Game on December 9, 2023 at 09:32, 6 players
1. 279 pts Chelsea
2. 160 pts LongJump22
3. 99 pts BBBBBB1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H3 72 72 


10C 79 151 


5A 78 229 


3F 94 323 


2J 49 372 


4J 40 412 


A5 33 445 


5K 66 511 


8D 63 574 


2A 55 629 


4A 36 665 


1F 33 698 


D10 48 746 


15A 54 800 


13B 32 832 


6A 24 856 


J6 35 891 


M5 66 957 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Chelsea 2 7:54 -678 279 1.7050 Chelsea 2 7:54 -678 279
LongJump22 2 3:03 -797 160 Group: intermediate
BBBBBB1112 1 2:16 -858 99 1.6758 LongJump22 2 3:03 -797 160
CCCCCC1112 1 2:56 -858 99 2.6522 BBBBBB1112 1 2:16 -858 99
DDDDDD1112 1 1:27 -903 54 3.6629 CCCCCC1112 1 2:56 -858 99
EEEEEE1112 1 1:50 -903 54 4.6486 DDDDDD1112 1 1:27 -903 54
5.6547 EEEEEE1112 1 1:50 -903 54
On 1st draw, SPAR(K)LE H3 72 --- SPARKLE to give off or reflect flashes of light [v]
Other tops: EARL(A)PS H7 72, E(A)RLAPS H7 72, E(M)PARLS H2 72, LAPSER(S) H2 72, LAP(P)ERS H2 72, LAP(S)ERS H2 72, PALS(I)ER H4 72, PAL(M)ERS H4 72, PAL(T)ERS H4 72, PARLE(Y)S H4 72, PARL(I)ES H4 72, PARSLE(Y) H4 72, PAR(C)ELS H4 72, PAR(O)LES H4 72, PAR(R)ELS H4 72, PA(R)RELS H4 72, PERSAL(T) H4 72, PER(U)SAL H4 72, PE(D)LARS H4 72, PLAS(H)ER H4 72, PLAS(T)ER H4 72, PLA(C)ERS H4 72, PLA(N)ERS H4 72, PLA(T)ERS H4 72, PLA(Y)ERS H4 72, PLEAS(E)R H4 72, PLE(U)RAS H4 72, PL(E)ASER H4 72, PRA(W)LES H4 72, PRESAL(E) H4 72, PR(E)SALE H4 72, PSAL(T)ER H4 72, RAP(P)ELS H2 72, RELAPS(E) H8 72, REPLA(N)S H2 72, REPLA(Y)S H2 72, REP(E)ALS H2 72, REP(O)SAL H2 72, RE(C)LASP H6 72, R(E)LAPSE H8 72, R(E)PEALS H2 72, SLA(P)PER H8 72, SPAL(L)ER H3 72, SPAREL(Y) H3 72, SPA(L)LER H3 72, SP(H)ERAL H3 72, S(C)ALPER H8 72, (C)LASPER H8 72, (F)ELSPAR H8 72
Other moves: EARL(A)PS H2 68, EARL(A)PS H3 68, EARL(A)PS H4 68, EARL(A)PS H6 68, E(A)RLAPS H2 68
On 2nd draw, BONFIRE 10C 79 --- BONFIRE a large fire in the open air [n]
Other moves: BONFIRES 3A 78, BONFIRE G9 73, BRIEFS 3C 30, FIBROSE 3C 28, FORB 10F 26
On 3rd draw, HYSTERIA 5A 78 --- HYSTERIA uncontrollable excitement or fear [n]
Other moves: SLITHERY 8G 65, HYES 11D 42, HEYS 11D 39, SHIRTY 11H 39, HYE 11D 38
On 4th draw, MISKEYE(D) 3F 94 --- MISKEY to key in date incorrectly [v]
Other moves: (S)KIEY 4A 46, HI(C)KEY A5 45, KIM(C)HEE A1 45, (C)HEEKY A4 45, HI(N)KY A5 42
