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Game on January 20, 2024 at 18:10, 7 players
1. 172 pts LongJump22
2. 106 pts Pacific
3. 36 pts Vuincunx

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ehinoqs   H4    24    24   hones
 2. aadeesy   G5    30    54   sayed
 3. aegkprt   8A    45    99   pertakes
 4. aegimou   F6    36   135   make
 5. abilort   3G    85   220   orbital
 6. ?eillru   B7    68   288   reillume
 7. aeijlnt  12A    40   328   junta
 8. aabdeit   M3    63   391   labiated
 9. egiorrs  10D    85   476   gorsier
10. afinoop   N6    34   510   fain
11. deinouw  A12    40   550   jedi
12. gilnovz   L2    52   602   lazo
13. aehmnov   K5    38   640   hoven
14. aenpqtu   O8    45   685   peanut
15. gnortuy   2B    29   714   grouty
16. ?fnouwx  H10    57   771   influx
17. cegimqw   J2    31   802   qi
18. eimosvw  14J    43   845   movies
19. cdegiow   D1    28   873   cowed

Remaining tiles: cgiiow

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.8690 FileLongJump22  2  5:03  -701  172     1.9671 Pacific     0  3:05  -767  106 
  2.9671 FilePacific     0  3:05  -767  106            Group: expert
  3.8519 FileVuincunx    1  1:26  -837   36     1.8690 LongJump22  2  5:03  -701  172 
  4.8419 FileQuincunx    1  1:51  -837   36     2.8519 Vuincunx    1  1:26  -837   36 
  5.  -  FileSSSSSS1111  1  1:09  -849   24     3.8419 Quincunx    1  1:51  -837   36 
  6.8489 FileWuincunx    1  1:34  -849   24     4.8489 Wuincunx    1  1:34  -849   24 
  7.8573 FileZuincunx    1  1:51  -849   24     5.8573 Zuincunx    1  1:51  -849   24 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  SSSSSS1111  1  1:09  -849   24 

On 1st draw, HONES H4 24 --- HONE to sharpen [v]
Other tops: HOISE H4 24, HOSEN H4 24, QIS H6 24, QIS H7 24, QIS H8 24
Other moves: QI H7 22, QI H8 22, HOISE H8 18, HONES H8 18, HOSEN H8 18
QIS H7 24 LongJump22
QIS H8 24 Wuincunx, Zuincunx

On 2nd draw, SAYED G5 30 --- SAY to utter [v] --- SAYED a title of respect for a Muslim dignitary [n]
Other moves: SAYED G3 29, SAYED I3 29, HAYSEED 4H 28, EYED G4 27, EYED G6 27

On 3rd draw, PERTAKES 8A 45 --- PERTAKE to participate (pa p PERTAKEN) [v]
Other moves: PATER F6 38, PETAR F6 38, GAPER F6 36, PARE F6 35, PATE F6 35
PATER F6 38 LongJump22

On 4th draw, MAKE F6 36 --- MAKE to cause to exist [v]
Other tops: MAKI F6 36, MAKO F6 36, MOKE F6 36, MOKI F6 36
Other moves: MAK F6 32, AIM F4 25, HOMAGE 4H 24, IMAGE I2 23, OMEGA I2 23
MAKE F6 36 LongJump22, Quincunx
MOKE F6 36 Vuincunx

On 5th draw, ORBITAL 3G 85 --- ORBITAL a subdivision of a nuclear shell [n]
Other moves: LABORITE B1 74, TRIABLE B2 30, BOLAR 10B 28, BAILOR 3C 27, BALTI E7 27
LABORITE B1 74 LongJump22

On 6th draw, REILLU(M)E B7 68 --- REILLUME to light again [v]
Other tops: REILLU(M)E B1 68
Other moves: T(A)ILLEUR D8 66, (T)AILLEUR L2 66, TELLURI(C) D8 64, TELLURI(C) K3 64, T(A)ILLEUR K3 64

On 7th draw, JUNTA 12A 40 --- JUNTA a political or governmental council [n]
Other moves: JEAN L1 38, JEAT L1 38, JUTE 12A 38, JAIL 2L 33, JANE 2L 33

On 8th draw, LABIATED M3 63 --- LABIATED having corollas that are divided into two liplike parts [adj]
Other moves: ABATED 2I 50, BIDET 2J 45, BAAED 2J 44, BATED 2J 44, JADE A12 40

On 9th draw, GORSIER 10D 85 --- GORSY abounding in gorse [adj]
Other moves: GORSIER 13E 63, JOES A12 36, JORS A12 36, BIGOS I3 32, LIGERS 10B 32

On 10th draw, FAIN N6 34 --- FAIN joyful [adj] --- FAIN to delight in [v]
Other moves: IF N5 30, OF N5 30, FA N6 28, NAPOO L2 28, PIANO L1 28

On 11th draw, JEDI A12 40 --- JEDI a follower of Jedi philosophy (Star Wars film) [n]
Other tops: JUDO A12 40
Other moves: DEWANI 4J 37, DEW O8 36, JEON A12 36, DEWAN 4J 33, DIWAN 4J 33

On 12th draw, LAZO L2 52 --- LAZO to catch with a long rope with a running noose [v]
Other moves: AZO L3 50, AZONAL E8 43, GINZO 2C 37, GINZO L9 37, ZING J2 34

On 13th draw, HOVEN K5 38 --- HOVEN relating to a cattle disease [adj]
Other tops: HAVEN K5 38, HOVEA K5 38
Other moves: HAVE K5 36, HOVE K5 36, HAEM K5 34, HAME K5 34, HOMA K5 34

On 14th draw, PEANUT O8 45 --- PEANUT the nutlike seed or pod of an annual vine [n]
Other moves: EQUANT 2B 36, PEAN O8 36, PEAT O8 36, PENT O8 36, EQUANT L10 35
QI J2 31 Pacific

On 15th draw, GROUTY 2B 29 --- GROUTY surly [adj]
Other moves: BOGY I3 28, BOYG I3 28, BONY I3 26, YOGURT 2B 26, NOY C12 23
YON 9I 21 Pacific

On 16th draw, INF(L)UX H10 57 --- INFLUX a flowing in [n]
Other moves: OX 2I 54, (A)X 2I 52, (O)X 2I 52, INF(L)OW H10 45, FOX(H)UNT 13I 40
OX 2I 54 Pacific

On 17th draw, QI J2 31 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: BICE I3 24, EMIC N11 24, MEL 2J 23, MIL 2J 23, NEW C12 23

On 18th draw, MOVIES 14J 43 --- MOVIE a motion picture [n]
Other moves: MOVIES O1 42, BOWES I3 36, VIEWS 3A 36, VIEW 3A 32, VIEWS 14K 31

On 19th draw, COWED D1 28 --- COW to intimidate [v]
Other tops: WODGE D1 28, WOODIE D1 28
Other moves: ROWDIER C2 27, WOOED D1 26, BICE I3 24, COED 3A 24, CROWED C1 24

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