Game on December 18, 2023 at 07:18, 7 players
1. 545 pts fatcat
2. 140 pts LongJump22
3. 78 pts Zuincunx
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 24 24 


8H 80 104 


J4 70 174 


M6 84 258 


5E 28 286 


H1 36 322 


1A 86 408 


N1 83 491 


M3 38 529 


1L 42 571 


4A 52 623 


3A 34 657 


L12 36 693 


15L 27 720 


A3 39 759 


11E 24 783 


O3 28 811 


12A 54 865 


B10 34 899 


6C 41 940 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
fatcat 5 16:19 -395 545 1.8775 LongJump22 4 1:47 -800 140
LongJump22 4 1:47 -800 140 2.8504 Zuincunx 2 2:04 -862 78
Zuincunx 2 2:04 -862 78 3.8566 Xuincunx 1 0:32 -912 28
4. -
AEIOU3333 1 1:43 -886 54 4.8514 Wuincunx 1 0:55 -912 28
Xuincunx 1 0:32 -912 28 5.8727 Yuincunx 1 1:53 -916 24
Wuincunx 1 0:55 -912 28 Group: intermediate
Yuincunx 1 1:53 -916 24 1.6597 fatcat 5 16:19 -395 545
Group: not rated
1. - AEIOU3333 1 1:43 -886 54
On 1st draw, ZEE H7 24 --- ZEE the letter Z [n]
Other tops: ZEA H6 24, ZEA H7 24, ZEA H8 24, ZEE H6 24, ZEE H8 24
Other moves: ZA H7 22, ZA H8 22, AYE H6 12, AYE H7 12, AYE H8 12
ZEA H6 24 fatcat
On 2nd draw, EUC(R)ITES 8H 80 --- EUCRITE a type of meteorite [n]
Other tops: CE(R)USITE 8A 80
Other moves: CESTUI(S) 10F 79, CE(S)TUIS 10B 79, CUITE(R)S 10B 79, CUT(T)IES 10B 79, CU(R)IETS 10B 79
T(R)UCES 10C 26 fatcat
On 3rd draw, FERACITY J4 70 --- FERACITY the state of being fruitful [n]
Other moves: TER(R)IFY K5 48, AUF I7 32, AUREITY I7 31, RITZY 7E 31, AURIFY I7 29
FAIRY G9 28 fatcat
On 4th draw, GATHERER M6 84 --- GATHERER one that gathers [n]
Other moves: REGATHER M4 67, REHEA(R) K3 35, GERAH K1 33, EAGERER 5E 32, HEARE K2 27
HEAR K2 23 fatcat
On 5th draw, ALIENEE 5E 28 --- ALIENEE one to whom property is transferred [n]
Other tops: OLEINE N6 28
Other moves: OLEIN N6 25, EOLIAN K10 24, OLEFINE 4G 22, ANELE K2 21, LIANE K2 21
LANE K3 19 fatcat
On 6th draw, COUPE H1 36 --- COUPE an automobile with two doors [n]
Other moves: CUVEE H1 33, COVET 4A 28, PUCE L12 28, COUPE 4A 26, ECTOPY 11E 26
COVE 4B 20 fatcat
On 7th draw, PU(R)ISTIC 1A 86 --- PURIST one who practices purism [adj] --- PURISTIC pertaining to a purist [adj]
Other moves: SPI(R)ITUS O8 80, PITU(R)IS 10B 77, SPI(R)ITUS O1 77, PITU(R)IS 14G 73, PITU(R)IS 6A 69
P(A)ST 14K 23 fatcat
On 8th draw, BRANDISE N1 83 --- BRANDISE a trivet [n]
Other moves: RIBANDS 10B 77, UNBRAIDS B1 76, RIBANDS 14G 75, BANDARIS E4 72, RIBANDS G9 65
BASIN 14K 27 fatcat
On 9th draw, JA M3 38 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other tops: JO M3 38
Other moves: DOJO L12 34, FOID L12 32, FOOD L12 32, FADO L10 31, ADOBO 1K 30
JO M3 38 fatcat
On 10th draw, BABY 1L 42 --- BABY resembling a baby (an infant) [adj] --- BABY to coddle, BABIER, BABIEST [v]
Other moves: WALY L12 40, YABA 1L 39, YABBA 1K 39, HAW L10 35, HAY L10 35
BABY 1L 42 fatcat
On 11th draw, XEROMA 4A 52 --- XEROMA a dry lustreless condition of the conjunctiva [n]
Other moves: ROMNEYA 11E 48, AXMEN K11 38, MOXA L12 38, EXAM K11 36, EXONYM 11F 36
MAX L12 34 fatcat
On 12th draw, ENOW 3A 34 --- ENOW enough [n]
Other tops: ENEW 3A 34
Other moves: NEWEL L10 32, WEEN O3 32, EWE 3A 30, OWE 3A 30, WEEL L12 28
WON L12 24 fatcat
On 13th draw, DOEK L12 36 --- DOEK an African cloth [n]
Other tops: DOUK L12 36
Other moves: DOEKS O4 32, OULK L12 32, DANK 4L 28, DEEK 12L 28, DUKE L12 28
DANK 4L 28 fatcat
On 14th draw, KOND 15L 27 --- KON to know [v]
Other tops: OONT K11 27
Other moves: KANT 15L 24, KAON 15L 24, KNOT 15L 24, KOAN 15L 24, KOTO 15L 24
KNOT 15L 24 fatcat
On 15th draw, EXTOLS A3 39 --- EXTOL to praise highly [v]
Other tops: EXALTS A3 39
Other moves: VOLVAS 10C 33, AVOS 10E 28, VOLTA 6B 28, VOLTS 6B 28, VAS 10F 27
VOLTS 10D 23 fatcat
On 16th draw, LEVITY 11E 24 --- LEVITY conduct characterized by a lack of seriousness [n]
Other tops: LIVERY 11E 24, VEIN N12 24, VERILY 11E 24, VERITY 11E 24
Other moves: OLIVET 6A 23, LEV N10 21, OVERT 6A 21, REI O3 21, REV N10 21
LIVERY 11E 24 LongJump22, Zuincunx, Yuincunx
VANE 4L 16 fatcat
On 17th draw, GNAT O3 28 --- GNAT a small winged insect [n]
Other tops: QAT 12D 28
Other moves: QAT 6D 24, QUA 3G 23, INGAN H11 21, INGOT H11 21, QAT 10D 20
QAT 12D 28 LongJump22, Xuincunx, fatcat, Wuincunx
On 18th draw, QORMA 12A 54 --- QORMA (India) a mild curry [n]
Other moves: IHRAM H11 42, OMRAH 10B 35, MOHR B6 32, HAO B6 31, NOAH 10C 30
QORMA 12A 54 fatcat, LongJump22, Zuincunx, AEIOU3333
On 19th draw, VIOLD B10 34 --- VIOLD contained in a vial [adj]
Other moves: HOI B6 31, HI B6 28, HO B6 28, DOH B6 25, OVOID 6A 23
VIOLD B10 34 LongJump22
VOID B11 16 fatcat
On 20th draw, GOWF 6C 41 --- GOWF to play golf (a ball game) [v]
Other moves: INFO 6D 36, NEIF B3 30, WO B6 28, OWING 6A 23, FRO C11 21
WO B6 28 fatcat
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