Game on December 22, 2023 at 13:13, 9 players
1. 436 pts ArcticFox
2. 386 pts Chelsea
3. 181 pts LongJump22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 32 32 


9B 62 94 


10B 52 146 


E6 80 226 


13C 74 300 


12H 74 374 


4F 90 464 


M1 74 538 


10I 69 607 


O5 83 690 


H12 48 738 


14J 50 788 


15L 53 841 


2J 38 879 


1E 50 929 


D12 38 967 


15A 33 1000 


2E 31 1031 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
ArcticFox 3 11:19 -595 436 1.9434 Pacific 1 0:52 -981 50
Chelsea 3 12:05 -645 386 Group: expert
LongJump22 3 2:50 -850 181 1.8554 LongJump22 3 2:50 -850 181
Wuincunx 3 2:21 -922 109 2.8101 Wuincunx 3 2:21 -922 109
Yuincunx 2 3:41 -930 101 3.8660 Yuincunx 2 3:41 -930 101
Zuincunx 2 1:53 -952 79 4.8626 Zuincunx 2 1:53 -952 79
Pacific 1 0:52 -981 50 5.8316 Xuincunx 1 1:26 -981 50
Xuincunx 1 1:26 -981 50 Group: advanced
9. -
AEIOU3333 1 1:56 -981 50 1.7471 ArcticFox 3 11:19 -595 436
2.7224 Chelsea 3 12:05 -645 386
Group: not rated
1. - AEIOU3333 1 1:56 -981 50
On 1st draw, WOWI(N)G H4 32 --- WOW to excite to enthusiastic approval [v]
Other moves: COWI(N)G H4 28, WI(D)OW H4 28, WI(D)OW H8 28, WOWI(N)G H7 28, COWI(N)G H7 26
WOWI(N)G H4 32 ArcticFox
On 2nd draw, ALTARAGE 9B 62 --- ALTARAGE offerings made upon the altar [n]
Other moves: ALATE G4 22, RATAL G3 22, TALEA G5 22, RELATA G1 19, REATA G2 18
On 3rd draw, XI 10B 52 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: EX(O) 10A 51, EX 10A 50, X(I) 10B 50, (A)X 10A 49, (E)X 10A 49
XI 10B 52 ArcticFox
On 4th draw, COPAIVAS E6 80 --- COPAIVA a resin [n]
Other tops: COPAIVAS E3 80
Other moves: VILIACOS C7 34, VILIACO C7 32, CAPOS G3 30, COPAIVA E3 28, COPAIVA E6 28
SPIV J9 25 ArcticFox
On 5th draw, ENSILAGE 13C 74 --- ENSILAGE to store in a silo [v]
Other moves: ALIENAGE 12E 70, LINEAGE 10I 66, GENEVA 11A 23, VEALING 11E 22, WEIGELA 4H 22
On 6th draw, ZANTE 12H 74 --- ZANTE satinwood [n]
Other moves: ZATI H12 69, ZOAEA 12A 54, ZATI 12H 49, TOAZE H11 45, ZA 12H 45
ZATI H12 69 ArcticFox
On 7th draw, J(A)WBONED 4F 90 --- JAWBONE to attempt to convince [v]
Other moves: B(A)NJO 14J 49, B(U)NJE 14J 49, BO(W)WOWI(N)G H1 48, JOBED I3 44, JO(I)NED 11I 44
JOE(Y) 11I 39 Chelsea
JOB(S) M9 34 ArcticFox
On 8th draw, PREDATOR M1 74 --- PREDATOR one that plunders [n]
Other moves: PATERERO L1 64, PATERERO L7 61, PERORATE L3 61, PARORE 14J 39, PARROT 14J 39
PRATER 14J 39 ArcticFox
PARROT 14J 39 Chelsea
On 9th draw, AIRTIME 10I 69 --- AIRTIME an allowable period of time for a broadcast [n]
Other moves: ARMPIT 1J 39, TAMPER 1J 39, ZATI H12 39, AMRIT 8K 30, MAIRE 11I 29
ZATI H12 39 ArcticFox
RETRIM 8J 27 Chelsea
On 10th draw, SCOUTERS O5 83 --- SCOUTER one that scouts [n]
Other tops: CRUSTOSE O3 83
Other moves: CZARS H11 48, TZARS H11 42, CORPUS 1J 33, ESCORT O10 33, ESCOTS O10 33
SCOUTERS O5 83 LongJump22
TZARS H11 42 ArcticFox
CRESTS O8 27 Chelsea
On 11th draw, ZANY H12 48 --- ZANY a zany person [n] --- ZANY ludicrously comical [adj] --- ZANY to play the zany to [v]
Other moves: SEPOY 1K 33, SOOEY 5G 33, YUPON 1K 33, YOURN 2J 32, YOURS 2J 32
ZANY H12 48 ArcticFox, LongJump22, Zuincunx, Yuincunx
On 12th draw, FEUDAL 14J 50 --- FEUDAL pertaining to a political and economic system of medieval Europe [adj]
Other tops: FAILED 14J 50
Other moves: FAULD 14J 48, FELID 14J 48, FIELD 14J 48, FILED 14J 48, FINED 14F 48
FAILED 14J 50 Chelsea, Xuincunx, AEIOU3333
On 13th draw, HERO 15L 53 --- HERO a man revered for his bravery, courage etc [n]
Other moves: QUAD G7 46, QUARE G7 46, QUA G7 44, JEHU F4 39, HOER F6 36
HERO 15L 53 Yuincunx
HOPED 1K 36 Chelsea
On 14th draw, FIERY 2J 38 --- FIERY intensely hot [adj]
Other moves: DEFY 14A 32, ENVY D12 32, ERF F8 31, FY 5J 31, YEADS 5K 30
FIERY 2J 38 Wuincunx
ERF F8 31 Chelsea
On 15th draw, EQUINE 1E 50 --- EQUINE a horse [n]
Other moves: QUINE 1F 47, QUINO 1F 47, QUAI G7 45, QUA G7 44, QUIT 6J 33
EQUINE 1E 50 LongJump22, Chelsea, Pacific
On 16th draw, KNOB D12 38 --- KNOB a rounded protuberance [n] --- KNOB to knock off protuberances [v]
Other tops: KNUB D12 38
Other moves: BOAK 12C 34, KNIT D12 30, KNOT D12 30, KNUT D12 30, (A)TOK G4 30
KNOB D12 38 Wuincunx
KNIT D12 30 Chelsea
On 17th draw, DUMBOS 15A 33 --- DUMBO a stupid person [n]
Other tops: GUMBOS 15A 33
Other moves: DUMBO 15A 30, DUMBS 15A 30, GUMBO 15A 30, DUMB 15A 27, P*MPOM 1M 26
DUMBOS 15A 33 Wuincunx
P*M 1MPOM 1M 26 Chelsea, ArcticFox
On 18th draw, HINT 2E 31 --- HINT to suggest indirectly [v]
Other tops: THIG 2D 31
Other moves: HI F6 30, THIN 2D 29, HIN 2E 28, HIT 2E 28, GHI 2D 27
HINT 2E 31 Zuincunx, Chelsea
HI F6 30 ArcticFox
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