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Game on January 12, 2024 at 17:11, 12 players
1. 222 pts Pacific
2. 220 pts LongJump22
3. 139 pts ArcticFox

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ijorrss   H8    26    26   rojis
 2. ?ehmnot   I4    86   112   nathemo
 3. aacdekr   8H    54   166   reracked
 4. ?beinou   O1    89   255   icebound
 5. aeflmpx   N3    66   321   falx
 6. deiintu  12A    70   391   untidies
 7. aeiloru   K5    28   419   olearia
 8. cghooty  A10    42   461   touchy
 9. abdegmr   H1    38   499   bemad
10. aorsstu   2A    70   569   ossature
11. eegnrsv   D2    76   645   avengers
12. aglorwy   A1    51   696   logway
13. aelnnpt   N8    30   726   enplane
14. eiortuv   L1    26   752   vireo
15. eefoptw  O12    58   810   weft
16. aegiopu  M11    26   836   apo
17. adeituz   8A    45   881   izard
18. egiiqtu  11D    39   920   qi

Remaining tiles: egitu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.9638 FilePacific     0  5:12  -698  222     1.9638 Pacific     0  5:12  -698  222 
  2.8552 FileLongJump22  1  3:30  -700  220            Group: expert
  3.7150 FileArcticFox   1  2:50  -781  139     1.8552 LongJump22  1  3:30  -700  220 
  4.8702 FileVuincunx    1  3:41  -850   70     2.8702 Vuincunx    1  3:41  -850   70 
  5.8294 FileQuincunx    1  3:01  -864   56     3.8294 Quincunx    1  3:01  -864   56 
  6.7626 FileHollyIvy    0  1:14  -887   33     4.8723 Wuincunx    0  1:07  -896   24 
  7.7546 Filesicilianc5  0  1:42  -887   33     5.8198 Zuincunx    0  1:47  -896   24 
  8.  -  FileSSSSSS1111  1  1:05  -894   26            Group: advanced
  9.8723 FileWuincunx    0  1:07  -896   24     1.7150 ArcticFox   1  2:50  -781  139 
 10.8198 FileZuincunx    0  1:47  -896   24     2.7626 HollyIvy    0  1:14  -887   33 
 11.7621 FileMycophot    0  0:33  -898   22     3.7546 sicilianc5  0  1:42  -887   33 
 12.7646 Filemoonmonkey  0  1:10  -898   22     4.7621 Mycophot    0  0:33  -898   22 
                                             5.7646 moonmonkey  0  1:10  -898   22 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  SSSSSS1111  1  1:05  -894   26 

On 1st draw, ROJIS H8 26 --- ROJI a Japanese garden design [n]
Other tops: ROJIS H4 26, SIJOS H4 26, SIJOS H8 26
Other moves: ROJIS H5 24, ROJIS H6 24, ROJIS H7 24, SIJOS H5 24, SIJOS H6 24
ROJIS H4 26 LongJump22
SIJOS H8 26 Quincunx
SIJOS H4 26 Vuincunx

On 2nd draw, N(A)THEMO I4 86 --- NATHEMO never the more [adv]
Other moves: N(A)THEMO I9 81, MENTHO(L)S 12A 80, SMO(O)THEN 12H 76, SM(O)OTHEN 12H 76, HOI(S)TMEN 11F 74
SMO(O)THEN 12H 76 LongJump22
HON I9 30 Quincunx

On 3rd draw, RERACKED 8H 54 --- RERACK to rack again [v]
Other moves: CAKED H1 44, CREAK H1 44, ARKED H1 38, RAKED H1 38, ARCADE H1 37
CREAK H1 44 LongJump22, Vuincunx

On 4th draw, I(C)EBOUND O1 89 --- ICEBOUND surrounded by ice [adj]
Other moves: BOUN(T)IED O1 83, UNBOI(L)ED O1 83, UNBO(D)IED O1 83, UNI(L)OBED O1 80, BE(D)OUINS 12A 74
UNBOI(L)ED O1 83 Pacific
BE(D)OUINS 12A 74 LongJump22
BE(D)OUINS 12A 24 Wuincunx, Zuincunx

