Game on December 18, 2023 at 11:55, 12 players
1. 554 pts LongJump22
2. 198 pts ArcticFox
3. 112 pts Pacific
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 20 20 


9G 68 88 


M3 76 164 


8L 45 209 


J7 66 275 


14D 68 343 


H12 54 397 


N2 65 462 


O1 24 486 


5E 56 542 


15A 32 574 


10A 64 638 


A8 39 677 


13J 36 713 


B3 69 782 


15K 42 824 


A1 49 873 


C2 35 908 


E7 28 936 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
LongJump22 8 10:54 -382 554 1.9472 Pacific 1 1:55 -824 112
ArcticFox 1 6:27 -738 198 Group: expert
Pacific 1 1:55 -824 112 1.8773 LongJump22 8 10:54 -382 554
Mycophot 1 3:18 -826 110 2.8480 Wuincunx 1 1:27 -891 45
5. -
AEIOU3333 2 3:55 -831 105 3.8550 Xuincunx 1 1:50 -891 45
moonmonkey 0 1:55 -880 56 4.8636 Vuincunx 0 1:55 -897 39
Wuincunx 1 1:27 -891 45 5.8518 Quincunx 0 1:33 -900 36
Xuincunx 1 1:50 -891 45 Group: advanced
Vuincunx 0 1:55 -897 39 1.7541 ArcticFox 1 6:27 -738 198
Quincunx 0 1:33 -900 36 2.7692 Mycophot 1 3:18 -826 110
HollyIvy 0 1:47 -901 35 3.7705 moonmonkey 0 1:55 -880 56
sicilianc5 0 1:39 -903 33 4.7711 HollyIvy 0 1:47 -901 35
5.7491 sicilianc5 0 1:39 -903 33
Group: not rated
1. - AEIOU3333 2 3:55 -831 105
On 1st draw, BRINE H4 20 --- BRINE to treat with brine (salted water) [v]
Other tops: BAIRN H4 20, BINER H4 20, BRAIN H4 20
Other moves: ABRIN H4 16, ABRIN H8 16, BAIRN H8 16, BINER H8 16, BRAIN H8 16
BRINE H4 20 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, AREOLAS 9G 68 --- AREOLA a small space in a network of leaf veins [n]
Other moves: AREOLAS 9B 67, AREOLAS G7 65, AREOLAS I7 65, OLEARIAS 6C 62, AREOLAS G8 61
AREOLAS 9B 67 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, YOUNGIS(H) M3 76 --- YOUNGISH somewhat young [adj]
Other moves: (D)IGYNOUS M2 74, OU(T)LYING K6 72, UNYO(K)ING 7G 67, YOU(K)ING 10A 67, (B)UOYING 10A 67
YOUNGIS(H) M3 76 LongJump22
YOGIN 10J 39 Vuincunx
YOGI 10J 36 Quincunx
On 4th draw, HIDE 8L 45 --- HIDE to conceal [v] --- HIDE to flog [v]
Other tops: CHOW L1 45, HIED 8L 45
Other moves: DHOW L1 41, DICH 8L 41, EDICT 8K 37, WHOT L1 37, CHEW N1 34
CHOW L1 45 LongJump22, Wuincunx, Xuincunx
TWO 10I 31 ArcticFox
On 5th draw, STOTINKA J7 66 --- STOTINKA a monetary unit of Bulgaria [n]
Other moves: KISAN 10F 38, KANS L1 35, KANT L1 35, KINS L1 35, SANK L1 35
STOTINKA J7 66 LongJump22
KINS L1 35 ArcticFox
TANK L1 35 HollyIvy
On 6th draw, SUPERMAN 14D 68 --- SUPERMAN a hypothetical superior man [n]
Other moves: SUPERMEN O2 65, SUPERMEN O5 63, MURRENS 5E 36, SPURNER 5E 36, MENUS N10 35
SUPERMAN 14D 68 LongJump22
RUMP L1 33 ArcticFox
SUMP L1 33 sicilianc5
On 7th draw, J(U)RE H12 54 --- JURE by law [adv]
Other tops: JER(K) H12 54, JIR(D) H12 54
Other moves: (R)EJIG 15A 45, JING(L)E 12H 42, QI(S) 10F 41, JING(O) 12H 40, J(O)E L4 39
JER(K) H12 54 ArcticFox, Mycophot
JIR(D) H12 54 LongJump22
On 8th draw, DASHY N2 65 --- DASHY stylish [adj]
Other moves: HYDRASE 5E 56, YEAHS 15A 56, YEAH 15A 51, HEADY L1 48, DASH 15A 45
YEAHS 15A 56 LongJump22, Mycophot, moonmonkey
DASH 15A 45 ArcticFox
On 9th draw, BEE O1 24 --- BEE a four-winged insect that makes honey [n]
Other tops: BEET 15A 24, BELT 15A 24, BLET 15A 24
Other moves: KELTIE 13J 22, KIBE 13J 22, BLUIEST D9 20, ELITE 15K 20, ELUTE 15K 20
BEET 15A 24 LongJump22
On 10th draw, UXORIAL 5E 56 --- UXORIAL pertaining to a wife [adj]
Other moves: FAIX 13B 39, FAUX 13B 39, FLAX 13B 39, FLIX 13B 39, FLUX 13B 39
UXORIAL 5E 56 LongJump22, AEIOU3333
FLAX 13B 39 Pacific
On 11th draw, GEMOT 15A 32 --- GEMOT a public meeting in Anglo-Saxon England [n]
Other moves: EGOTISM D9 26, JINGO 12H 26, TIME 4C 25, TOME 4C 25, EGOISM D10 24
XI F5 11 LongJump22
On 12th draw, ORDINAL 10A 64 --- ORDINAL a number designating position in a series [n]
Other moves: DOLINA 4A 29, LADINO 4A 27, ADORN 15K 26, LADINO 13A 24, ANDRO 13B 23
XI F5 11 LongJump22
On 13th draw, TWOFER A8 39 --- TWOFER something that is sold at the rate of two for the price of one [n]
Other moves: AFTER 15K 38, CROWEA A8 36, CROFT A8 33, FACTOR A6 33, FAW 11D 32
On 14th draw, KAZI 13J 36 --- KAZI a lavatory [n]
Other moves: WIZ 11I 30, WIZARD C5 30, ZIN 13C 30, ZIT 13C 30, DITZ C10 28
On 15th draw, POINTIER B3 69 --- POINTY coming to a sharp, tapering end [adj]
Other moves: POZ L11 28, INEPT 15K 27, NEPIT 15K 27, NETOP 15K 27, OPINE 4B 25
On 16th draw, AVOID 15K 42 --- AVOID to keep away from [v]
Other moves: AVOID A1 40, AVOID C1 31, VOID C2 29, CAZ L11 28, COZ L11 28
On 17th draw, GLOW A1 49 --- GLOW to emit light and heat [v]
Other moves: ALOW A1 46, AWOL A1 31, GLOW C1 29, ALEW C1 27, ALOW C1 27
GLOW A1 49 Pacific, AEIOU3333
On 18th draw, REFT C2 35 --- REAVE to plunder [v] --- RIEVE to rob [v]
Other tops: REEF C2 35
Other moves: FREET C1 34, EFT C3 33, REEF C1 33, TEF C3 33, TREF C1 33
On 19th draw, QUENA E7 28 --- QUENA a bamboo flute [n]
Other tops: CAZ L11 28, CUZ L11 28
Other moves: ACED C7 24, QUA 12M 24, QUAD O12 24, QI N14 22, VAUNCE E7 22
QUA 12M 24 Pacific
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