Game on December 12, 2023 at 15:32, 11 players
1. 767 pts LongJump22
2. 344 pts Papa_Sloth
3. 341 pts Chelsea
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 72 72 


11E 91 163 


7B 61 224 


F2 68 292 


9F 68 360 


B7 90 450 


A8 32 482 


O5 49 531 


C10 40 571 


N4 37 608 


6B 36 644 


15C 27 671 


14I 24 695 


10M 52 747 


M2 44 791 


5D 28 819 


H1 42 861 


N1 40 901 


1N 33 934 


3B 28 962 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
LongJump22 9 14:37 -195 767 1.8705 LongJump22 9 14:37 -195 767
Papa_Sloth 2 16:13 -618 344 Group: advanced
Chelsea 2 12:00 -621 341 1.7149 Chelsea 2 12:00 -621 341
Hammer22 0 3:01 -894 68 2.7664 HollyIvy 0 1:18 -921 41
Discus22 0 3:43 -894 68 3.7475 sicilianc5 0 1:47 -921 41
ShotPut22 0 1:18 -916 46 4.7721 Mycophot 0 0:53 -925 37
CCCCCC1112 0 1:50 -916 46 5.7702 moonmonkey 0 1:14 -925 37
HollyIvy 0 1:18 -921 41 Group: intermediate
sicilianc5 0 1:47 -921 41 1.6717 Papa_Sloth 2 16:13 -618 344
Mycophot 0 0:53 -925 37 2.6582 Hammer22 0 3:01 -894 68
moonmonkey 0 1:14 -925 37 3.6783 Discus22 0 3:43 -894 68
4.6663 ShotPut22 0 1:18 -916 46
5.6629 CCCCCC1112 0 1:50 -916 46
On 1st draw, CAUT(I)ON H4 72 --- CAUTION to warn [v]
Other tops: AC(C)OUNT H3 72, AUCT(I)ON H2 72, A(C)COUNT H2 72, CONATU(S) H4 72, COU(R)ANT H4 72, NOCTUA(S) H2 72
Other moves: AC(C)OUNT H4 68, AC(C)OUNT H6 68, AC(C)OUNT H7 68, AC(C)OUNT H8 68, AUCT(I)ON H3 68
AC(C)OUNT H3 72 LongJump22
A(C)COUNT H2 22 Chelsea
On 2nd draw, G(R)ISLED 11E 91 --- GRISLED grey [adj]
Other moves: DISGA(V)EL 5D 86, G(O)LIASED 5D 86, SIG(N)ALED 5D 86, DI(N)GLES 11B 75, ELDI(N)GS 11B 75
G(R)ISLED 11E 91 LongJump22
G(R)ISLED 11E 41 HollyIvy, sicilianc5
SLIDE 11H 21 Chelsea
On 3rd draw, LAUREATE 7B 61 --- LAUREATE to crown with a wreath of evergreen leaves [v]
Other moves: AUREOLAE 9D 60, ULNARE 10F 24, ULNAE 10F 20, ULNAR 10F 20, LAURAE 12J 19
LAUREATE 7B 61 LongJump22
NARE 10H 15 Chelsea
On 4th draw, DOWLIEST F2 68 --- DOWLY (English dialect) dull, low-spirited [adj]
Other moves: DOWS 8A 37, DOWT 8A 37, WILDS 10J 35, WOLDS 10J 35, LOWS 8A 34
DOWS 8A 37 LongJump22, Chelsea, Papa_Sloth, moonmonkey, Discus22
DOWT 8A 37 Mycophot, Hammer22
On 5th draw, THORNTREE 9F 68 --- THORNTREE
Other moves: RELEARNT 5D 32, HENT 10J 31, HERE 10J 31, HERN 10J 31, HETE 10J 31
HENT 10J 31 Chelsea, LongJump22, Hammer22
HERE 10J 31 Discus22
On 6th draw, LATHERED B7 90 --- LATHER to cover with lather (a light foam) [v]
Other tops: REHEATED N8 90
REHEATED N8 90 LongJump22
RATH 8A 46 Papa_Sloth
EATH 8A 46 ShotPut22, CCCCCC1112
HART 8A 31 Chelsea
