Game on December 19, 2023 at 15:19, 6 players
1. 434 pts LongJump22
2. 124 pts Hammer22
3. 93 pts ShotPut22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 52 52 


I5 76 128 


4D 34 162 


J1 75 237 


11E 44 281 


12A 54 335 


10A 70 405 


3C 42 447 


2C 40 487 


5A 42 529 


A12 45 574 


1J 39 613 


15A 83 696 


A4 33 729 


N1 64 793 


M5 74 867 


L4 34 901 


N9 28 929 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
LongJump22 3 11:41 -495 434 1.8849 LongJump22 3 11:41 -495 434
Hammer22 2 5:02 -805 124 Group: intermediate
ShotPut22 1 3:09 -836 93 1.6795 Hammer22 2 5:02 -805 124
Discus22 1 2:46 -839 90 2.6604 ShotPut22 1 3:09 -836 93
5. -
SSSSSS1111 1 1:03 -877 52 3.6660 Discus22 1 2:46 -839 90
6. -
AEIOU3333 1 1:33 -877 52 Group: not rated
1. - SSSSSS1111 1 1:03 -877 52
2. - AEIOU3333 1 1:33 -877 52
On 1st draw, ZI(P)POS H4 52 --- ZIPPO nothing [n]
Other tops: ZIP(P)OS H4 52
Other moves: SPI(T)Z H8 50, ZIP(P)O H4 50, ZI(P)PO H4 50, ZI(T)IS H4 46, ZOIS(M) H4 46
ZIP(P)OS H4 52 LongJump22, SSSSSS1111, AEIOU3333
On 2nd draw, SOAPIER I5 76 --- SOAPY containing or resembling soap [adj]
Other moves: SOAPIER G8 66, SOAPIER I8 66, POSIER I3 33, PASEO I3 30, ZAIRES 4H 30
SOAPIER I8 66 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, WAREZ 4D 34 --- WAREZ illegally copied computer software which has had its protection codes de-activated [n]
Other tops: WALTZ 4D 34
Other moves: ALERT J6 30, WERT J7 29, WETA J7 29, AWE J6 25, ARET J6 23
WALTZ 4D 34 LongJump22, Hammer22
On 4th draw, TENIOID J1 75 --- TENIOID like a tapeworm [adj]
Other moves: IDEATION E1 68, TAENIOID E3 68, RETINOID F4 63, OPTIONED 8H 36, IDENT J6 32
RETINOID F4 63 LongJump22
On 5th draw, OUTGREW 11E 44 --- OUTGROW to grow too large for [v]
Other moves: OUTGREW 1H 36, GREW 5B 31, GROW 5B 31, OWE 5D 29, TREW 5B 29
OUTGREW 1H 36 LongJump22, Hammer22, Discus22
On 6th draw, QU(E)YN 12A 54 --- QUEYN a worthless woman [n]
Other moves: QUYT(E) 1G 48, QU(E)YN 10B 47, QU(E)Y 5B 44, VUT(T)Y 1H 42, QU(A)Y 10B 40
QU(E)YN 12A 54 LongJump22, Discus22, ShotPut22, Hammer22
On 7th draw, ISATINE 10A 70 --- ISATINE a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: INERTIAS F1 62, QATS A12 39, ISNAE 13A 33, ISNA 13A 28, INTUSE F8 25
INERTIAS F1 62 LongJump22
QATS A12 39 ShotPut22
On 8th draw, LOTAH 3C 42 --- LOTAH a small water vessel used in India [n]
Other moves: LOTAH 1H 36, HELOT J10 31, THE J9 30, HEAL J10 28, HEAT J10 28
HEAT J10 28 LongJump22
On 9th draw, AHEM 2C 40 --- AHEM used to attract attention [interj]
Other moves: HEM 2D 37, NEF 2D 37, ANTHEM 1H 36, FEHME J10 36, HETMAN 1H 36
HEM 2D 37 LongJump22
On 10th draw, RAJES 5A 42 --- RAJ dominion; sovereignly [n]
Other tops: JARLS 5A 42, JARTAS 1G 42
Other moves: JA 9C 36, JARTA 1G 36, JEATS 1G 36, JEAT 1G 33, JEST 1G 33
On 11th draw, QUIM A12 45 --- QUIM female genitalia [n]
Other moves: METIF 1H 42, QUIN A12 39, FIVER A1 36, UNFIRM A1 36, VERMIN A3 36
On 12th draw, TAVERT 1J 39 --- TAVERT stupid [adj]
Other tops: TAVERN 1J 39
Other moves: GANEV H11 30, GRAVE H11 30, TAVERN A1 30, VATTER 1G 30, VATTER 1H 30
On 13th draw, MORAINAL 15A 83 --- MORAINAL resembling a moraine [adj] --- MORAINE an accumulation of debris deposited by a glacier [adj]
Other tops: MANORIAL 15A 83
Other moves: ORARIAN A2 24, GARNI H11 21, GIRON H11 21, GLAIR H11 21, GNARL H11 21
On 14th draw, CREDO A4 33 --- CREDO a creed [n]
Other tops: COVER A1 33, DROVE A4 33, GROVE A4 33
Other moves: DOVER A1 30, GORGED A3 30, CODER A1 27, DECOR A1 27, GREGO A4 27
On 15th draw, REFLEX N1 64 --- REFLEX to bend back [v]
Other tops: REFLUX N1 64
Other moves: AXE B5 54, AX B5 50, EX 6A 50, XU 13C 39, TELEX J10 34
On 16th draw, TODDING M5 74 --- TODDE to yield a tod [v]
Other moves: DINGO O5 33, DIDO O5 30, DING O5 30, TIGON O5 29, DOTING 12J 28
On 17th draw, CUBE L4 34 --- CUBE to form into a cube (a regular solid) [v]
Other moves: BLEAK(E)R C7 32, KEB 1A 32, CLUB L3 31, BRULE L3 30, LUBE L4 30
On 18th draw, NY N9 28 --- NY to approach [v]
Other moves: NERVY J10 25, YAG(E)R C9 24, DRY 8M 21, BAG(E)L C9 20, BLEY J9 20
IN 9M 2 LongJump22
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