Game on December 21, 2023 at 12:14, 5 players
1. 207 pts LongJump22
2. 66 pts Hammer22
3. 66 pts Discus22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H3 74 74 


10F 22 96 


3B 26 122 


11I 82 204 


B3 64 268 


A4 53 321 


12D 87 408 


D6 71 479 


14B 57 536 


5H 72 608 


O8 30 638 


4L 35 673 


M9 50 723 


2F 65 788 


1G 43 831 


15A 36 867 


14J 32 899 


C1 22 921 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
LongJump22 2 2:01 -714 207 1.8682 LongJump22 2 2:01 -714 207
Hammer22 1 2:13 -855 66 Group: intermediate
Discus22 1 2:15 -855 66 1.6740 Hammer22 1 2:13 -855 66
ShotPut22 1 2:16 -855 66 2.6674 Discus22 1 2:15 -855 66
5. -
AEIOU3333 1 1:59 -864 57 3.6689 ShotPut22 1 2:16 -855 66
Group: not rated
1. - AEIOU3333 1 1:59 -864 57
On 1st draw, SMARTEN H3 74 --- SMARTEN to improve in appearance [v]
Other tops: ARTSMEN H8 74, MARTENS H4 74
Other moves: ARTSMEN H2 70, ARTSMEN H3 70, ARTSMEN H4 70, ARTSMEN H6 70, ARTSMEN H7 70
MARTENS H4 74 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, RASED 10F 22 --- RASE to demolish [v]
Other tops: ARSED 10F 22
Other moves: AREAD I4 21, NASARD 10F 21, ANADEMS 4C 20, DAMNERS 4F 20, MAENADS 4H 20
On 3rd draw, BANDOGS 3B 26 --- BANDOG a guard-dog [n]
Other moves: OBANGS 3C 22, BANDOG 5G 20, BOGANS 3C 20, DAGOBA 5C 20, DAGOBA 5G 20
On 4th draw, HORDING 11I 82 --- HORDE to gather in a large group [v]
Other moves: HOARDING 5F 76, HOARDING G8 73, HOARDING C1 64, OH 2E 29, HONING D1 28
HOARDING 5F 76 LongJump22
On 5th draw, BOISERIE B3 64 --- BOISERIE wood paneling on a wall [n]
Other moves: SIREE 4A 25, SOREE 4A 25, SIEGER O8 24, EBRIOSE B2 22, REES 12J 22
On 6th draw, HAU(T)E A4 53 --- HAUTE high-class (feminine form) [adj]
Other moves: A(R)UHE A6 37, (K)EHUA A5 37, (L)EHUA A5 37, ARUHE 8A 36, GHAU(T) O11 36
On 7th draw, YUKIE(S)T 12D 87 --- YUKY itchy [adj]
Other moves: YUKIE(S)T E6 83, YUKIE(R) A10 56, KE(D)GY O8 48, YEUKI(N)G O5 42, GE(E)KY O11 39
On 8th draw, ACETOXYL D6 71 --- ACETOXYL a univalent radical [n]
Other moves: COX 11C 47, LAX 11C 43, LOX 11C 43, TAX 11C 43, DETOX L11 42
On 9th draw, MISTY 14B 57 --- MISTY blurry [adj]
Other tops: MUSTY 14B 57
Other moves: MINGY O8 45, STINGY O7 42, MUTINY A10 40, MUSIT 14B 39, STYMING O5 39
MISTY 14B 57 LongJump22, AEIOU3333
On 10th draw, ANECDOTE 5H 72 --- ANECDOTE a brief story [n]
Other moves: CONGEED O8 36, CONGED O8 33, ENCODE 15F 32, CODEINE M7 30, CONGEE O8 30
CONGEED O8 36 Hammer22, Discus22, ShotPut22
On 11th draw, EPIGON O8 30 --- EPIGON an inferior imitator [n]
Other tops: PENIE O4 30
Other moves: NOOP 2C 29, OPEN 4L 29, GENIP O11 27, GIPON O11 27, PENGO O8 27
PENIE O4 30 ShotPut22, Discus22, Hammer22
On 12th draw, ALAP 4L 35 --- ALAP the introductory section of a raga [n]
Other moves: LOIPE O1 30, LOUPE O1 30, APIOL 15F 26, OUPA 15E 25, POILU 2C 25
On 13th draw, QUINOA M9 50 --- QUINOA a weedy plant [n]
Other moves: QUINA M9 48, QUINO M9 48, QI 15A 37, QUAI 14L 36, QUAIR F6 34
On 14th draw, ZA 2F 65 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other moves: DAZER L11 49, ZAFFAR 14I 46, DAZE L11 45, FAZE 14L 42, AFFEAR 14I 40
On 15th draw, VERLIG 1G 43 --- VERLIG liberal [adj]
Other moves: FIVER 1G 40, FIVE 1G 37, RIVAGE 14J 34, VIRGE 1G 34, FERAL 14J 32
On 16th draw, WOF 15A 36 --- WOF a nobody,a fool (a waste of flesh) [n]
Other tops: DOWF L11 36
Other moves: ELBOW 15F 35, DOWEL L11 31, DOWLE L11 31, HOWE 4A 29, REF 6H 29
On 17th draw, VITAE 14J 32 --- VITA a brief, autobiographical sketch [n]
Other moves: WAVE 14L 30, HOWE 4A 29, ERUV 15F 26, TRAVE 14K 26, WRATE 14K 26
On 18th draw, BRAWL C1 22 --- BRAWL to fight rowdily [v]
Other tops: FURL 2K 22
Other moves: BAWL C2 21, BAWR C2 21, FLOW M3 20, FRATI N2 20, RUBATI N1 20
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