Game on December 14, 2023 at 16:28, 7 players
1. 602 pts LongJump22
2. 432 pts Papa_Sloth
3. 126 pts Pacific
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H3 68 68 


G1 79 147 


F1 38 185 


10F 41 226 


9F 51 277 


8K 37 314 


11I 46 360 


8A 38 398 


N1 82 480 


1L 33 513 


1C 39 552 


7C 39 591 


12K 23 614 


A8 107 721 


14A 34 755 


O12 39 794 


15F 26 820 


14I 31 851 


D10 36 887 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
LongJump22 8 11:45 -285 602 1.9513 Pacific 2 5:19 -761 126
Papa_Sloth 2 16:44 -455 432 Group: expert
Pacific 2 5:19 -761 126 1.8873 LongJump22 8 11:45 -285 602
Hammer22 1 2:44 -781 106 Group: intermediate
Discus22 1 3:46 -781 106 1.6727 Papa_Sloth 2 16:44 -455 432
ShotPut22 1 1:12 -850 37 2.6611 Hammer22 1 2:44 -781 106
EEEEEE1112 1 1:36 -850 37 3.6839 Discus22 1 3:46 -781 106
4.6609 ShotPut22 1 1:12 -850 37
5.6547 EEEEEE1112 1 1:36 -850 37
On 1st draw, AGEN(I)SE H3 68 --- AGENISE to treat with agene [v]
Other tops: A(V)ENGES H8 68, ENGA(G)ES H2 68, EN(C)AGES H8 68, EN(G)AGES H8 68, EN(N)AGES H8 68, EN(R)AGES H8 68, E(N)NAGES H8 68, GENE(V)AS H4 68, NEGA(T)ES H2 68, SAGENE(S) H2 68, SENEGA(S) H8 68, (M)ANEGES H8 68, (M)ENAGES H8 68, (S)AGENES H2 68, (S)ENEGAS H8 68
Other moves: AGEN(I)SE H2 66, AGEN(I)SE H4 66, AGEN(I)SE H6 66, AGEN(I)SE H7 66, A(V)ENGES H2 66
EN(R)AGES H8 68 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, IODATED G1 79 --- IODATE to treat with iodine [v]
Other moves: IODATED 10B 72, IODATED 10F 72, TOADIED 10B 72, TOADIED 10E 72, TOADIED G7 70
TIDED G5 26 LongJump22
DADO G3 21 Papa_Sloth
On 3rd draw, SWOT F1 38 --- SWOT to study hard [v]
Other tops: TWOS F1 38
Other moves: LOWEST I3 35, WOS F2 35, WOT F2 35, TOWELS I1 34, OWLIEST 1D 33
OWLIEST 1D 33 LongJump22, Hammer22, Discus22
WILTS 1F 24 Papa_Sloth
On 4th draw, DESEX 10F 41 --- DESEX to castrate or spay [v]
Other moves: DEXES 10H 38, SEXED 10D 38, AXED 10E 37, DEXES 10D 37, EXED 10E 37
SIXES 1F 36 Papa_Sloth, LongJump22, Hammer22, Discus22
On 5th draw, EYEHOLE 9F 51 --- EYEHOLE a small opening [n]
Other moves: EYEHOLE 9H 36, HEW 9G 35, HEY 9G 35, WEY 9G 35, YEH 9G 35
HEW 9G 35 LongJump22
SILE 1F 12 Papa_Sloth
On 6th draw, ADMAN 8K 37 --- ADMAN a man employed in the advertising business [n]
Other tops: MAND 8L 37, MARD 8L 37, MAUD 8L 37
Other moves: MAAR 8L 34, MANA 8L 34, MARA 8L 34, MAUN 8L 34, MURA 8L 34
MARD 8L 37 LongJump22, Discus22
MAND 8L 37 Hammer22, ShotPut22, EEEEEE1112
NAM 8J 27 Papa_Sloth
On 7th draw, POZ 11I 46 --- POZ positive [adj]