On 5th draw, BODED 2J 49 --- BODE to be an omen of [v]
Other moves: BUDDHA A1 45, ABODED 2B 33, DAUBED 2B 33, OBEAH A1 33, BADE 2J 32
On 6th draw, DEV 4J 40 --- DEV a Hindu god [n]
Other moves: HALVED A5 39, LEV 4J 37, AVALED 2B 33, HALVA A5 33, HALVE A5 33
On 7th draw, HOOTING A5 33 --- HOOT to cry like an owl [v]
Other tops: NEIGH A1 33, OOHING A3 33
Other moves: EHING A4 30, ETHION A3 30, HETING A5 30, HOEING A5 30, HOGTIE A5 30
On 8th draw, ZATI 5K 66 --- ZATI the bonnet-monkey [n]
Other moves: ZA 5K 62, ZOARIA 1E 52, ZIT 1M 50, ZOA 1M 50, RIZA 1G 46
On 9th draw, CATALOES 8D 63 --- CATALO a cross between a buffalo and a domestic cow [n]
Other moves: OATCA(K)ES 7C 62, COSTAE O3 41, ASCOT O4 38, ESCOT O4 38, ESTOC O4 38
On 10th draw, VANISH 2A 55 --- VANISH to disappear [v]
Other moves: SHIVA O5 47, SHIV O5 44, SHIVA 1F 40, SAVIN O5 38, NASHI 4B 37
SHIVA O5 47 Chelsea
On 11th draw, WAE 4A 36 --- WAE woe [n]
Other tops: WOE 4A 36
Other moves: WO 4A 33, WAP 1M 32, W*PWOP 1M 32, PAW 1M 31, PEW 1M 31
WOE 4A 36 Chelsea
On 12th draw, ORGIA 1F 33 --- ORGIA a revel of debauchery [n]
Other moves: AGIO 1C 24, GORA 1G 22, GUIRO 11A 22, RUGA 1G 22, GIO 1D 21
GOR 1M 18 Chelsea
On 13th draw, OUTFOX D10 48 --- OUTFOX to outwit [v]
Other moves: FOX 1M 47, FOX 1B 45, TEX 1B 39, TUX 1B 39, EXO 11C 37
FOX 1M 47 Chelsea
FOX 1B 45 LongJump22, BBBBBB1112, CCCCCC1112
On 14th draw, JINX 15A 54 --- JINX to bring bad luck to [v]
Other moves: ILEX 15A 33, JEEL J6 27, JO C14 27, OLE C13 27, ONE C13 27
JINX 15A 54 LongJump22, BBBBBB1112, CCCCCC1112, DDDDDD1112, EEEEEE1112
ONE C13 27 Chelsea
On 15th draw, REFLOW 13B 32 --- FLOW to move steadily and smoothly along [v] --- REFLOW to flow again [v]
Other moves: WO 3B 28, OWN C13 27, WOE 1M 26, SCOWLER K8 24, SCROWLE K8 24
REFLOW 13B 32 Chelsea
WOE 1M 26 LongJump22
On 16th draw, OUTED 6A 24 --- OUT to be revealed [v]
Other moves: DELT 14F 21, DULCET 11I 21, JINXED 15A 21, QI D1 21, DEL 14F 20
TED 1M 17 Chelsea
On 17th draw, QUEP J6 35 --- QUEP expressing derision [interj]
Other moves: MAP 1M 28, NAM H13 28, NAP H13 28, PAM 1M 28, MELA 9G 24
QUEP J6 35 LongJump22
PAM 1M 28 Chelsea
On 18th draw, TEGUMINA M5 66 --- TEGUMEN a covering [n]
Other moves: MEGA 14F 28, MENG 14F 28, NAM H13 28, NIM H13 28, UNAI H12 28
MENU 14F 27 Chelsea
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