On 5th draw, FALX N3 66 --- FALX a sickle-shaped structure [n]
Other moves: EXAMPLE N8 40, EXEMPLA N8 40, AXLE H1 39, FLEAM H1 39, FEMAL H1 37

On 6th draw, UNTIDIES 12A 70 --- UNTIDY to make untidy [v]
Other tops: NUDITIES 12A 70
Other moves: DISUNITE 12F 68, UNITISED 12C 68, INTUITED 6D 63, DUNITE H1 30, INDITE H1 30
UNITISED 12C 68 Pacific

On 7th draw, OLEARIA K5 28 --- OLEARIA an Australian daisy-tree [n]
Other moves: OURALI H1 27, LOURIER J2 23, ARIEL H1 22, LOUIE H1 22, LOURIE J10 22

On 8th draw, TOUCHY A10 42 --- TOUCHY overly sensitive [adj]
Other tops: COUTHY A10 42
Other moves: TOUGHY A10 39, HOOTY L1 35, HOOTY L11 35, COHO H1 33, RHY 9K 33
HOOTY L1 35 Pacific

On 9th draw, BEMAD H1 38 --- BEMAD to madden [v]
Other moves: BREAM H1 36, EMBREAD N8 36, BEGAD H1 35, GAMED H1 35, BREGMA L1 34

On 10th draw, OSSATURE 2A 70 --- OSSATURE a framework [n]
Other moves: STRATOUS C8 68, SAUTOIRS F7 62, ROBUSTAS 1F 61, SAUTOIRS D7 59, ASSORT 12J 22

On 11th draw, AVENGERS D2 76 --- AVENGER one that avenges [n]
Other moves: SEVERING F7 68, VEERINGS F8 68, VEERINGS D8 67, SEVERING D7 63, SOEVER A1 39
GOVERNS A1 36 Pacific, ArcticFox

On 12th draw, LOGWAY A1 51 --- LOGWAY a ramp used in logging [n]
Other moves: GORY A1 36, LOGY A1 36, LOWRY A1 36, WOOLY A1 36, YARROW 8A 36
LOGWAY A1 51 ArcticFox
WORRY 8A 33 HollyIvy, sicilianc5

On 13th draw, ENPLANE N8 30 --- ENPLANE to put on an aeroplane [v]
Other moves: PLATE J2 27, ANENT 13C 26, HAPTEN 14A 26, ENTRAP 8A 24, NEAP C4 23
PLATE L1 22 Mycophot
PLANE L1 22 moonmonkey

On 14th draw, VIREO L1 26 --- VIREO a small bird [n]
Other tops: VERTU L1 26, VIRTU L1 26, VOTER L1 26
Other moves: OVERT 8A 24, ERUV B4 23, IURE J6 23, ROUTE E4 23, TOURIE B5 23

On 15th draw, WEFT O12 58 --- WEFT a woven fabric or garment [n] --- WEFT to weave fabric [v]
Other moves: WEEP O12 52, WEET O12 46, FEW M12 32, POWRE 8A 30, TWERP 8A 30
WEEP O12 52 ArcticFox

On 16th draw, APO M11 26 --- APO a type of protein (apolipoprotein) [n]
Other tops: APE M11 26
Other moves: GAP 11D 25, GIP 11D 25, PEG 11D 25, PIG 11D 25, HOAGIE 14A 24

On 17th draw, IZARD 8A 45 --- IZARD a type of ibex [n]
Other moves: AZURE 8A 42, ZAIRE 8A 42, IZAR 8A 39, TZAR 8A 39, DITZ J11 37

On 18th draw, QI 11D 39 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QUIET F10 36, QUITE F10 36, QUIT 2J 33, QUIT F10 33, IURE J6 23

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