Other moves: SIZEL 1F 42, TOZE 11I 42, SITZ 1F 39, SIZE 1F 39, ZEALOT N6 37
POZ 11I 46 LongJump22
SIZEL 1F 42 Papa_Sloth
On 8th draw, FROING 8A 38 --- FROING
Other moves: FLORIN 8A 34, SILOING 1F 30, LORING 8A 29, SIGNIOR 1F 27, SIGNORI 1F 27
FROING 8A 38 LongJump22
On 9th draw, TETRAPLA N1 82 --- TETRAPLA an edition of four parallel texts [n]
Other moves: PARTLET 12C 79, PRATTLER B1 74, PRATTLER B7 74, TETRAPLA N4 64, PALSIER 1C 30
TETRAPLA N1 82 LongJump22
APTER 12K 27 Papa_Sloth
On 10th draw, VOTE 1L 33 --- VOTE to cast a vote (a formal expression of will or opinion) [v]
Other tops: VETO 1L 33
Other moves: OVER 12K 25, SIBB 1F 24, SIVER 1F 24, VERB 4L 24, EBB 7B 23
VETO 1L 33 LongJump22
SIVER 1F 24 Papa_Sloth
On 11th draw, SCUSING 1C 39 --- SCUSE to excuse [v]
Other moves: CESSING 1C 33, CUSSING 1C 33, EUKS 7A 33, SICKS 1F 33, EUK 7A 30
EUK 7A 30 LongJump22
SICK 1F 30 Papa_Sloth
On 12th draw, JOE 7C 39 --- JOE a fellow [n]
Other moves: JO 7C 36, FRIJOLE D6 34, FRIJOLE B7 33, FRIJOL B7 32, JIRRE B6 30
JOE 7C 39 LongJump22, Papa_Sloth, Pacific
On 13th draw, ABRI 12K 23 --- ABRI a bomb shelter [n]
Other tops: ABUT 12K 23
Other moves: OBIA M1 22, ARB 12K 21, ARBITRAL K2 20, BRAIDER L4 20, RABIDER L4 20
ABUT 12K 23 LongJump22
ARB 12K 21 Papa_Sloth
On 14th draw, FLI(S)KIER A8 107 --- FLISKY skittish [adj]
Other moves: KEIR(S) N10 36, KLIE(G) N10 36, KRIL(L) N10 36, KRI(L)L N10 36, LI(N)KER O10 33
(S)ERK O12 27 LongJump22
(S)ILK O12 27 Papa_Sloth
On 15th draw, EATERY 14A 34 --- EATERY a restaurant [n]
Other tops: WAITER N10 34
Other moves: TAWERY 4J 32, TOWERY 4J 32, WAITE N10 32, WATERY 4J 32, WRITE N10 32
WAITER N10 34 Pacific
YET 13L 25 LongJump22, Papa_Sloth
On 16th draw, MOTU O12 39 --- MOTU a small reef island [n]
Other moves: OMBU 15F 29, UMBO 15F 29, WOMB 13D 28, KOMBU 12A 26, WOMB O10 26
WORM 4L 24 LongJump22
On 17th draw, ALIBI 15F 26 --- ALIBI to make excuses for oneself [v]
Other tops: ALIBI N10 26, URBIA 15F 26
Other moves: BIALI 7K 24, ABRI 15F 23, KIBLA 12A 22, KRUBI 12A 22, OBIA M1 22
ABRI 15F 23 Papa_Sloth
On 18th draw, AHI 14I 31 --- AHI a Hawaiian fish (yellowfin tuna or bigeye) [n]
Other tops: HWAN 14J 31
Other moves: AH 14I 30, HAW 14J 30, HAIN 14J 28, HAIR 14J 28, HARN 14J 28
AHI 14I 31 Papa_Sloth
HAW 14J 30 Pacific
On 19th draw, CURFEW D10 36 --- CURFEW a regulation concerning the hours which one may keep [n]
Other moves: RIF B8 29, VIEW D12 28, CREW D12 26, CURF 4L 26, FIVER D11 24
RIF 13G 23 Papa_Sloth, Pacific
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