 157 pts DDDDDD1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 68 68 


13F 86 154 


8A 86 240 


14B 81 321 


E4 82 403 


15E 91 494 


C3 82 576 


12K 22 598 


D1 55 653 


11K 52 705 


12A 37 742 


1D 54 796 


A2 62 858 


O6 36 894 


7G 40 934 


6I 40 974 


10M 35 1009 


5K 33 1042 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Inkey 5 7:07 -665 377 1.7924 Inkey 5 7:07 -665 377
LongJump22 4 2:24 -721 321 Group: intermediate
DDDDDD1112 1 3:11 -885 157 1.6737 LongJump22 4 2:24 -721 321
EEEEEE1112 1 4:28 -885 157 2.6486 DDDDDD1112 1 3:11 -885 157
CCCCCC1112 1 3:27 -921 121 3.6547 EEEEEE1112 1 4:28 -885 157
BBBBBB1112 0 1:02 -1010 32 4.6629 CCCCCC1112 1 3:27 -921 121
5.6522 BBBBBB1112 0 1:02 -1010 32
On 1st draw, URODELE H7 68 --- URODELE a type of amphibian [n]
Other tops: URODELE H2 68, URODELE H3 68, URODELE H4 68, URODELE H6 68, URODELE H8 68
Other moves: URODELE H5 66, DUELER H4 18, LOURED H7 18, DOREE H4 16, DROLE H4 16
URODELE H7 68 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, OVERSMAN 13F 86 --- OVERSMAN an umpire [n]
Other tops: OVERMANS 13F 86
Other moves: OVERMANS 11F 76, OVERSMAN 11F 76, MANORS I9 29, MARONS I9 29, MANOR G7 28
OVERMANS 13F 86 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, INVESTOR 8A 86 --- INVESTOR one that invests [n]
Other moves: VOTEENS 11E 40, SETON 14H 28, ENVOIS 14A 26, OVINES 14A 26, TINES 14J 26
INVESTOR 8A 86 LongJump22
On 4th draw, RELAX 14B 81 --- RELAX to make less tense or rigid [v]
Other moves: GREX 14C 53, LAX 14D 51, LEX 14D 51, RAX 14D 51, REX 14D 51
RELAX 14B 81 LongJump22, DDDDDD1112, EEEEEE1112, CCCCCC1112
On 5th draw, (M)ISUSAGE E4 82 --- MISUSAGE incorrect use [n]
Other tops: AGEUSI(A)S E4 82, EUGE(N)IAS 11E 82, (A)GEUSIAS E4 82, (D)ISUSAGE E4 82
Other moves: AGEUSIA(S) L7 70, AGEU(S)IAS L7 70, SAU(T)EING B2 70, SA(N)GUINE B2 70, AUGU(R)IES 7E 69
On 6th draw, MOONLET 15E 91 --- MOONLET a small satellite [n]
Other moves: TOOLMEN 15E 89, MOONLETS J6 68, MOONLET I1 64, TOOLMEN I1 64, MOLTEN 15E 38
On 7th draw, HANGOVE(R) C3 82 --- HANGOVER the physical effects following a drinking binge [n]
Other moves: (P)HENOGAM K6 76, HA(L)OGENS J6 73, HE(X)AGONS J6 73, HOG(M)ANE(S) 4B 72, HOG(M)ENA(Y) 4B 72
On 8th draw, EDIT 12K 22 --- EDIT to correct and prepare for publication [v]
Other tops: ADIT 12K 22
Other moves: DATA 12L 20, DATE 12L 20, DEAIR I9 20, DIET 12L 20, DITA 12L 20
On 9th draw, QUAI D1 55 --- QUAI a wharf [n]
Other moves: QUENA B1 37, QUIN F2 36, QUAI B2 35, QUA F2 33, QAT N10 32
QUAI D1 55 Inkey
On 10th draw, WOWED 11K 52 --- WOW to excite to enthusiastic approval [v]
Other tops: WHOW 11J 52
Other moves: DHOW 11J 48, HOWE 11K 48, HOW 11K 44, WOW 11K 44, HOAED 11K 43
WAWE 13A 34 Inkey
On 11th draw, FACES 12A 37 --- FACE to oppose or meet defiantly [v]
Other tops: FACTS 12A 37, FICES 12A 37
Other moves: CAFES 12A 35, ACIDS O8 34, CAIDS O8 34, ECADS O8 34, FACED O7 33
FACES 12A 37 Inkey
On 12th draw, QUANTIC 1D 54 --- QUANTIC a type of mathematical function [n]
Other moves: QUBIT 1D 48, QUAINT 1D 45, QUINTA 1D 45, QUANT 1D 42, QUINA 1D 42
QUANTIC 1D 54 Inkey
On 13th draw, ABORIGIN A2 62 --- ABORIGIN an aborigine (a native of a country) [n]
Other moves: BRIGAND O5 33, GOBAN G7 30, INBOARD O5 30, GOBO G7 27, RIBAND O6 27
BOARD O7 24 Inkey
On 14th draw, FIBRED O6 36 --- FIBRED having fibre [adj]
Other moves: PREBID O6 33, BIPED O7 30, FE 10N 30, RIFTED O6 30, FETID O7 27
FE 10N 30 Inkey
On 15th draw, JURY 7G 40 --- JURY to select material for exhibition [v]
Other moves: JURAL 7G 38, JURAT 7G 38, JUREL 7G 38, JURA 7G 37, JURE 7G 37
JURY 7G 40 Inkey
On 16th draw, AKED 6I 40 --- AKE to endure a dull lasting pain [v]
Other moves: JOKED G7 39, KELP 6J 39, KEPT 6J 39, KLAP 6J 39, AKE 6I 38
KELP 6J 39 Inkey
On 17th draw, THE 10M 35 --- THE used to specify or make particular [definite article]
Other moves: HIPT 2J 32, HIP 2J 31, HIPT 5K 31, HILI 2J 30, HILT 2J 30
HIP 2J 31 Inkey
On 18th draw, PIPY 5K 33 --- PIPY shrill [adj]
Other moves: PILY 5K 29, PITY 5K 29, YIP 5K 29, LOPPY 9G 27, PIPI 5K 27
PIPY 5K 33 Inkey
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