Game on January 16, 2024 at 20:25, 12 players
1. 540 pts SQUAW1
2. 187 pts LongJump22
3. 171 pts Pacific
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H3 26 26
2. 8A 71 97
3. E5 44 141
4. 4H 86 227
5. B2 30 257
6. 12A 38 295
7. B10 72 367
8. O4 36 403
9. N9 79 482
10. J2 62 544
11. L2 59 603
12. 15M 57 660
13. M13 38 698
14. N2 43 741
15. K8 44 785
16. F2 29 814
17. D4 28 842
18. A1 25 867
19. 14J 30 897
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
1.7792 SQUAW1 3 14:07 -357 540 1.9733 Pacific 1 5:00 -726 171
2.8697 LongJump22 1 4:04 -710 187 Group: expert
3.9733 Pacific 1 5:00 -726 171 1.8697 LongJump22 1 4:04 -710 187
4.8521 Vuincunx 2 5:04 -739 158 2.8521 Vuincunx 2 5:04 -739 158
5.8485 Quincunx 1 3:40 -762 135 3.8485 Quincunx 1 3:40 -762 135
6.8534 Wuincunx 1 3:27 -793 104 4.8534 Wuincunx 1 3:27 -793 104
7.8740 Zuincunx 0 3:25 -801 96 5.8740 Zuincunx 0 3:25 -801 96
8.7271 ArcticFox 0 4:58 -801 96 Group: advanced
9.7632 HollyIvy 2 1:36 -816 81 1.7792 SQUAW1 3 14:07 -357 540
10.7731 Mycophot 0 2:37 -817 80 2.7271 ArcticFox 0 4:58 -801 96
11. - SSSSSS1111 1 1:11 -871 26 3.7632 HollyIvy 2 1:36 -816 81
12.7758 sicilianc5 0 1:01 -871 26 4.7731 Mycophot 0 2:37 -817 80
5.7758 sicilianc5 0 1:01 -871 26
Group: not rated
1. - SSSSSS1111 1 1:11 -871 26
On 1st draw, LYSATE H3 26 --- LYSATE a product of lysis [n]
Other tops: ASTELY H7 26, SLATEY H7 26
Other moves: LUSTY H8 24, SALTY H8 24, SLATY H8 24, SUETY H8 24, YALES H4 24
SLATEY H7 26 LongJump22, SSSSSS1111, Vuincunx
YEAST H4 24 Pacific
On 2nd draw, UNR(E)TIRE 8A 71 --- UNRETIRE to return to work after having taken retirement [v]
Other moves: SUR(P)RINT 5H 64, RUNTI(E)R G8 59, RUNTI(E)R I8 59, URINAT(O)R 6D 59, INTRU(D)ER 8B 58
SUR(P)RINT 5H 64 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, BIOTOPE E5 44 --- BIOTOPE a stable habitat [n]
Other moves: EPOXY 4D 34, BOXIER C3 32, POXIER C3 32, BOXEN B4 30, BOXES 5D 28
EXPOS 5D 28 LongJump22, Wuincunx, Quincunx
On 4th draw, YESHIVOT 4H 86 --- YESHIVA an orthodox Jewish school [n]
Other moves: OVERHITS C5 69, HIVES 12A 42, HOVES 12A 42, VOTES 12A 36, ETHOS I4 32
OVERHITS C5 69 LongJump22
HOVES 12A 42 Zuincunx
On 5th draw, ORRAMAN B2 30 --- ORRAMAN (Scots) an odd job man [n]
Other moves: MANTRA O1 24, MO 5K 24, MORRA D1 24, MORTAR O1 24, OM 5J 24
OM 5J 24 SQUAW1, Zuincunx
On 6th draw, HAUDS 12A 38 --- HAUD to hold (Scots form) [v]
Other tops: HARDS 12A 38, HURDS 12A 38
Other moves: HAIRS 12A 36, HUIAS 12A 36, RADISH 12A 34, RUDISH 12A 34, HAD 5J 32
