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Game on January 17, 2024 at 09:18, 6 players
1. 166 pts LongJump22
2. 69 pts Vuincunx
3. 69 pts Wuincunx

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abdeimr   H3    80    80   embraid
 2. ?klosuz   3C    60   140   klutzes
 3. deirstt   7G    62   202   tardiest
 4. aaeilnt   D1    70   272   allanite
 5. egmopwy   8A    36   308   mopey
 6. aeeosst   8K    27   335   setae
 7. ?aaeinn   A8    80   415   melanian
 8. dehiotv   K5    44   459   hoisted
 9. acegisu   1B    30   489   guaiacs
10. aadehnx  L10    58   547   handax
11. beinrvy  15H    51   598   vibex
12. effglno  J10    36   634   fog
13. fglnoor   L1    31   665   forgo
14. ejlnruy  14A    34   699   anerly
15. eelortw   1J    36   735   reflow
16. ceeinot  12A    76   811   neotenic
17. iopqruv   6B    38   849   quipo
18. iijruvw  F10    26   875   jin

Remaining tiles: iruvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.8730 FileLongJump22  3  4:17  -709  166     1.8730 LongJump22  3  4:17  -709  166 
  2.8441 FileVuincunx    1  3:09  -806   69     2.8441 Vuincunx    1  3:09  -806   69 
  3.8452 FileWuincunx    1  3:14  -806   69     3.8452 Wuincunx    1  3:14  -806   69 
  4.  -  FileZZZZZZ1127  1  1:58  -815   60     4.8363 Quincunx    0  0:44  -848   27 
  5.8363 FileQuincunx    0  0:44  -848   27     5.8582 Zuincunx    0  1:07  -848   27 
  6.8582 FileZuincunx    0  1:07  -848   27            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  ZZZZZZ1127  1  1:58  -815   60 

On 1st draw, EMBRAID H3 80 --- EMBRAID to braid [v]
Other tops: EMBRAID H2 80
Other moves: EMBRAID H6 78, EMBRAID H4 76, EMBRAID H7 76, EMBRAID H8 76, EMBRAID H5 74

On 2nd draw, KLU(T)ZES 3C 60 --- KLUTZ a clumsy person [n]
Other moves: Z(O)OKS G7 54, ZO(O)KS G7 52, KUZ(U)S 10D 50, K(U)ZUS 10D 50, OUZ(O) G5 50
KLU(T)ZES 3C 60 LongJump22, ZZZZZZ1127

On 3rd draw, TARDIEST 7G 62 --- TARDY late [adj]

On 4th draw, ALLANITE D1 70 --- ALLANITE a mineral [n]
Other tops: ANTLIAE 2I 70, ANTLIATE N1 70
Other moves: ALIENATE L4 68, ALLANITE D2 68, ANTLIAE G9 63, ANTLIAE I9 63, DENTALIA J7 63
ANTLIAE 2I 70 LongJump22

On 5th draw, MOPEY 8A 36 --- MOPEY dejected [adj]
Other moves: POGEY 8A 33, YMPE 8A 33, MOPEY L4 32, POGEY L4 30, YOWE 8A 30
MOPEY 8A 36 LongJump22, Wuincunx, Vuincunx

On 6th draw, SETAE 8K 27 --- SETA a coarse, stiff hair [n]
Other tops: EASES 9B 27, OASES 9B 27, SATES 8K 27, STOAE 8K 27, STOAS 8K 27
Other moves: EASE 9B 26, SESE 9B 26, ESES 9A 25, OSES 9A 25, ESES 9C 24

On 7th draw, ME(L)ANIAN A8 80 --- MELANIAN pertaining to dark pigmentation [adj]
Other moves: EN(C)AENIA O8 74, AE(O)NIAN 2I 68, A(L)ANINE 2I 64, AE(O)NIAN G9 62, AE(O)NIAN I9 62

On 8th draw, HOISTED K5 44 --- HOIST to haul up by some mechanical means [v]
Other moves: HOUTED E1 36, DOTH B11 33, DATIVE 1C 30, EDH B12 29, DHOOTIE B5 28
DOTH B11 33 Vuincunx, Wuincunx

On 9th draw, GUAIACS 1B 30 --- GUAIAC a medicinal resin [n]
Other moves: GAUCIE 1C 27, ACES 10E 25, CAGES 10D 25, CASE 10F 25, CAUSE L1 25
GAUCIE 1C 27 Quincunx, Zuincunx

On 10th draw, HANDAX L10 58 --- HANDAX a short-handled ax [n]
Other moves: HEXAD J10 44, HANDAX J10 43, HEXAD L10 40, ADNEXA 2I 38, HEX J10 37

On 11th draw, VIBEX 15H 51 --- VIBEX a streak under the skin [n]
Other moves: VERNIX 15G 48, BRAINY 14J 34, BYE M11 33, BEANY 14J 32, BINDERY 13I 32

On 12th draw, FOG J10 36 --- FOG to cover with fog (condensed water vapor near the earth's surface) [v]
Other tops: FOEN J10 36, FONE J10 36
Other moves: FOE J10 35, FON J10 35, EF J9 32, FOGLE L1 31, POFFLE C8 30

On 13th draw, FORGO L1 31 --- FORGO to refrain from [v]
Other moves: ORANG 14J 24, FANGO 14K 23, FRO B13 23, LOON M11 23, LOOR M11 23

On 14th draw, ANERLY 14A 34 --- ANERLY only [adv]
Other tops: JURY 13G 34
Other moves: INJURE 6D 33, INJURY 13A 32, JURE 6F 31, FLEY 1L 30, FURY 1L 30

On 15th draw, REFLOW 1J 36 --- FLOW to move steadily and smoothly along [v] --- REFLOW to flow again [v]
Other tops: REFLEW 1J 36
Other moves: WOOLER 2J 34, WOOER 2J 32, WROOT 2J 32, WROTE 2J 32, FLEW 1L 30

On 16th draw, NEOTENIC 12A 76 --- NEOTENIC pertaining to neoteny [adj] --- NEOTENY attainment of sexual maturity in the larval stage [adj]
Other moves: PENTICE C8 24, PICOTEE C8 24, POTENCE C8 24, TACONITE N7 24, COOTIE B6 23

On 17th draw, QUIPO 6B 38 --- QUIPO a device to help memory [n]
Other moves: QUIP 6B 35, PO 2F 34, QI 2A 28, QUINO 5A 28, PARVO 14K 24

On 18th draw, JIN F10 26 --- JIN a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other tops: IWI 11D 26, JUN F10 26
Other moves: VOWER C11 22, JIB 5F 21, WOVE C11 20, WAIR 14K 19, WAUR 14K 19

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