Game on December 14, 2023 at 15:44, 5 players
1. 275 pts LongJump22
2. 148 pts ShotPut22
3. 142 pts Hammer22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 30 30 


5C 72 102 


4D 45 147 


6B 53 200 


K3 88 288 


L1 24 312 


M3 91 403 


9C 78 481 


L8 75 556 


8A 76 632 


1I 39 671 


2G 35 706 


14J 38 744 


15D 91 835 


O7 89 924 


15M 53 977 


14D 31 1008 


13C 26 1034 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
LongJump22 2 4:48 -759 275 1.8874 LongJump22 2 4:48 -759 275
ShotPut22 0 4:40 -886 148 Group: intermediate
Hammer22 1 4:19 -892 142 1.6609 ShotPut22 0 4:40 -886 148
Discus22 1 4:53 -892 142 2.6611 Hammer22 1 4:19 -892 142
5. -
AEIOU1111 1 0:56 -1004 30 3.6839 Discus22 1 4:53 -892 142
Group: not rated
1. - AEIOU1111 1 0:56 -1004 30
On 1st draw, FOVEA H4 30 --- FOVEA a shallow anatomical depression [n]
Other tops: FAUVE H4 30
Other moves: FAUVE H8 24, FOUAT H4 24, FOUET H4 24, FOVEA H8 24, VAUTE H4 24
FAUVE H4 30 LongJump22, AEIOU1111
FOVEA H4 30 Hammer22, Discus22
On 2nd draw, BEAUCOU(P) 5C 72 --- BEAUCOUP a great amount [n] --- BEAUCOUP many or much [adj]
Other moves: AU(T)OCUE 5E 32, BECA(P) 9G 26, AB(D)UCE 9C 25, BEC(K) 9G 25, BEAC(H) 9G 24
BEAUCOU(P) 5C 72 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, DZO 4D 45 --- DZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: COZED 9E 41, DOZED 9E 40, ZED 6B 40, CLOZE 9D 38, CLOZE D1 38
ZED 6B 40 LongJump22, Hammer22, Discus22, ShotPut22
On 4th draw, JAWS 6B 53 --- JAW to jabber [v]
Other tops: JOWS 6B 53, JO(I)ST 6B 53
Other moves: JAWS K2 52, JOWS K2 52, JOW(L)S K1 52, JAW(S) 6B 51, JOW(S) 6B 51
On 5th draw, EP(S)ILON K3 88 --- EPSILON a Greek letter [n]
Other moves: AN(T)IPOLE 8H 86, AP(H)ELION 8H 80, P(H)ELONIA 8A 80, PIN(H)OLE 9C 75, PLENI(P)O 9G 75
OP(A)LINE G7 67 LongJump22
On 6th draw, DONA L1 24 --- DONA a Spanish lady [n]
Other moves: NADA L1 23, NOD 7A 23, AD 7B 22, OD 7B 22, PAVAN 4K 22
On 7th draw, STRIVEN M3 91 --- STRIVE to exert much effort or energy [v]
Other moves: STRIVEN 9C 78, INVERTS 9B 74, INVERTS 10E 73, STRIVEN I7 68, STRIVEN M4 67
INVERTS J9 66 LongJump22
On 8th draw, RIANTLY 9C 78 --- RIANT cheerful [adv] --- RIANTLY in a cheerful manner [adv]
Other moves: RIANTLY I7 71, RIANTLY I8 64, NARY 7A 34, ANY 7B 33, ARY 7B 33
On 9th draw, SOURING L8 75 --- SOUR to make sharp or bitter to the taste [v] --- SOURING the process of becoming sour [n]
Other tops: ROUSING L8 75
Other moves: ROUSING N8 74, SOURING N8 74, NOGS 7A 32, GONS 7A 29, IONS 7A 28
NOGS 7A 32 ShotPut22, Discus22, Hammer22
On 10th draw, ILEX 8A 76 --- ILEX a shrub of the holly family [n]
Other moves: WEX 8B 40, LEX 8B 37, REX 8B 37, TEX 8B 37, EX 8C 36
WEX 8B 40 Hammer22, Discus22, ShotPut22
On 11th draw, HARDMEN 1I 39 --- HARDMAN a tough, ruthless man [n]
Other tops: HERDMAN 1I 39
Other moves: HARMED 1G 36, HARPED 1G 36, HAMED 1H 33, RAMPED 1G 33, AMPED 1H 30
On 12th draw, KEMB 2G 35 --- KEMB to comb [v]
Other moves: EMBANK 13H 34, BLANKET 13I 32, LAMB 2G 31, KAB 2H 30, KAM 2H 30
On 13th draw, HIGGLE 14J 38 --- HIGGLE to haggle [v]
Other moves: HIGGLED 14I 30, DELIGHT 14H 28, DIGHT 14J 28, GIGHE 14J 28, HIGGLE 14I 26
On 14th draw, AWARDEE 15D 91 --- AWARDEE one that is awarded something [n]
Other moves: AWARDEE 13D 68, AWEARIED 12G 66, AWARDEE O8 39, WEARED 15F 38, AWARDEE O9 36
On 15th draw, FOEDARIE O7 89 --- FOEDARIE an accomplice [n]
Other moves: AREFIED O9 45, DEFIER O10 42, OAF 15M 38, DEAF 14C 36, DOF 14D 36
FEED O12 36 ShotPut22
On 16th draw, IOS 15M 53 --- IO a cry of joy [n]
Other moves: IS 15N 47, OS 15N 47, ESTOP 14B 43, FOEDARIES O7 39, PESTO 10B 34
On 17th draw, TOPE 14D 31 --- TOPE to drink liquor to excess [v]
Other moves: COPE N9 28, OPE 14E 28, TOP 14D 28, CEP N9 25, COP N9 25
On 18th draw, GUY 13C 26 --- GUY to ridicule [v]
Other moves: CIT N9 21, CUIT 13B 21, TIC 13C 21, CIT 13C 19, CUT 13C 19
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