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Game on January 20, 2024 at 10:40, 8 players
1. 406 pts Chelsea
2. 302 pts LongJump22
3. 258 pts Zuincunx

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?adentw   H4    78    78   wetland
 2. aaelnrs  11F    75   153   arsenal
 3. ?aeilry   4H    84   237   waterily
 4. ajorrst   3I    66   303   jatos
 5. eeinrtv   K1    74   377   retentive
 6. ehnouxy  12L    48   425   onyx
 7. adeiort   1D    80   505   adroiter
 8. bdeeinr   2A    86   591   inbreed
 9. aceimop   O8    48   639   comix
10. hiloptu   A1    45   684   pithoi
11. abcefiu   B4    34   718   auf
12. agimnqu  N10    50   768   maying
13. ehikrsw  13F    75   843   whisker
14. cdefotu   O1    33   876   defy
15. ablostu  15J    36   912   albugo
16. cegostu   C2    29   941   boets
17. celopuv  14A    33   974   vocule
18. ggipquz  10C    73  1047   quiz

Remaining tiles: ggp

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.7116 FileChelsea     0 11:32  -641  406     1.8695 LongJump22  3  3:41  -745  302 
  2.8695 FileLongJump22  3  3:41  -745  302     2.8372 Wuincunx    1  2:13  -946  101 
  3.  -  FileZuincunx    4  8:10  -789  258     3.8367 Xuincunx    0  1:14 -1014   33 
  4.8372 FileWuincunx    1  2:13  -946  101     4.8419 Quincunx    0  0:54 -1019   28 
  5.  -  FileZZZZZZ1127  1  1:56  -974   73     5.8517 Vuincunx    0  1:02 -1019   28 
  6.8367 FileXuincunx    0  1:14 -1014   33            Group: advanced
  7.8419 FileQuincunx    0  0:54 -1019   28     1.7116 Chelsea     0 11:32  -641  406 
  8.8517 FileVuincunx    0  1:02 -1019   28            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  Zuincunx    4  8:10  -789  258 
                                             2.  -  ZZZZZZ1127  1  1:56  -974   73 

On 1st draw, WET(L)AND H4 78 --- WETLAND land containing much soil moisture [n]
Other tops: TWAN(G)ED H3 78
Other moves: TWAN(G)ED H6 74, WET(L)AND H6 74, TWAN(G)ED H2 72, TWAN(G)ED H4 72, TWAN(G)ED H7 72
TWAN(G)ED H3 78 LongJump22
TWAN(G)ED H3 28 Vuincunx, Wuincunx

On 2nd draw, ARSENAL 11F 75 --- ARSENAL a collection or supply of weapons [n]
Other moves: ADRENALS 10G 63, ASTERNAL 6F 62, ARSENAL 5E 28, ANEARS 11C 23, ARENAS 11C 23
ARSENAL 11F 75 LongJump22
ARSENAL 5E 28 Quincunx, Zuincunx

On 3rd draw, WA(T)ERILY 4H 84 --- WATERILY in a watery manner [adv]
Other moves: AERIAL(L)Y 8H 83, AERIA(L)LY 8H 83, RAILLE(R)Y L8 80, WAL(K)YRIE 4H 78, (R)AILLERY L8 78
AERIA(L)LY 8H 83 LongJump22
R(E)LAYED 10B 35 Chelsea
AERIA(L)LY 8H 33 Xuincunx

On 4th draw, JATOS 3I 66 --- JATO a takeoff aided by jet propulsion [n]
Other moves: RAJ 10D 51, TAJ 10D 51, JASY O1 42, JATO 3I 41, JARLS L8 40
JATOS 3I 66 LongJump22, Zuincunx
RAJ 10D 51 Chelsea

On 5th draw, RETENTIVE K1 74 --- RETENTIVE [adj]
Other moves: INVERTED 10A 72, INVENTER 9G 67, REINVENT 9E 66, INVENTER J7 65, REINVENT J8 65
INVERTED 10A 22 Chelsea

On 6th draw, ONYX 12L 48 --- ONYX a variety of quartz [n]
Other moves: HENRY 1H 45, RHYNE 1K 45, HONEY 10B 40, HONEY 12K 39, YODH 10F 39
ONYX 12C 37 Zuincunx
HOYED 10D 35 Chelsea

On 7th draw, ADROITER 1D 80 --- ADROIT skillful [adj]
Other moves: DERATION 9A 61, DEXTRO O10 42, TAXIED O10 42, AXOID O11 39, DETOX O8 39
EXTRA O11 36 Chelsea

On 8th draw, INBREED 2A 86 --- INBREED to breed closely related stock [v]
Other tops: BENDIER 2A 86
Other moves: BENDIER 13F 66, INBREED 13F 66, RENDIB(L)E 7B 65, INDEXER O8 45, REINDEX O6 45
BIRDED 10C 23 Chelsea

On 9th draw, COMIX O8 48 --- COMIX comic books or strips [n]
Other tops: CIMEX O8 48, PYAEMIC O3 48
Other moves: AMICE 3C 47, MYOPIC O3 45, PYEMIC O3 45, AXIOM O11 42, OXIME O11 42
COMIX O8 48 Zuincunx
PACY O1 33 Chelsea

On 10th draw, PITHOI A1 45 --- PITHOS a type of Greek storage jar [n]
Other moves: PITH A1 39, LITHO A1 36, HOY N10 34, LITH A1 33, HI 1A 32
PITHOI A1 45 Zuincunx
PITH A1 39 Chelsea

On 11th draw, AUF B4 34 --- AUF an elf's child [n]
Other tops: BIFACE 12A 34
Other moves: CEIBA 13I 33, FADE 10F 33, CAUF 10C 30, CUIF 10C 30, FACE B6 30
BIFACE 12A 34 Zuincunx
FED 10F 30 Chelsea

On 12th draw, MAYING N10 50 --- MAYING the gathering of spring flowers [n]
Other moves: QUAY O1 48, QUINA 10B 40, MAQUI 12B 34, QUIM 12C 34, AMIN 3C 32
QUAY O1 48 Chelsea

On 13th draw, WHISKER 13F 75 --- WHISKER coarse hair on the face [n]
Other moves: WHISKED 10B 54, WHISK 10B 49, SKREIGH 15I 48, SKRIEGH 15I 48, WHIGS 15K 48
WHISKED 10B 54 Chelsea

On 14th draw, DEFY O1 33 --- DEFY to resist openly and boldly [v]
Other tops: FUDGE 15K 33
Other moves: FED 10F 30, FEOD 3D 30, FUD 10F 30, DEF 10D 28, DOF 10D 28

On 15th draw, ALBUGO 15J 36 --- ALBUGO a white opacity of the eye [n]
Other moves: BAGS 15L 30, BOGS 15L 30, BUGS 15L 30, BLOTS C2 29, BLAGS 15K 27

On 16th draw, BOETS C2 29 --- BOET a brother, or a buddy (South African) [n]
Other moves: COGUE 14B 27, COSTE 14B 25, SCUTE 14B 25, SOUCE 14B 25, BEGS C2 24

On 17th draw, VOCULE 14A 33 --- VOCULE a way of articulating [n]
Other moves: CLOVE 14B 31, COUPLE 14A 31, CLEEP 5E 30, COUPE 14B 29, COUPED 10C 29

On 18th draw, QUIZ 10C 73 --- QUIZ to test the knowledge of by asking questions [v]
Other moves: QUIPO B10 36, LUZ N4 32, QUIPU D10 32, ZIT 6F 32, QUIP 10C 31
QUIZ 10C 73 Wuincunx, ZZZZZZ1127

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