Game on December 24, 2023 at 10:21, 10 players
1. 316 pts LongJump22
2. 161 pts Chelsea
3. 90 pts Hammer22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 34 34 


5E 94 128 


4J 22 150 


10F 29 179 


O2 74 253 


2J 36 289 


I5 42 331 


F7 64 395 


L8 27 422 


4A 45 467 


14D 63 530 


A4 54 584 


D8 32 616 


13I 48 664 


15G 35 699 


C9 44 743 


B10 64 807 


J4 41 848 


1L 24 872 


1F 28 900 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
LongJump22 4 9:43 -584 316 1.8396 LongJump22 4 9:43 -584 316
Chelsea 1 3:32 -739 161 Group: advanced
Hammer22 1 2:15 -810 90 1.7241 Chelsea 1 3:32 -739 161
Discus22 1 2:52 -810 90 2.7524 Mycophot 1 0:51 -836 64
Mycophot 1 0:51 -836 64 3.7947 moonmonkey 1 1:10 -836 64
moonmonkey 1 1:10 -836 64 4.7709 HollyIvy 1 1:46 -836 64
HollyIvy 1 1:46 -836 64 5.7526 sicilianc5 0 1:51 -859 41
ShotPut22 0 3:06 -838 62 Group: intermediate
9. -
AEIOU3333 1 1:54 -856 44 1.6736 Hammer22 1 2:15 -810 90
sicilianc5 0 1:51 -859 41 2.6715 Discus22 1 2:52 -810 90
3.6743 ShotPut22 0 3:06 -838 62
Group: not rated
1. - AEIOU3333 1 1:54 -856 44
On 1st draw, KAMELA H4 34 --- KAMELA an Asian tree yielding an orange dye [n]
Other tops: KALMIA H4 34, KAMILA H4 34
Other moves: KALAM H4 32, KELIM H4 32, MALIK H8 32, MELIK H8 32, KALAM H8 28
On 2nd draw, A(L)BACORE 5E 94 --- ALBACORE a marine food fish [n]
Other moves: BROCA(T)EL 8A 92, BORACE(S) 10B 84, AEROB(I)C I5 82, BROCKA(G)E 4D 80, ROCKAB(L)E 4E 80
On 3rd draw, TOEIER 4J 22 --- TOEY nervous [adj]
Other tops: CERITE I5 22
Other moves: BERET G5 21, BOREE G5 21, ERGOT 4K 20, ICER I4 20, GERE 4J 19
On 4th draw, BUSTLE 10F 29 --- BUSTLE to move energetically [v]
Other moves: LEVIS M1 28, VEST 10F 28, VLEIS M1 28, SUBLET 10H 27, SUBTLE 10H 27
On 5th draw, SERENATA O2 74 --- SERENATA a dramatic cantata [n]
Other tops: ARSENATE O3 74
Other moves: ELASTANE 8G 59, TISANE M3 26, SNEAK 4D 25, STEAK 4D 25, ANSATE L8 23
On 6th draw, PHAGES 2J 36 --- PHAGE an organism that destroys bacteria [n]
Other moves: HAPU G7 34, GHEE 3L 32, PEAGES 2J 30, PHAGE 4A 30, HEAP 11K 28
On 7th draw, COX(A) I5 42 --- COXA the hip or hip joint [n]
Other moves: COX I5 41, (A)XION 11J 41, OXI(D) 11J 40, OXI(M) 11J 40, OX(E)N 11J 40
On 8th draw, LAMBIEST F7 64 --- LAMBY resembling a lamb [adj]
Other tops: TIMBALES F7 64
Other moves: MESAIL L8 31, MESIAL L8 31, MISATE L8 31, MISEAT L8 31, MISTAL L8 31
On 9th draw, DORAD L8 27 --- DORAD a South American walking fish [n]
Other moves: ADDIO L8 26, DROID E11 26, DRUID E11 26, ADDIO 1F 25, ADDIO L9 24
On 10th draw, JERID 4A 45 --- JERID a wooden javelin [n]
Other moves: JEDI K9 42, GIDJEE 4A 37, GIDJEE 12A 34, JEE K9 33, JEREED 12C 32
JERID 4A 45 LongJump22
On 11th draw, NOTIFIES 14D 63 --- NOTIFY to inform [v]
Other moves: JOINS A4 36, JONES A4 36, NEIFS M6 35, NIEFS M6 35, NEFS M7 34
JOINS A4 36 LongJump22, Hammer22, Discus22, ShotPut22
On 12th draw, JOWLY A4 54 --- JOWLY having prominent jowls [adj]
Other moves: OWLY 15A 51, GORY 15A 45, GULY 15A 45, LOGY 15A 45, ORGY 15A 45
JOWLY A4 54 LongJump22, Hammer22, Discus22
On 13th draw, WINDGUN D8 32 --- WINDGUN an air gun [n]
Other moves: MOW 6H 30, TOW J4 30, UNWIVED 12A 30, VINED K7 29, WINED K7 29
WUD 3B 26 ShotPut22
On 14th draw, PHEON 13I 48 --- PHEON a heraldic arrowhead [n]
Other moves: HAVEN 15K 41, HOVEA 15K 41, HOVEN 15K 41, SHOPE 13F 40, PAEON 13I 39
HAVEN 15K 41 LongJump22
HOVEA 15K 41 sicilianc5
On 15th draw, NAG 15G 35 --- NAG to find fault incessantly [v]
Other moves: AG 15H 30, AN 15H 26, GENIES K9 24, NA 15G 23, AGIO C8 22
NAG 3B 17 Chelsea
On 16th draw, QI C9 44 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QUIST 13C 36, QI M7 24, QI 9C 21, VIN M7 17, MOTT 6H 16
QI C9 44 AEIOU3333
QUIST 13C 36 Chelsea
On 17th draw, ZIT B10 64 --- ZIT a pimple [n]
Other moves: ZO B10 63, OYEZ K8 62, TOUZY 15K 57, YUZU 1G 52, YUTZ N7 45
ZIT B10 64 Chelsea, Mycophot, moonmonkey, LongJump22, HollyIvy
On 18th draw, TOYO J4 41 --- TOYO a smooth straw used for making hats [n]
Other moves: CROUT 1H 36, NUTSY 13C 36, CONEY K7 35, TOCO J4 35, TONEY K7 31
CRONY C3 28 LongJump22
YOU 1H 22 Chelsea
On 19th draw, FUR 1L 24 --- FUR to cover with fur (a dressed animal pelt) [v]
Other tops: FAIN 11K 24, FAIR 11K 24, FAUN 11K 24, FAUR 11K 24, FIVER B1 24, FUN 1L 24, NEF K9 24, VIVER B1 24
Other moves: RIF M7 23, FAN 11K 22, FAR 11K 22, IF M8 21, EF K10 20
FAIR 11K 24 LongJump22
FAR 11K 22 Chelsea
On 20th draw, VIRTU 1F 28 --- VIRTU a love or taste for the fine arts [n]
Other moves: VIVER B1 24, NITE K7 20, RAVIN 11K 20, VIVE B1 20, RIVEN B1 18
VIVER B1 24 LongJump22
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