Game on December 16, 2023 at 07:54, 5 players
1. 134 pts LongJump22
2. 31 pts Hammer22
3. 31 pts Discus22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H3 78 78 


8A 110 188 


E7 78 266 


C8 80 346 


3D 65 411 


B10 38 449 


A1 86 535 


A12 40 575 


D1 30 605 


1D 30 635 


2J 29 664 


6G 66 730 


O4 31 761 


1L 33 794 


N6 27 821 


F10 31 852 


14E 33 885 


10J 34 919 


11I 31 950 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
LongJump22 3 4:49 -816 134 1.8485 LongJump22 3 4:49 -816 134
Hammer22 1 1:13 -919 31 Group: intermediate
Discus22 1 1:29 -919 31 1.6598 Hammer22 1 1:13 -919 31
ShotPut22 1 1:48 -919 31 2.6716 Discus22 1 1:29 -919 31
CCCCCC1112 0 1:52 -926 24 3.6604 ShotPut22 1 1:48 -919 31
4.6629 CCCCCC1112 0 1:52 -926 24
On 1st draw, SHORTER H3 78 --- SHORT having little length [adj]
Other tops: RHETORS H3 78
Other moves: RHETORS H2 72, RHETORS H4 72, RHETORS H6 72, RHETORS H7 72, RHETORS H8 72
On 2nd draw, EXOCRINE 8A 110 --- EXOCRINE secretion through a duct [n]
Other moves: EXOCRINE 8H 104, CHOENIX 4G 38, CHENIX 4G 36, XERIC 6F 36, COXIER 5G 30
On 3rd draw, PR(E)FADED E7 78 --- PREFADE to fade beforehand [v]
Other tops: PREFAD(E)D E7 78
Other moves: PREFAD(E)D 6G 76, PR(E)FADED 6G 76, P(R)EFADED A2 65, P(R)EFADED A6 65, DEFRA(U)D E5 44
On 4th draw, OVERTOIL C8 80 --- OVERTOIL to wear out or exhaust by excessive toil [v]
Other moves: OVERTOIL C3 76, OVERTOIL 5C 72, OVERTOIL 5H 72, VIOLATER 11A 61, COILER D8 32
On 5th draw, RAMOSELY 3D 65 --- RAMOSE having many branches [adv] --- RAMOSELY in a ramose manner [adv]
Other moves: YEALM B10 63, YLEM F10 42, LAIRY F6 39, MOLY 15A 39, ROILY F6 39
On 6th draw, HEAP B10 38 --- HEAP to pile up [v]
Other moves: PHI 2E 37, EPHA B12 36, HELP 15A 36, HAEN B10 34, HAIN B10 34
On 7th draw, INDUV(I)AE A1 86 --- INDUVIAE persistent withered leaves on some plants [n]
Other tops: (I)NDUVIAE A1 86
Other moves: INDIV(I)DUA 14C 67, IND(I)VIDUA 14C 65, UNVAI(L)ED A2 65, UNVA(R)IED A2 65, DILUV(I)AN J1 63
On 8th draw, BAIT A12 40 --- BAIT to set a trap [v]
Other tops: BAAL A12 40, BAIL A12 40
Other moves: TABI A12 30, ABOIL 2J 29, LATI A12 24, TAAL A12 24, TAIL A12 24
On 9th draw, KARITE D1 30 --- KARITE an African tree [n]
Other moves: ACKEE 4K 29, CLEEKIT J2 29, ACKEE 2K 27, CLEEK J2 27, CLEIK J2 27
On 10th draw, KISSEL 1D 30 --- KISSEL a Russian fruit dessert [n]
Other tops: OSES I7 30, SEIS I5 30
Other moves: OSE I7 29, KILOS 1D 27, KOELS 1D 27, KOSES 1D 27, SEILS I8 27
On 11th draw, ABOIL 2J 29 --- ABOIL boiling [adj]
Other moves: AIOLI F10 28, BALE F11 22, BILE F11 22, BOLA F11 22, BOLE F11 22
On 12th draw, FRONTAGE 6G 66 --- FRONTAGE the front of a building or lot [n]
Other moves: GOAF 1L 39, FAX B6 35, AGONE F10 30, FAINE F6 30, GAEN 1L 30
GOAF 1L 39 LongJump22
On 13th draw, URSON O4 31 --- URSON a porcupine [n]
Other tops: ARSON O4 31
Other moves: ARSON O5 28, RAUNS O6 28, ROANS O6 28, ROONS O6 28, ROOS I5 28
ARSON O4 31 LongJump22, Hammer22, Discus22, ShotPut22
On 14th draw, GAED 1L 33 --- GAE to go [v]
Other moves: HATED 4H 31, IMAGED F8 31, ED D12 30, AIMED F7 27, MAC 1M 27
On 15th draw, EJECT N6 27 --- EJECT to throw out forcibly [v]
Other moves: JATO 2C 23, TEW 4J 23, JEAT L4 22, TEC 4J 21, TWO 7H 21
On 16th draw, YE F10 31 --- YE you [pron]
Other moves: UEY 5J 23, YE B2 23, EMU 5K 21, TYE 7H 21, UMU 5K 21
YE F10 31 LongJump22
On 17th draw, DZO 14E 33 --- DZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: MIAOW L4 28, MIZ F13 25, MOZ F13 25, ZOA L4 24, ZOOM 5F 24
DZO 14E 33 LongJump22
On 18th draw, QUINT 10J 34 --- QUINT a group of five [n]
Other moves: WING 15G 29, QUAG L4 28, ONIUM 5H 26, QUAI L4 26, WIG 15G 26
On 19th draw, WIG 11I 31 --- WIG to provide with a wig (an artificial covering of hair for the head) [v]
Other moves: MIG 11I 29, NIM 11I 29, WING 15G 29, WIN 11I 27, ONIUM 5H 26
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