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Game on December 15, 2023 at 16:37, 10 players
1. 297 pts ArcticFox
2. 270 pts LongJump22
3. 162 pts Pacific

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aaloopr   H8    20    20   orlop
 2. ?efllor  11D    90   110   follower
 3. ?abdfmu  12A    44   154   fumado
 4. deerstt   J7    65   219   settered
 5. aaemotx  13B    55   274   moxa
 6. behinuv  14A    33   307   hub
 7. adgistw   L8    35   342   waist
 8. aadegii   8L    24   366   weid
 9. beeinou   A8    30   396   boeuf
10. acioosy   M5    27   423   cooeys
11. iknoqrs  N10    27   450   oinks
12. egginty  O12    50   500   yite
13. adelnuv   5I    26   526   vaunced
14. aceglnv   O1    36   562   caved
15. aehinqt   B7    34   596   tanh
16. aiilnpr   2J    28   624   pirana
17. eegginr   G2    64   688   greeing
18. aegijqr   F6    64   752   qi
19. aeijnrt   C2    88   840   jantier
20. aegilwz   1E    55   895   glaze

Remaining tiles: iw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.7554 FileArcticFox   4  8:26  -598  297     1.9508 Pacific     2  4:05  -733  162 
  2.8668 FileLongJump22  2  4:22  -625  270            Group: expert
  3.9508 FilePacific     2  4:05  -733  162     1.8668 LongJump22  2  4:22  -625  270 
  4.6567 FileShotPut22   2  7:12  -734  161     2.8623 Wuincunx    0  0:58  -846   49 
  5.7699 FileHollyIvy    2  2:31  -815   80     3.8553 Zuincunx    0  1:10  -855   40 
  6.8623 FileWuincunx    0  0:58  -846   49     4.8851 Yuincunx    0  1:51  -855   40 
  7.8553 FileZuincunx    0  1:10  -855   40     5.8612 Xuincunx    0  0:49  -872   23 
  8.8851 FileYuincunx    0  1:51  -855   40            Group: advanced
  9.7475 Filesicilianc5  0  1:51  -867   28     1.7554 ArcticFox   4  8:26  -598  297 
 10.8612 FileXuincunx    0  0:49  -872   23     2.7699 HollyIvy    2  2:31  -815   80 
                                             3.7475 sicilianc5  0  1:51  -867   28 
                                                    Group: intermediate
                                             1.6567 ShotPut22   2  7:12  -734  161 

On 1st draw, ORLOP H8 20 --- ORLOP the lowest deck of a ship [n]
Other tops: PAOLO H4 20, PAROL H4 20, POLAR H4 20, PORAL H4 20
Other moves: ORLOP H4 16, PAOLO H8 16, PAROL H8 16, POLAR H8 16, PORAL H8 16
POLAR H4 20 LongJump22, ArcticFox

On 2nd draw, FOLLO(W)ER 11D 90 --- FOLLOWER one that follows [n]
Other moves: FOLLO(W)ER 11G 70, FOL(D)EROL 11B 70, FOL(D)EROL 11G 70, FOL(K)LORE 11C 70, FOL(K)LORE 11G 70
FOLLO(W)ER 11D 90 LongJump22
FOLLO(W)ER 11D 40 Zuincunx, Yuincunx
FLOO(D)ER 11E 36 ArcticFox

On 3rd draw, FUMAD(O) 12A 44 --- FUMADO a smoked fish [n]
Other moves: FAM(E)D 12A 39, FUM(E)D 12A 39, FA(N)UM 10J 38, FUMAD(O) 10J 38, B(E)MAD 12A 37
FUMAD(O) 10J 38 LongJump22
FAM(E)D 10J 37 ArcticFox

On 4th draw, SETTERED J7 65 --- SETTER to treat with a seton [v]
Other tops: STREETED J7 65
DETESTER J5 63 LongJump22
FEED A12 24 ArcticFox
REEST L8 23 Xuincunx

On 5th draw, MOXA 13B 55 --- MOXA a Chinese plant [n]
Other moves: MAX 13B 49, TAXA 13B 49, AXE 13C 45, TAX 13B 43, TEX 13B 43
MAX 13B 49 LongJump22, ArcticFox, Wuincunx

