Game on December 24, 2023 at 08:03, 5 players
1. 300 pts LongJump22
2. 116 pts Hammer22
3. 116 pts Discus22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 48 48 


4H 28 76 


8H 95 171 


N7 84 255 


7K 34 289 


11G 68 357 


H10 72 429 


O12 44 473 


5A 68 541 


A3 89 630 


C1 32 662 


A1 42 704 


B7 78 782 


A12 44 826 


4C 42 868 


1C 39 907 


C10 37 944 


3K 29 973 


O1 48 1021 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
LongJump22 4 7:07 -721 300 1.8400 LongJump22 4 7:07 -721 300
Hammer22 1 3:36 -905 116 Group: intermediate
Discus22 1 4:42 -905 116 1.6736 Hammer22 1 3:36 -905 116
4. -
SSSSSS1111 1 1:00 -973 48 2.6715 Discus22 1 4:42 -905 116
5. -
AEIOU3333 1 1:39 -973 48 Group: not rated
1. - SSSSSS1111 1 1:00 -973 48
2. - AEIOU3333 1 1:39 -973 48
On 1st draw, ZETAS H4 48 --- ZETA a Greek letter [n]
Other tops: ZATIS H4 48, ZITIS H4 48
Other moves: ZATIS H8 30, ZETAS H8 30, ZITIS H8 30, ZATIS H5 28, ZATIS H6 28
On 2nd draw, ZLOTE 4H 28 --- ZLOTY a monetary unit of Poland [n]
Other tops: TROOZ 4D 28
Other moves: LOOTER I2 26, TOOLER I2 26, LORE I3 20, LOTE I3 20, LOTO I3 20
On 3rd draw, SERAFILE 8H 95 --- SERAFILE men riding in the rear of a squadron [n]
Other moves: FILAREES 8A 86, FILAREE G7 77, FILAREE G5 74, FEATLIER K1 72, LEAFIER G7 68
On 4th draw, ELAPSING N7 84 --- ELAPSE to pass away [v]
Other moves: PLEASING N7 76, NAGAPIES K7 72, PAGANISE K7 72, PREASING J7 67, LAPSING N8 32
On 5th draw, BOHEA 7K 34 --- BOHEA a black tea [n]
Other moves: BAHT 5J 31, HAGDON 13I 30, BAH 5J 29, BAHT 3J 29, BOH 5J 29
On 6th draw, DOURINES 11G 68 --- DOURINE a disease of horses [n]
Other moves: TURBANED K4 44, DOUN O12 31, DOUR O12 31, REINED 5G 25, DINERO 5J 23
On 7th draw, BOXCA(R) H10 72 --- BOXCAR a roofed freight car [n]
Other moves: C(I)MEX 12D 66, BEM(I)X 12D 65, EMB(O)X 12D 65, OX(I)ME H11 63, CA(R)EX 12D 62
On 8th draw, FEO(D) O12 44 --- FEOD a feudal estate [n]
Other moves: FEA(T) 9I 31, FE(D)EX 12D 31, FO(R)EX 12D 31, FEAG(U)E 5J 29, A(R)F 6M 28
On 9th draw, DRAISINE 5A 68 --- DRAISINE an old bicycle [n]
Other moves: DARN 6L 37, ADS 6M 34, AD 6M 30, ARD 6M 30, RADIX 12D 29
On 10th draw, MEDIATED A3 89 --- MEDIATE to act between disputing parties in order to bring about a settlement [v]
Other tops: DIAMETE(R) 15A 89
Other moves: EMICATED 13E 65, MEDICATE 13D 65, REMEDIAT B5 65, ADMIXT 12D 37, ADDEEM A3 36
On 11th draw, HODJA C1 32 --- HODJA a title of respect [n]
Other tops: HADJI 14G 32, JIHAD C2 32
Other moves: HADJ 14G 31, JIB 10F 31, JO 4C 31, JOB 10F 31, G*DJ*GADJO 14G 30
On 12th draw, UNMEDIATED A1 42 --- MEDIATE to act between disputing parties in order to bring about a settlement [adj]
Other tops: JAUK 4C 42, NOGAKU 2B 42
Other moves: GAWK 6J 40, GAWK 3J 34, KAW 6J 34, W*NKWANK 5J 33, W*NKWANK 3J 31
W*NK 5JWANK 5J 33 LongJump22, Hammer22, Discus22
On 13th draw, WIREMAN B7 78 --- WIREMAN one who makes or works with wire [n]
Other moves: WARM 6L 45, WARN 6L 41, HARMINE 1C 39, WAR 6L 37, AIRMEN D4 36
WIREMAN B7 78 LongJump22
HARMINE 1C 39 Hammer22, Discus22
On 14th draw, YONT A12 44 --- YONT position beyond [prep]
Other moves: GULY C10 37, LOGY C10 37, GUYOT C10 36, LUNY C10 34, HOGNUT 1C 33
YONT A12 44 LongJump22, Hammer22, Discus22
On 15th draw, JOUK 4C 42 --- JOUK to dodge [v]
Other tops: JAUK 4C 42
Other moves: KOLA C12 32, OIK D4 32, KOA C12 30, KO C12 28, AIL D4 24
KOLA C12 32 LongJump22
On 16th draw, HOPLITE 1C 39 --- HOPLITE a foot soldier of ancient Greece [n]
Other moves: LIPE C10 34, LIPO C10 34, LOPE C10 34, LEP 6D 32, PETIT 6F 32
HOPLITE 1C 39 LongJump22
On 17th draw, WIRE C10 37 --- WIRE to fasten with wire (a slender rod, strand, or thread of ductile metal) [v]
Other moves: LIGER C10 33, WEIL C12 29, WEIR C12 29, LIRE C10 28, WE C12 25
WIRE C10 37 LongJump22
On 18th draw, SYLVA 3K 29 --- SYLVA the forest trees of an area [n]
Other moves: SAVOY J1 26, AYS M13 25, AYU M13 25, LAYS D8 24, NASTY L11 24
A(R) 15G 1 LongJump22
On 19th draw, QUAG O1 48 --- QUAG a quagmire [n]
Other moves: QUART O1 45, QUAT O1 42, GRAV O1 36, QUA O1 36, QUART 14F 36
QUART 14F 36 LongJump22
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