Game on December 9, 2023 at 14:05, 5 players
1. 736 pts LongJump22
2. 166 pts BBBBBB1112
3. 157 pts CCCCCC1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 34 34 


4D 30 64 


3I 78 142 


8A 101 243 


N1 90 333 


D6 72 405 


O8 113 518 


2C 69 587 


1F 60 647 


1A 53 700 


1L 33 733 


E10 45 778 


F10 40 818 


G6 31 849 


14I 26 875 


M6 75 950 


G11 32 982 


K8 68 1050 

Remaining tile: 
Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
LongJump22 10 8:49 -314 736 1.6877 LongJump22 10 8:49 -314 736
BBBBBB1112 1 3:44 -884 166 2.6522 BBBBBB1112 1 3:44 -884 166
CCCCCC1112 1 4:40 -893 157 3.6629 CCCCCC1112 1 4:40 -893 157
EEEEEE1112 0 1:56 -969 81 4.6547 EEEEEE1112 0 1:56 -969 81
DDDDDD1112 1 1:53 -1016 34 5.6486 DDDDDD1112 1 1:53 -1016 34
On 1st draw, FLEWED H4 34 --- FLEWED having a flew [adj]
Other moves: WIFED H4 32, FLEWED H7 30, FLEWED H3 28, FLEWED H8 28, WIFED H8 28
FLEWED H4 34 LongJump22, BBBBBB1112, CCCCCC1112, DDDDDD1112
On 2nd draw, VERIFY 4D 30 --- VERIFY to prove to be true [v]
Other moves: VEERY 6F 27, NERVILY 5C 26, YONI G6 26, YORE G6 26, YORE I4 26
VERIFY 4D 30 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, OVERSEA 3I 78 --- OVERSEA overseas [adv]
Other moves: OVERAWES 7C 67, OVERSEA G9 66, OVERSEA I9 66, OVERSAVE D3 65, AVERSE 3I 26
OVERSEA 3I 78 LongJump22
On 4th draw, (V)IRILIZE 8A 101 --- VIRILIZE to introduce male characteristics in (a female) [v]
Other moves: (B)RAZIL O1 72, (F)RAZIL O1 72, VIRILIZ(E) D4 70, VIZIRI(A)L D4 70, (V)IRILIZE 6A 70
(V)IRILIZE 8A 101 LongJump22
On 5th draw, COEQUAT(E) N1 90 --- COEQUATE to equate with something else [v]
Other moves: COTQUEA(N) 6C 88, COEQUAT(E) K1 86, AQUAT(I)C O3 81, COEQUAT(E) 6F 76, CO(E)QUATE 6A 72
AQUAT(I)C O3 81 LongJump22, BBBBBB1112, CCCCCC1112, EEEEEE1112
On 6th draw, TAILFANS D6 72 --- TAILFAN a fanlike swimming organ at the rear of some crustaceans [n]
Other moves: TAILFANS B6 71, TAILFANS F6 71, FANTAILS B3 65, FANALS O8 42, FACT 1L 39
TAILFANS D6 72 LongJump22
On 7th draw, MELICKS O8 113 --- MELICK a grass related to fescue [n]
Other moves: MELICKS O6 107, MICKLES O8 107, MELICKS M8 85, MICKLES M8 85, MICKLES 2C 81
MELICKS O8 113 LongJump22
On 8th draw, NOYADES 2C 69 --- NOYADE an execution by drowning [n]
Other moves: ANODYNES 12C 63, NOYADES I2 40, NOSEY I6 39, NODES I6 38, SEDAN I6 38
NOYADES 2C 69 LongJump22
On 9th draw, JAP 1F 60 --- JAP to spatter [v]
Other moves: PATIN 1D 53, JIN 1F 48, HIJRA C5 46, JAP 1D 46, PAH 1F 46
JAP 1F 60 LongJump22
On 10th draw, THEW 1A 53 --- THEW a well-developed muscle [n]
Other tops: THAW 1A 53
Other moves: WICH 1L 48, WHIG 1A 46, AWEIGH E10 45, THECA 1K 42, TWICE 1K 42
THAW 1A 53 LongJump22
On 11th draw, BICE 1L 33 --- BICE pale blue or green paint [n]
Other tops: BOUNCE 1J 33
Other moves: BONCE 1K 30, BUNCE 1K 30, BUNCO 1K 30, BAIRN O2 28, BINERS 14J 28
On 12th draw, EXO E10 45 --- EXO excellent (Australian slang) [adj]
Other moves: MINXES 14J 42, MIXENS 14J 42, MOXIES 14J 42, EX E10 41, EXEMING K3 34
EXO E10 45 LongJump22
On 13th draw, REMAP F10 40 --- MAP to delineate on a map (a representation of a region) [v] --- REMAP to map again [v]
Other moves: MERE F10 39, AMBEERS 14I 34, AMPERES 14I 34, EMPARES 14I 34, ME F10 34
On 14th draw, BOZO G6 31 --- BOZO a dim-witted fellow [n]
Other moves: BIONTS 14J 28, ZIN G8 24, BOINK 13K 22, BONITOS 14I 22, BOUTONS 14I 22
On 15th draw, AGEINGS 14I 26 --- AGEING the process of growing old [n]
Other tops: BERATING L1 26
Other moves: GINGES 14J 24, AIGA O3 23, GAEING M8 23, GATING M8 23, ISNAE 13C 23
On 16th draw, HURTING M6 75 --- HURT to injure [v]
Other moves: UNGIRT 15G 35, GRUNT 15H 31, THIN 15H 31, THIR 15H 31, HUNTING M9 30
On 17th draw, DANIO G11 32 --- DANIO an aquarium fish [n]
Other moves: DANIO I8 30, DAN I8 28, DA I8 27, DAN G11 26, UDON 15H 23
On 18th draw, UNROTTED K8 68 --- UNROTTED not rotted [adj]
Other moves: ORDO 15G 21, DONOR 2K 20, DUNT 13I 19, DURO 13I 19, NURD 15I 19
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