On 6th draw, HUB 14A 33 --- HUB the center of a wheel [n]
Other moves: HEBEN 13I 28, HUE 14A 27, HUI 14A 27, HUN 14A 27, NUB 14A 27
HEBEN 13I 28 sicilianc5

On 7th draw, WAIST L8 35 --- WAIST the part of the body between the ribs and the hips [n]
Other moves: STAID L11 27, STAIG L11 27, SWAD L11 27, SWAG L11 27, SWIG L11 27
WAIST L8 35 ArcticFox
WEIDS 13I 26 HollyIvy

On 8th draw, WEID 8L 24 --- WEID a sudden illness [n]
Other tops: WADE 8L 24, WADI 8L 24, WAGE 8L 24, WAID 8L 24, WIDE 8L 24
Other moves: AGED M6 20, A(W)ED I10 19, DEG M7 19, GADE I6 19, GADI I6 19
WAGE 8L 24 HollyIvy
WADE 8L 24 ArcticFox

On 9th draw, BOEUF A8 30 --- BOEUF as in boeuf bourguignon, a casserole of beef, herbs etc cooked in red wine. [adj]
Other moves: BEDOUIN 14H 20, BOI 7M 20, OBE I7 19, OBI I7 19, (W)EB I11 19
BOEUF A8 30 HollyIvy

On 10th draw, COOEYS M5 27 --- COOEY to cry out shrilly [v]
Other moves: CIAOS B6 25, CAYS B6 24, CAYS B7 24, COOEY M5 24, COSEY M5 24
COYS B7 24 ShotPut22

On 11th draw, OINKS N10 27 --- OINK to utter the natural grunt of a hog [v]
Other moves: SINK 13L 25, SKIN 13L 25, SKIO 13L 25, KIL(O)S F9 24, KOIS B6 24
SKIN 13L 25 ShotPut22
RICKS 5K 22 ArcticFox

On 12th draw, YITE O12 50 --- YITE (Scots) the yellowhammer [n]
Other moves: YIN O13 29, GYNIE B5 23, (W)EY I11 23, TYIN B7 22, TYNE B7 22
YITE O12 50 ShotPut22, ArcticFox

On 13th draw, VAUNCED 5I 26 --- VAUNCE to advance [v]
Other moves: ELAND B6 25, VEND B7 25, LAND B7 22, LAUD B7 22, LEND B7 22
VALUED I3 22 ShotPut22

On 14th draw, CAVED O1 36 --- CAVE to hollow out [v]
Other moves: CAGED O1 30, LAVED O1 30, VANED O1 30, ACNED O1 27, CANED O1 27
CAVED O1 36 ShotPut22, Pacific

On 15th draw, TANH B7 34 --- TANH a hyperbolic tangent [n]
Other moves: EH B9 28, HAINT B6 28, HIANT B6 28, EH N5 26, OH 6M 26
EH B9 28 Pacific
EN 13J 2 ShotPut22

On 16th draw, PIRANA 2J 28 --- PIRANA a ferocious, carnivorous South American fish [n]
Other moves: PANINI L1 24, NEP N4 23, REP N4 23, RAPINI C2 21, PLAIN L1 20
ER 13J 2 ShotPut22

On 17th draw, GREEING G2 64 --- GREE to agree [v]
Other moves: EGGIER 15C 38, EGGIER C3 26, GINGER C3 26, N*GG*R C3 26, GREIGE C4 23

On 18th draw, QI F6 64 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: JAG 1F 43, JAI 1F 40, JAR 1F 40, RAJ 1F 40, QI H1 36
JAG 1F 43 Pacific
JEE 4E 10 LongJump22

On 19th draw, JANTIER C2 88 --- JANTY briskly self-assured [adj]
Other moves: NARTJIE C1 83, JANE 1F 43, JEAN 1E 43, JEAT 1E 43, JAI 1F 40

On 20th draw, GLAZE 1E 55 --- GLAZE to fit windows with glass panes [v]
Other moves: GAZE 1F 52, LAZE 1F 49, ZAG 1F 49, ZEAL 1E 49, ZING 4A 48
GLAZE 1E 55 Pacific

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