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Game on January 24, 2024 at 08:46, 6 players
1. 177 pts LongJump22
2. 117 pts Quincunx
3. 100 pts Vuincunx

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. dehlmot   H4    30    30   method
 2. aekllrt   5E    44    74   lakelet
 3. abefrtu   6J    33   107   feuar
 4. ?abinru   4H    84   191   manubria
 5. acenrtw   6F    33   224   wat
 6. eeeinst   9E    61   285   neediest
 7. dehirty   G8    71   356   heredity
 8. aagnrrt  15A    36   392   granary
 9. egosuvw  10B    40   432   voguers
10. abeoosu   O1    33   465   oubaas
11. eiimpry   8L    30   495   impi
12. ?acenqw   4A    48   543   quena
13. acdinot   C1    74   617   catenoid
14. einostz   B6    64   681   zo
15. cdeilpt   1A    42   723   ticced
16. gilnosy   N8    82   805   posingly
17. efilopr  15K    33   838   pioye
18. ejlorwx   3K    39   877   joe

Remaining tiles: flrvwx

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.8739 FileLongJump22  2  4:56  -700  177     1.8739 LongJump22  2  4:56  -700  177 
  2.8097 FileQuincunx    2  3:49  -760  117     2.8097 Quincunx    2  3:49  -760  117 
  3.8883 FileVuincunx    2  3:25  -777  100     3.8883 Vuincunx    2  3:25  -777  100 
  4.8248 FileZuincunx    1  2:21  -808   69     4.8248 Zuincunx    1  2:21  -808   69 
  5.  -  FileZZZZZZ1127  1  1:59  -813   64     5.8575 Wuincunx    0  0:51  -841   36 
  6.8575 FileWuincunx    0  0:51  -841   36            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  ZZZZZZ1127  1  1:59  -813   64 

On 1st draw, METHOD H4 30 --- METHOD a means of procedure [n]
Other tops: HOMED H4 30, MOTHED H4 30
Other moves: METHOD H7 28, MOTHED H7 28, THOLED H3 28, DOETH H8 26, HOLED H4 26
HOMED H4 30 LongJump22

On 2nd draw, LAKELET 5E 44 --- LAKELET a little lake [n]
Other moves: AKE G7 25, REAK G5 25, TEAK G5 25, MARKET 4H 24, LAKELET 5C 22
LAKELET 5E 44 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, FEUAR 6J 33 --- FEUAR one granted land under Scottish feudal law [n]
Other moves: FAB 6J 31, FARE 6J 30, F*RT 6J 30, FATE 6J 30, FAUR 6J 30
FAB 6J 31 LongJump22

On 4th draw, M(A)NUBRIA 4H 84 --- MANUBRIA handle-shaped anatomical parts [n] --- MANUBRIUM any handle-like structure, pl MANUBRIUMS or MANUBRIA [n]
Other moves: MANUBRI(A) 4H 83, BINAURA(L) M3 72, BINAURA(L) F2 67, (M)ANUBRIA F4 63, (M)ANUBRIA M5 63
BINAURA(L) M3 72 LongJump22

On 5th draw, WAT 6F 33 --- WAT a hare [n] --- WAT wet [adj]
Other moves: CRAW 6C 32, CAW 6D 31, NAW 6D 29, RAW 6D 29, TAW 6D 29

On 6th draw, NEEDIEST 9E 61 --- NEEDY in a state of poverty [adj]
Other moves: SEITEN O6 27, SEETHE 7D 25, SEINE O6 24, SENTE O6 24, SENTI O6 24

On 7th draw, HEREDITY G8 71 --- HEREDITY the genetic transmission of characteristics [n]
Other moves: HEREDITY F8 69, HEREDITY J8 69, DITHER 8A 46, HIED 10J 33, DITHER 4A 32

On 8th draw, GRANARY 15A 36 --- GRANARY a storehouse for grain [n]
Other moves: GARRYA 15C 33, GYRANT 15F 30, YANTRA 15G 30, YARRAN 15G 30, GARRAN 4A 26
GRANARY 15A 36 Vuincunx

On 9th draw, VOGUERS 10B 40 --- VOGUER one who moves like a groovy model [n]
Other moves: VOGUER B10 36, VOGUES 4A 36, VOUGES 4A 36, VOUGE 8A 35, OVERSAW M1 34
VOGUER B10 36 Wuincunx, Quincunx, Zuincunx

On 10th draw, OUBAAS O1 33 --- OUBAAS (Afrikaans) someone senior in years or rank [n]
Other moves: BOOSE 3K 32, BOUSE 3K 32, BOAS 3K 28, BOOS 3K 28, SABE O6 27
OUBAAS O1 33 Zuincunx, Quincunx

On 11th draw, IMPI 8L 30 --- IMPI a body of South African warriors [n]
Other tops: MOPEY C9 30, PERDY 12D 30, PREDY 12D 30
Other moves: PREY 4C 29, MY N1 28, EMPERY J9 27, PYE 7L 27, PREM 4C 26

On 12th draw, Q(U)ENA 4A 48 --- QUENA a bamboo flute [n]
Other moves: PAWNCE(S) N8 42, Q(U)EAN 4B 34, AC(K)NEW 4A 33, SACQ(U)E K9 32, SQu*W K9 32
Q(U)ENA 4A 48 Quincunx

On 13th draw, CATENOID C1 74 --- CATENOID a geometric surface [n]
Other tops: DIATONIC 13F 74
Other moves: ACTINOID 13A 72, DIATONIC 13A 72, ACTINOID 13D 62, PACTION N8 34, DIACT 3C 29

On 14th draw, ZO B6 64 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: COZIEST 1C 57, COZENS 1C 54, COZIES 1C 54, ZEDS 8A 45, ZED 8A 39
ZO B6 64 Vuincunx, ZZZZZZ1127

On 15th draw, TICCED 1A 42 --- TIC to have an involuntary muscle contraction [v]
Other moves: PECTIC 1A 39, CLIPED 1C 36, DIALECT 2A 32, TALIPED 2B 32, PLACED 2A 30

On 16th draw, POSINGLY N8 82 --- POSINGLY in a posing manner [adv]
Other moves: OLDY 8A 48, POYSING N8 42, YODS 8A 39, GODS 8A 33, YOD 8A 33

On 17th draw, PIOYE 15K 33 --- PIOYE a home-made firework [n]
Other moves: LODE 8A 30, POD 8A 30, RODE 8A 30, FIR 11C 26, FIREARM M2 26

On 18th draw, JOE 3K 39 --- JOE a fellow [n]
Other moves: OX N1 38, JOWLIER 13C 36, JOWLED 12B 34, WOX 14J 34, JOL 14J 32

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