On 7th draw, YA A8 32 --- YA you [pron]
Other tops: YU A8 32
Other moves: YA 10J 31, YO 10J 31, AVOUTRY L4 28, CAVITY 4H 28, YOU A13 26
YA A8 32 LongJump22, Chelsea
On 8th draw, YONKS O5 49 --- YONKS a long time ago [n]
Other moves: YOKS O6 46, IKONS O5 40, KINOS O5 40, NKOSI O6 40, OINKS O5 40
YONKS O5 49 Chelsea, LongJump22, Papa_Sloth
On 9th draw, OLEFIN C10 40 --- OLEFIN an alkene [n]
Other moves: ELF 10L 31, FELON C11 30, FELON N2 29, EF 10M 28, FENI C11 28
ELF 10L 31 LongJump22
EF 10M 28 Chelsea
On 10th draw, MOWA N4 37 --- MOWA a butter tree [n]
Other moves: AVOW N3 36, VAW N4 35, VOW N4 35, MAW N4 34, MOW N4 34
MOW N4 34 LongJump22
PAW N4 34 Chelsea, Papa_Sloth
On 11th draw, BEN 6B 36 --- BEN an inner room [n]
Other tops: BAN 6B 36
Other moves: OBA 6A 34, OBE 6A 34, BA 6B 33, BE 6B 33, AB 6A 31
BAN 6B 36 LongJump22
NAB M3 22 Chelsea
PHON 10A 17 Papa_Sloth
On 12th draw, NITRIDE 15C 27 --- NITRIDE to convert into a nitride (a compound of nitrogen) [v]
Other tops: NIDGET 15C 27
Other moves: DIRIGE 12J 24, EDGIER N9 24, GIRTED J2 24, NITRID 15C 24, DREG M2 23
TRIED M1 23 LongJump22
RIDGE 12J 19 Chelsea
DEAR C5 11 Papa_Sloth
On 13th draw, AGOUTI 14I 24 --- AGOUTI a burrowing rodent [n]
Other tops: AGOUTA 14I 24
Other moves: AGITA 14F 22, GOA E3 20, GOAT M2 20, GOUT M2 20, AGIO 14F 19
AGITA 14F 22 LongJump22
GAL 5D 12 Papa_Sloth
On 14th draw, AX 10M 52 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: MAXI 13L 43, MAX 13L 41, MIX 13L 41, MUX 13L 41, MAX G1 40
AX 10M 52 Papa_Sloth
MAXI 13L 43 LongJump22
On 15th draw, JAMB M2 44 --- JAMB to jam [v]
Other moves: JAB M3 36, JAM M3 36, JOB M3 36, JAMBO 3B 32, JAM 13G 31
JAMB M2 44 LongJump22
On 16th draw, GELCAPS 5D 28 --- GELCAP a tablet coated with gelatin [n]
Other tops: FECES 12J 28
Other moves: GELCAP 5D 26, EF D12 25, EFS 15M 25, FEGS 12J 24, CEPS J4 23
FE 15N 20 Papa_Sloth
On 17th draw, PRECAUT(I)ONS H1 42 --- PRECAUTION [n]
Other moves: PO N1 26, PROVIDE 2A 26, PERV 13F 24, PROVED 2A 24, ERUV L12 22
PO N1 26 LongJump22
QI 13N 22 Papa_Sloth
On 18th draw, ZO N1 40 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: FIZ 12J 38, JIZ 2M 38, ZIN A11 35, ZINS J2 33, RIZ 2H 32
ZO N1 40 LongJump22
QI 13N 22 Papa_Sloth
On 19th draw, ZO 1N 33 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: FUN 13I 25, IF D12 25, OF D12 25, FINI 12J 22, FINO 12J 22
EF J11 5 LongJump22
On 20th draw, QUINO 3B 28 --- QUINO a game of chance [n]
Other moves: FUN 13I 25, IF D12 25, FINI 12J 22, QI 13N 22, FIN 12J 20
QI 13N 22 Papa_Sloth
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