Game on December 16, 2023 at 12:24, 8 players
1. 190 pts LongJump22
2. 141 pts Pacific
3. 69 pts Wuincunx
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 28 28 


12D 26 54 


H8 39 93 


13A 37 130 


14D 43 173 


A10 54 227 


I2 64 291 


H1 27 318 


E8 30 348 


B11 23 371 


J8 23 394 


8A 27 421 


3G 74 495 


O2 86 581 


6C 68 649 


N5 24 673 


L1 24 697 


F8 29 726 


M8 40 766 


15G 64 830 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
LongJump22 5 4:31 -640 190 1.9509 Pacific 2 4:36 -689 141
Pacific 2 4:36 -689 141 Group: expert
Wuincunx 1 1:52 -761 69 1.8560 LongJump22 5 4:31 -640 190
4. -
AEIOU3333 1 1:57 -776 54 2.8514 Wuincunx 1 1:52 -761 69
Zuincunx 1 1:00 -791 39 3.8412 Zuincunx 1 1:00 -791 39
Yuincunx 1 1:21 -791 39 4.8775 Yuincunx 1 1:21 -791 39
Xuincunx 1 1:43 -791 39 5.8569 Xuincunx 1 1:43 -791 39
8. -
SSSSSS1111 1 1:16 -802 28 Group: not rated
1. - AEIOU3333 1 1:57 -776 54
2. - SSSSSS1111 1 1:16 -802 28
On 1st draw, BRASH H8 28 --- BRASH a mass of fragments [n] --- BRASH rash; hasty [adj] --- BRASH to attack [v]
Other tops: ABHORS H3 28, HOBOS H4 28
Other moves: BASHO H4 26, BOHOS H4 26, BOOHS H4 26, BRASH H4 26, SHOORA H3 26
HOBOS H4 28 Pacific
BRASH H8 28 LongJump22, SSSSSS1111
On 2nd draw, WEIGHS 12D 26 --- WEIGH to determine the weight of [v]
Other moves: WEIGH 12D 24, HOWES 12H 22, WEES I7 21, WOES I7 21, WOES I10 20
WEIGHS 12D 26 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, BRASHIER H8 39 --- BRASHY brash [adj]
Other moves: GYRED 13A 28, YERD 13C 26, YIRD 13H 26, Y*DYID 13H 25, DYER 13B 23
BRASHIER H8 39 LongJump22, Zuincunx, Yuincunx, Xuincunx
On 4th draw, Q(U)EENS 13A 37 --- QUEEN to make a queen (a female monarch) of [v]
Other tops: EQ(U)INES F9 37
Other moves: EQ(U)INE F9 36, Q(U)EENS 14F 36, Q(U)INES F10 36, Q(U)INOS F10 36, Q(U)EEN 13B 35
Q(U)EENS 14F 36 Pacific
On 5th draw, YEH 14D 43 --- YEH yeah [adv]
Other moves: LIMEY 11A 38, HEY 14B 37, HEY 11C 36, YEH 11C 36, HERM 11C 35
YEH 14D 43 LongJump22, Wuincunx
On 6th draw, CALQUE A10 54 --- CALQUE to model a word's meaning upon that of an analogous word in another language [v]
Other tops: CLAQUE A10 54, CLOQUE A10 54
Other moves: ROQUE A11 45, QUA A13 36, COL(U)RE B10 26, CUR(U)LE B10 26, CLO(U)R B10 24
CALQUE A10 54 LongJump22, AEIOU3333
CLOQUE A10 54 Pacific
On 7th draw, TOM(E)NTA I2 64 --- TOMENTUM a network of small blood vessels [n]
Other tops: TOM(E)NTA G2 64, TORM(E)NTA 9F 64
Other moves: ANT(I)ATOM 10D 63, ANT(I)ATOM 10H 63, MNAS 11E 34, MN(A)S 11E 31, M(N)AS 11E 31
On 8th draw, GALA H1 27 --- GALA a celebration [n]
Other tops: ALAAP J4 27
Other moves: VAG H1 26, GA(U)P B11 25, GAP H1 24, PAV J8 23, ALAPA H2 22
VAG H1 26 Wuincunx
On 9th draw, PINKENED E8 30 --- PINKEN to become pink [v]
Other moves: PINKO G4 28, PLANK 10F 27, PLINK 6F 27, PLONK 6F 27, DO(U)P B11 25
On 10th draw, WA(U)R B11 23 --- WAUR to war [v] --- WAUR worse [adj]
Other moves: ANOW J7 22, AROW J7 22, WOON G7 22, WOON F6 21, RAWN J8 20
On 11th draw, PAV J8 23 --- PAV short form of pavlova, a sweet meringue [n]
Other tops: PUNA J3 23
Other moves: UPRAN F5 19, VAU G7 19, LOUVAR 3H 18, NAP J8 16, PAN J3 16
On 12th draw, TITUPS 8A 27 --- TITUP to prance [v]
Other moves: SITUP 8A 24, STOUP 8A 24, TITUP 8A 24, STOIT J1 21, STOUT J1 21
On 13th draw, ELOCUTION 3G 74 --- ELOCUTION [n]
Other moves: CONTINUE 6D 64, CONTINUE 6G 64, COUNTIES F1 64, ECONUT K4 26, ECONUT 11J 25
On 14th draw, ENAMORED O2 86 --- ENAMOR to inspire with love [v]
Other moves: MODERATE C2 76, DEMEANOR 6D 69, ENAMORED 6H 65, MADRE 4K 34, ENARMED O2 33
On 15th draw, RELIVING 6C 68 --- RELIVE to experience again [v]
Other tops: LIVERING 6C 68, REVILING 6C 68
Other moves: VIRGULE D4 26, ERVIL 11J 25, RILIEVI B2 24, EVIL 11J 23, VERLIG G2 23
On 16th draw, ODEA N5 24 --- ODEUM a theater or concert hall [n]
Other moves: DATE N6 23, DATO N6 23, DOTE N6 23, DOTE N2 22, ADO N5 21
On 17th draw, FUTON L1 24 --- FUTON a cotton filled mattress for use as a bed [n]
Other tops: FITTE L1 24
Other moves: ENUF 11J 23, FET 5D 23, NEF 4K 23, TEF 4K 23, FETT L1 22
On 18th draw, SOY F8 29 --- SOY the soybean [n]
Other tops: STY F8 29
Other moves: FY M7 28, FEY G2 23, JIG G10 22, JOG G10 22, JIFFY 1J 21
On 19th draw, FORNIX M8 40 --- FORNIX an arched anatomical structure [n]
Other moves: FOXIE D2 30, FLORIN M8 26, ENFIX 14H 23, FIXER 7K 23, SOX I12 23
FIXER 7K 23 Pacific
On 20th draw, TRILOBED 15G 64 --- TRILOBED having three lobes [adj]
Other moves: BOILED L9 39, BOITE L9 35, BOLD L12 35, OBELI L11 35, BODE L12 33
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