Game on January 24, 2024 at 14:04, 7 players
1. 444 pts Chelsea
2. 292 pts LongJump22
3. 72 pts Vuincunx
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H3 24 24 


8A 98 122 


4H 76 198 


E5 94 292 


O1 30 322 


10A 66 388 


12A 74 462 


N1 25 487 


F4 58 545 


M3 22 567 


A12 33 600 


14A 28 628 


13H 70 698 


3G 39 737 


L8 24 761 


8L 36 797 


2J 55 852 


B6 34 886 


1G 32 918 


6J 23 941 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
Chelsea 5 12:50 -497 444 1.8569 LongJump22 4 4:13 -649 292
LongJump22 4 4:13 -649 292 2.8850 Vuincunx 1 2:48 -869 72
Vuincunx 1 2:48 -869 72 3.8554 Wuincunx 1 3:40 -869 72
Wuincunx 1 3:40 -869 72 4.8296 Zuincunx 0 0:55 -897 44
Zuincunx 0 0:55 -897 44 5.8056 Quincunx 0 1:20 -897 44
Quincunx 0 1:20 -897 44 Group: advanced
7. -
SSSSSS1111 1 0:48 -917 24 1.7157 Chelsea 5 12:50 -497 444
Group: not rated
1. - SSSSSS1111 1 0:48 -917 24
On 1st draw, OCTADS H3 24 --- OCTAD a group of eight [n]
Other moves: CLADS H4 22, CLODS H4 22, CODAS H4 22, COLDS H4 22, COSTAL H4 22
OCTADS H3 24 SSSSSS1111, LongJump22, Vuincunx, Wuincunx
On 2nd draw, (G)AMYNESS 8A 98 --- GAMYNESS the quality of being gamy [n]
Other moves: (R)OMNEYAS 3G 80, SYCAM(I)NE 4F 78, MESNA(L)TY 5B 74, (P)AYMENTS 5B 74, (W)AYMENTS 5B 74
(G)AMYNESS 8A 98 LongJump22
(G)AMYNESS 8A 48 Vuincunx, Wuincunx
On 3rd draw, CY(S)TEINE 4H 76 --- CYSTEINE an amino acid [n]
Other moves: AYEN(B)ITE B8 74, ENTI(R)ETY 5B 70, ENTI(R)ETY 5F 70, ETE(R)NITY 5B 70, ETE(R)NITY 5G 70
CY(S)TEINE 4H 76 LongJump22
EYE 9B 28 Chelsea
On 4th draw, FAINITES E5 94 --- FAINITES a plea for a truce [interj]
Other moves: FAINITES N1 76, FAINEST E5 40, TATIES 5H 26, TEFS 5J 26, FATED 7D 25
FAINITES E5 94 LongJump22
FAINITES E5 44 Zuincunx, Quincunx
FATES O1 24 Chelsea
On 5th draw, MOPED O1 30 --- MOPED a type of motorbike [n]
Other tops: COPED O1 30, MOUP 3L 30, UMPED O1 30
Other moves: COMPS 12A 28, MOP 3M 28, P*MPOM 3M 28, UMP 3K 28, UPDO 3K 28
MOPED O1 30 Chelsea
On 6th draw, HERITAGE 10A 66 --- HERITAGE something that is inherited [n]
Other moves: GERAH F2 39, HAIRED 7C 36, HEARIE D1 33, RAH F4 32, REH F4 32
HAIRED 7C 36 Chelsea
On 7th draw, GREASIER 12A 74 --- GREASY containing or resembling grease [adj]
Other moves: HEGARI A10 36, HEGIRA A10 36, HIRAGE A10 33, HEARER A10 30, HEARIE A10 30
HIRAGE A10 33 Chelsea
On 8th draw, ATONE N1 25 --- ATONE to make amends or reparation [v]
Other tops: NONET N2 25
Other moves: ANTED 5K 22, ATONIA 7A 22, EANED 5K 22, ANON N1 20, ATAP 3L 20
TONE N2 19 Chelsea
On 9th draw, PAX F4 58 --- PAX a ceremonial embrace given to signify Christian love and unity [n]
Other moves: TAX F4 56, AX F5 55, PIXY I1 41, XI 13C 38, TAX 5J 34
PAX F4 58 Chelsea
On 10th draw, LINE M3 22 --- LINE to mark with lines (slender, continuous marks) [v]
Other tops: LINO M3 22
Other moves: ALOED 5K 20, EANED 5K 20, LIN M3 20, OIL M3 20, LAY D6 18
LINE M3 22 Chelsea
On 11th draw, GOWF A12 33 --- GOWF to play golf (a ball game) [v]
Other moves: HOGANS A10 30, WAWES 6J 29, WOF 3G 29, FANES 6J 26, WANES 6J 26
WOF 3G 29 Chelsea
On 12th draw, WOVENS 14A 28 --- WOVEN a woven fabric [n]
Other moves: WOVEN 14A 22, REVS H12 21, ROVE H12 21, MOREENS C8 20, NEVES 6J 20
WOVENS 14A 28 Chelsea
On 13th draw, ENTROLD 13H 70 --- ENROLL to enter the name of in a register, record, or roll [v]
Other tops: ENTROLD L6 70
Other moves: DOTER 15D 33, RETOLD 15D 31, NOTED 15D 28, ROTED 15D 28, ALERTED 6H 25
TONED 15F 20 Chelsea
On 14th draw, ZOBU 3G 39 --- ZOBU a male cross of a yak and a cow [n]
Other tops: ZOBO 3G 39
Other moves: BOZO L12 32, ZOA B6 32, ZOBO L12 32, ZOBU L12 32, ZO(S) J2 31
ZOO 3G 29 Chelsea
On 15th draw, CROUTON L8 24 --- CROUTON a small cube of toasted bread [n]
Other moves: CUTER 6J 23, TRONC 15F 23, CONTOUR L9 20, CORNUTO L7 20, GONER 6J 20
On 16th draw, CHAW 8L 36 --- CHAW to chew [v]
Other moves: AW 2I 34, QAID N10 34, QUAD N10 34, QUID N10 34, AQUA B5 33
AQUA B5 33 Chelsea
On 17th draw, JAK 2J 55 --- JAK a type of fruit [n]
Other moves: JAB 2J 53, JIB 2J 53, JOB 2J 53, JAI 2J 51, JOL 2J 51
JAK 2J 55 Chelsea
On 18th draw, QUALE B6 34 --- QUALE a property considered apart from things having the property [n]
Other tops: QUID N10 34, QUOD 10J 34, QUOD N10 34
Other moves: QUIT J10 33, QUA B6 32, VOLED 6J 32, QUID 11K 28, QUOD 11K 28
On 19th draw, BRIG 1G 32 --- BRIG a two-masted ship [n]
Other tops: BIOG 1G 32, BROG 1G 32
Other moves: BIG 1H 29, BOG 1H 29, BORED 6J 29, GIBED 6J 28, DIG 1H 26
On 20th draw, OILED 6J 23 --- OIL to supply with oil (a greasy liquid used for lubrication, fuel, or illumination) [v]
Other tops: LOUED 6J 23
Other moves: DILDO N10 22, DI 2F 21, DUI 2E 20, LIED 6K 20, DOUR K10 19
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