Game on December 9, 2023 at 11:49, 6 players
1. 160 pts Pacific
2. 160 pts LongJump22
3. 76 pts DDDDDD1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 32 32 


5H 78 110 


M3 72 182 


K3 61 243 


I4 28 271 


O2 42 313 


N1 39 352 


N10 20 372 


15J 84 456 


G7 87 543 


H10 43 586 


I11 34 620 


L12 30 650 


2F 26 676 


15A 83 759 


F14 31 790 


1G 48 838 


C8 76 914 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
Pacific 2 3:51 -754 160 1.9732 Pacific 2 3:51 -754 160
LongJump22 2 6:12 -754 160 Group: intermediate
DDDDDD1112 1 2:17 -838 76 1.6782 LongJump22 2 6:12 -754 160
EEEEEE1112 1 2:23 -838 76 2.6486 DDDDDD1112 1 2:17 -838 76
BBBBBB1112 0 3:07 -851 63 3.6547 EEEEEE1112 1 2:23 -838 76
CCCCCC1112 0 3:50 -851 63 4.6522 BBBBBB1112 0 3:07 -851 63
5.6629 CCCCCC1112 0 3:50 -851 63
On 1st draw, FAYED H4 32 --- FAY to unite closely [v]
Other moves: DECAF H8 30, DECAY H8 30, FACED H4 30, FACET H4 28, FAYED H8 28
On 2nd draw, ANTIMASK 5H 78 --- ANTIMASK a comic performance between the acts of a masque [n]
Other tops: ANTIMASK 5C 78
Other moves: MISTAKEN 7B 71, MANKIEST 7C 69, KAMIS G5 36, MANATIS 5E 36, KAMI G5 34
On 3rd draw, ODALLERS M3 72 --- ODALLER a holder of an odal estate [n]
Other moves: STROLLED J4 63, DOLLIERS K1 59, SKOLLED O4 39, SKELL O4 30, KEDS O5 27
On 4th draw, AVIARIES K3 61 --- AVIARY a large enclosure for live birds [n]
Other moves: SKIVER O4 42, AIVERS 8J 39, SKIVE O4 39, AVERS 8K 36, KAVAS O5 36
On 5th draw, ENODAL I4 28 --- ENODAL without nodes [adj]
Other moves: KADE O5 27, KAED O5 27, KAGO O5 27, ANODE I4 26, VADE 4K 26
On 6th draw, WANKI(E)R O2 42 --- WANKY contemptible [adj]
Other tops: WARKIN(G) O2 42
Other moves: WAKIN(G) O3 39, AW(O)RK O1 36, KAWIN(G) O5 36, WR(E)AK O1 36, (S)WANK O1 36
On 7th draw, JOB N1 39 --- JOB to work by the piece [v]
Other moves: OBIS N2 31, OBOS N2 31, YOB N1 31, BOYO G7 29, COB N1 29
On 8th draw, IONONE N10 20 --- IONONE a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: DEN 4M 18, JOBES N1 18, ONION N10 18, IONONE J9 17, IONONE L10 17
On 9th draw, HAZIER 15J 84 --- HAZY unclear [adj]
Other moves: HAZER 15K 54, IZAR M12 54, WAREZ 15K 54, ZEA M13 50, HARIM L1 49
HAZIER 15J 84 Pacific
On 10th draw, FO(R)EBAY G7 87 --- FOREBAY a reservoir from which water is taken to run equipment [n]
Other moves: FO(R)EBAY 14E 80, BOYF O10 37, B(O)YF O10 35, FOYE(R) G7 33, FOY(L)E G7 33
On 11th draw, REGENT H10 43 --- REGENT one who rules in the place of a sovereign [n]
Other moves: GEEP H12 37, GENE H12 31, GENT H12 31, GERE H12 31, GERT H12 31
On 12th draw, DEW I11 34 --- DEW to wet with dew (condensed moisture) [v]
Other tops: DOW I11 34
Other moves: RIM L3 31, OWED F11 30, OWE I12 29, OWRIE F11 28, OWER F11 27
On 13th draw, PUTZ L12 30 --- PUTZ to waste time [v]
Other moves: MUX O11 29, POX O11 29, OXER 10E 27, EXPO 13K 26, OXER O12 26
PUTZ L12 30 LongJump22
On 14th draw, LUETIC 2F 26 --- LUETIC one infected with syphilis [n]
Other moves: TELIC 2G 23, ETIC 2H 22, LICE 2I 22, LUCE 2I 22, TICE 2I 22
On 15th draw, CENTRIST 15A 83 --- CENTRIST an advocate of centrism [n]
Other moves: SCIENT 1C 43, SCENT 1D 34, CENTS 1E 33, RIM L3 31, SCRINE 1A 29
SCIENT 1C 43 LongJump22, BBBBBB1112, CCCCCC1112
On 16th draw, QI F14 31 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QUAG 1D 29, GAIT 1G 28, QUAI 3C 28, QUAIR E11 28, QUATE B11 28
QI F14 31 EEEEEE1112, DDDDDD1112, Pacific
QI J1 11 LongJump22
On 17th draw, OPAH 1G 48 --- OPAH a marine fish [n]
Other moves: HAP 1H 45, HEP 1H 45, HUP 1H 45, HAP F10 44, PAH 1H 43
HAP 1H 45 Pacific, EEEEEE1112
HEP 1H 45 DDDDDD1112
On 18th draw, OUTGIVEN C8 76 --- OUTGIVE to give more than [v]
Other moves: OUTGIVE B9 26, OUTVIE B10 22, VOGUIER 10B 21, DEN 4M 18, GIBED 11E 18
OUTGIVEN C8 76 LongJump22
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