HARDS 12A 38 SQUAW1, Pacific
THIRDS O4 30 Zuincunx
On 7th draw, QUAF(F) B10 72 --- QUAFF to drink deeply [v]
Other tops: QUA(F)F B10 72
Other moves: QUAER(E) B10 68, QUARE B10 68, QUARE(R) B10 68, QUAR(T)E B10 68, QUA(E)RE B10 68
QUAF(F) B10 72 Vuincunx
QUARE B10 68 SQUAW1, Pacific
On 8th draw, TWINGED O4 36 --- TWINGE to affect with a sharp pain [v]
Other moves: DIXIE F7 35, DWINE F6 35, NIXED F7 35, HEXING K4 34, EXIT O1 33
NEXT O1 33 Vuincunx
On 9th draw, NARCOSE N9 79 --- NARCOSE characterized by stupor [adj]
Other tops: EARCONS N9 79
Other moves: ESCAR 15A 41, OSCAR 15A 41, OSAR 15A 32, CRENAS D1 28, EARCON N9 27
OSCAR 15A 41 SQUAW1, Pacific
RECONS N9 27 Vuincunx
On 10th draw, LISTENER J2 62 --- LISTENER one that listens [n]
Other tops: SILENTER J4 62
Other moves: REENLIST 14H 60, HEEL A12 27, HEIL A12 27, HEIR A12 27, TEENIER 15I 24
TEENIER 15I 24 Quincunx
On 11th draw, ETIOLATE L2 59 --- ETIOLATE to make pale [v]
Other moves: OLEATE A1 34, LATHEE K1 28, HEEL A12 27, HELOT K4 26, HOTEL K4 26
HEEL A12 27 ArcticFox
THETA K3 26 Quincunx
On 12th draw, ZEX 15M 57 --- ZEX a tool for cutting roof slates [n]
Other moves: OX O14 56, DZO A1 52, XI N6 52, ZO M13 46, DOXI(E) D4 39
ZEX 15M 57 Quincunx
ZO M13 46 SQUAW1
ZO A1 35 ArcticFox
On 13th draw, BEZ M13 38 --- BEZ the second tine of a deer's horn [n]
Other moves: BANCO D1 28, CONGA D1 26, BACON F2 25, BACCO 12K 24, BEANO D1 24
BEZ M13 38 Wuincunx, SQUAW1
On 14th draw, GLOAM N2 43 --- GLOAM gloaming [n]
Other moves: OAK N4 38, KA N6 34, KI N6 34, KAM L12 28, LINGAM D1 28
OAK N4 38 SQUAW1, Wuincunx
KI N6 34 ArcticFox
On 15th draw, FYKED K8 44 --- FYKE to fidget restlessly [v]
Other moves: FYKE K8 40, FYKED F2 39, KYE A1 37, FAKED F2 36, FAYED F2 35
YAK K9 26 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, Mycophot
On 16th draw, CANID F2 29 --- CANID a dog [n]
Other moves: CIAO A1 28, HIOI A12 27, CNIDA D1 26, NICAD F2 25, CONIA D1 24
CIAO A1 28 Mycophot
On 17th draw, VOGI(E) D4 28 --- VOGIE vain [adj]
Other moves: HIOI A12 27, GOV D4 26, IGAPO D1 23, APO 1K 22, VIA A1 22
GOV D4 26 Mycophot
On 18th draw, OWE A1 25 --- OWE to be under obligation to pay or repay [v]
Other moves: OPE 1K 22, PENDU 12H 22, UPO 1K 22, WOE A1 22, HOE K4 21
OWE A1 25 HollyIvy
On 19th draw, JUPES 14J 30 --- JUPE a woman's jacket [n]
Other tops: JAPES 14J 30
Other moves: JANES 14J 28, JA A5 22, PA C2 22, PA 1L 21, PI 1L 21
JUPES 14J 30 HollyIvy
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