Game on December 20, 2023 at 09:43, 7 players
1. 375 pts LongJump22
2. 200 pts Chelsea
3. 176 pts moonmonkey
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 76 76 


G7 24 100 


5E 40 140 


K1 64 204 


1H 27 231 


2B 80 311 


8K 33 344 


O1 66 410 


F10 34 444 


3A 33 477 


N8 84 561 


15L 72 633 


A3 33 666 


15D 49 715 


1C 26 741 


13C 44 785 


12A 30 815 


M3 34 849 


A12 48 897 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
LongJump22 7 7:53 -522 375 1.8825 LongJump22 7 7:53 -522 375
Chelsea 2 4:35 -697 200 Group: advanced
moonmonkey 4 4:38 -721 176 1.7215 Chelsea 2 4:35 -697 200
Mycophot 3 4:38 -769 128 2.7781 moonmonkey 4 4:38 -721 176
5. -
AEIOU3333 2 3:37 -776 121 3.7692 Mycophot 3 4:38 -769 128
sicilianc5 2 2:12 -816 81 4.7491 sicilianc5 2 2:12 -816 81
HollyIvy 1 1:10 -853 44 5.7629 HollyIvy 1 1:10 -853 44
Group: not rated
1. - AEIOU3333 2 3:37 -776 121
On 1st draw, HEINOU(S) H4 76 --- HEINOUS very wicked [adj]
Other moves: HEINOU(S) H2 70, HEINOU(S) H3 70, HEINOU(S) H7 70, HEINOU(S) H8 70, HEINOU(S) H5 68
On 2nd draw, AIMER G7 24 --- AIMER one that aims [n]
Other tops: AMOUR I4 24
Other moves: MIAOU I3 23, MORAE G3 23, HERMAI 4H 22, HOMIER 4H 22, HUMERI 4H 22
On 3rd draw, UTTERLY 5E 40 --- UTTERLY totally [adv]
Other moves: YELT F10 30, YETT F10 30, YULE F10 30, YURT F10 30, YET F10 29
On 4th draw, SAMOYEDS K1 64 --- SAMOYED any of a Siberian breed of medium-sized white or cream-colored sled dogs [n]
Other moves: HAEMS 4H 31, MASED F10 30, MOSED F10 30, EMOS F9 29, MASSED F10 29
On 5th draw, AGISTER 1H 27 --- AGISTER person in charge of agisted cattle [n]
Other tops: AGISTOR 1H 27, GORIEST 1F 27, ORGIAST 1F 27, TARGET F5 27
Other moves: AGEIST 1G 24, AGRISE 1G 24, AIGRETS 1E 24, EGOIST 1G 24, GAITERS 1E 24
On 6th draw, TAWHI(R)I 2B 80 --- TAWHIRI a small New Zealand tree with wavy glossy dark green leaves [n]
Other moves: TAWHI(R)I L8 79, TAWHI(R)I 2C 74, (S)HAW O1 63, (S)WATH O1 57, (S)WITH O1 57
On 7th draw, SPEED 8K 33 --- SPEED to move swiftly [v]
Other tops: SPEND 8K 33
Other moves: GEED 3C 31, PENED F10 30, SPENT 8K 30, DEEN 3C 28, DEET 3C 28
On 8th draw, SPEW O1 66 --- SPEW to vomit [v]
Other tops: SPAW O1 66
Other moves: SWAP O1 63, SWAGE O1 60, SWAG O1 57, SPAG O1 54, SAVE O1 51
SPEW O1 66 LongJump22
On 9th draw, FAGIN F10 34 --- FAGIN a person who instructs others in crime [n]
Other tops: FEIGN F10 34
Other moves: FAINE F10 33, NEIF 3C 33, FAAN 2J 32, FAIN 2J 32, FEMINIE 3I 32
FAGIN F10 34 LongJump22
On 10th draw, VIBE 3A 33 --- VIBE a vibration [n]
Other moves: BEIN 3C 32, CERVINE M7 32, EVINCE M8 30, EVINCE M3 28, VIMEN 3I 28
VIBE 3A 33 LongJump22
On 11th draw, ENLOCKED N8 84 --- ENLOCK to lock up [v]
Other tops: INLOCKED 13F 84
Other moves: ENLOCKED M8 82, CLONKED M3 42, DECK 1C 38, DOCK 1C 38, COD 4B 36
ENLOCKED N8 84 LongJump22
On 12th draw, QADI 15L 72 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other moves: QINTAR 11B 30, VIATOR A3 30, VORANT A3 30, AROINT I4 28, ANI O13 26
QADI 15L 72 LongJump22, AEIOU3333
On 13th draw, VENDUE A3 33 --- VENDUE a public sale [n]
Other tops: DOEN 4B 33, VEDUTE A3 33, VENTED A3 33, VETOED A3 33
Other moves: NOD 4B 30, TOD 4B 30, VOTEEN A3 30, DOE 4B 29, DON 4B 29
VEDUTE A3 33 LongJump22, moonmonkey, Mycophot, sicilianc5
On 14th draw, COSEY 15D 49 --- COSEY a covering for a teapot [n]
Other moves: SCYE 15F 37, SYCE 15F 37, SEY 4C 34, YOS 4D 34, AY 4C 33
COSEY 15D 49 LongJump22, AEIOU3333
SOYA 15F 31 Chelsea
On 15th draw, GOAL 1C 26 --- GOAL a point-scoring play in some games [n] --- GOAL to score a goal (a point-scoring play in some games) [v]
Other tops: GAOL 1C 26, GOAT 1C 26, GOUT 1C 26
Other moves: RORAL N1 25, ROTAL N1 25, RURAL N1 25, LOUT 1C 24, GAU 1C 23
GAL E11 21 Chelsea, moonmonkey, Mycophot
AI 13E 2 LongJump22
On 16th draw, BOLIX 13C 44 --- BOLIX to make a mess of [v]
Other moves: AX L3 40, OX L3 40, LAX E11 38, TAX E11 38, EXORABLE M1 36
BOLIX 13C 44 moonmonkey, Mycophot, HollyIvy
AX L3 40 Chelsea
OI 13E 2 LongJump22
On 17th draw, FRAT 12A 30 --- FRAT a college fraternity [n]
Other tops: FOOT 12A 30
Other moves: FAA 2J 29, FA 2J 26, IF J1 26, ROTOR N1 25, DOF 7K 24
FOOT 12A 30 moonmonkey, Mycophot
FRAT 12A 30 Chelsea
On 18th draw, JARVIE M3 34 --- JARVIE a driver of a horse-drawn taxi [n]
Other moves: ROJAK 13J 32, JAR 14B 31, JOR 14B 31, JARK 13K 30, JINK 13K 30
JARK 13K 30 Chelsea
On 19th draw, FUTZ A12 48 --- FUTZ to spend time aimlessly [v]
Other moves: ORZO 14H 38, OUZO 14H 38, ZONK 13K 34, ZOUK 13K 34, DZO 6A 33
FUTZ A12 48 Chelsea, sicilianc5, moonmonkey
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