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Game on January 25, 2024 at 14:32, 8 players
1. 439 pts Chelsea
2. 434 pts ShotPut22
3. 220 pts LongJump22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeiorsv   H3    78    78   ovaries
 2. aehjoos   G1    38   116   haj
 3. aahikln   1G    36   152   haika
 4. cdemopt   8B    68   220   competed
 5. beeilor   9E    75   295   erosible
 6. acddenu   6D    70   365   uncarded
 7. adgilrr   8L    29   394   darg
 8. aersttu   B8    74   468   crustate
 9. fgilort   2I    37   505   firlot
10. ??inuxz  15A    87   592   zeuxite
11. fgloosy  H12   108   700   foys
12. aeglnop   3J    32   732   neap
13. eeilnqs   4E    31   763   neives
14. gmnooty  10I    36   799   my
15. eeghint   N8    38   837   rehinge
16. ailloru  D12    22   859   roux
17. ainottv   2B    34   893   ottava
18. eilnoqw   1A    35   928   qi
19. egilnow   4L    33   961   weil
20. bglnnow  G11    32   993   bowne

Remaining tiles: gln

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.7217 FileChelsea     3  9:54  -554  439     1.8569 LongJump22  4  2:20  -773  220 
  2.6828 FileShotPut22   3 10:10  -559  434     2.8488 Wuincunx    1  2:47  -927   66 
  3.8569 FileLongJump22  4  2:20  -773  220     3.8833 Vuincunx    1  2:55  -927   66 
  4.  -  FileSSSSSS1111  1  1:57  -885  108     4.8296 Zuincunx    1  1:17  -957   36 
  5.8488 FileWuincunx    1  2:47  -927   66     5.8089 Quincunx    0  1:46  -965   28 
  6.8833 FileVuincunx    1  2:55  -927   66            Group: advanced
  7.8296 FileZuincunx    1  1:17  -957   36     1.7217 Chelsea     3  9:54  -554  439 
  8.8089 FileQuincunx    0  1:46  -965   28            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6828 ShotPut22   3 10:10  -559  434 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  SSSSSS1111  1  1:57  -885  108 

On 1st draw, OVARIES H3 78 --- OVARY a female reproduction gland [n]
Other moves: OVARIES H2 72, OVARIES H4 72, OVARIES H6 72, OVARIES H7 72, OVARIES H8 72
OVARIES H3 78 LongJump22
OVARIES H3 28 Wuincunx, Vuincunx, Quincunx

On 2nd draw, HAJ G1 38 --- HAJ a pilgrimage to Mecca [n]
Other moves: JOSH G5 34, HAJES 5G 30, HAJES I9 29, RAJES 6H 28, JARS 6F 27
HAJ G1 38 Chelsea, LongJump22, Vuincunx, Wuincunx

On 3rd draw, HAIKA 1G 36 --- HAIK an outer garment worn by Arabs [n]
Other tops: HAKA G5 36, KAHAL 1E 36, KHAN G7 36, LAKH G5 36
Other moves: KHI G7 35, HAIK 1G 33, HAKA 1G 33, HANK 1G 33, KHAN 1F 33
HAIKA 1G 36 LongJump22, Zuincunx
HANK 1G 33 Chelsea

On 4th draw, COMPETED 8B 68 --- COMPETE to contend for a prize [v]
Other tops: COMPETED 8D 68
Other moves: COEMPTED 8B 66, COEMPTED 8F 66, TEMPO G5 31, CAMPED 5G 26, DECAMP 5E 26
COMPETED 8D 68 LongJump22
MOPE G5 26 Chelsea

On 5th draw, EROSIBLE 9E 75 --- EROSIBLE capable of being eroded [adj]
Other moves: BELIVE 4D 36, RELIVE 4D 32, OBELI 2J 30, BEER 9C 26, BIER 9C 26
OBELI 2J 30 ShotPut22
OBE 2J 19 Chelsea

On 6th draw, UNCARDED 6D 70 --- CARD to provide with a card (a stiff piece of paper) [adj] --- UNCARDED not carded [adj]
Other moves: CANDLED K5 44, CAUDLED K5 44, ADUNC 8K 37, DANCED 2I 37, JOUNCED 3G 36
ADUNC 8K 37 ShotPut22
DANCED 2I 37 Chelsea

On 7th draw, DARG 8L 29 --- DARG a task [n]
Other tops: DRAG 8L 29
Other moves: ALGID 2J 28, IGAD L1 28, ARDRI 2J 26, ARDRI 8K 26, ARGIL 2J 26
DRAG 8L 29 Chelsea
DARG 8L 29 ShotPut22

On 8th draw, CRUSTATE B8 74 --- CRUSTATE covered with a crust [adj]
Other tops: ASTUTER 10A 74, VETTURAS 4H 74
Other moves: OUTRATES C8 68, OUTSTARE C8 68, JOTTERS 3G 30, JOUSTER 3G 30, TASTER 2I 28
TATERS 2I 28 ShotPut22, Chelsea

On 9th draw, FIRLOT 2I 37 --- FIRLOT an old measure of grain etc [n]
Other moves: FAITOR 5G 34, ORF 10D 33, REIF 15A 33, TERF 15A 33, IF A14 32
TERF 15A 33 ShotPut22
FIT A13 31 Chelsea

On 10th draw, ZEUXI(T)(E) 15A 87 --- ZEUXITE ferriferous tourmaline [n]
Other moves: (B)ENZI(L) 15A 69, (B)ENZI(N) 15A 69, (B)E(N)ZIN 15A 69, (S)EIZ(I)N 15A 69, (S)E(I)ZIN 15A 69
Z(E)X 1M 66 Chelsea
(S)EIZ(E) 15A 66 ShotPut22

On 11th draw, FOYS H12 108 --- FOY a parting entertainment or gift [n]
Other moves: FOGS H12 102, YOOFS H11 102, FLOGS H11 96, GOLFS H11 96, GOOFS H11 96
FOYS H12 108 Chelsea, ShotPut22, SSSSSS1111

On 12th draw, NEAP 3J 32 --- NEAP a tide of lowest range [n] --- NEAP to tend towards the tide of the smallest range [v]
Other moves: PEAN 3J 30, PEON 3J 30, POLEAX D10 30, PEAG 10I 28, GAPE I11 27
POLEAX D10 30 ShotPut22
PEG 1M 24 Chelsea

On 13th draw, NEIVES 4E 31 --- NEIVE the fist [n]
Other moves: LIVES 4F 30, ESILE O1 28, QI 14E 27, QUEENS 10A 27, QUINES 10A 27
QI 14E 27 ShotPut22

On 14th draw, MY 10I 36 --- MY the possessive form of the pronoun I [pron]
Other tops: YONT 10J 36
Other moves: YON 10J 35, NY 10I 32, MOONY 10I 30, YO 10J 30, GOONY 10I 28
YONT 10J 36 ShotPut22

On 15th draw, REHINGE N8 38 --- HINGE to attach a jointed device [v] --- REHINGE to hinge again [v]
Other moves: HENT 4L 33, HETE 4L 33, THIG C10 31, GHEE C10 30, RIGHTEN N8 30
IT N1 2 ShotPut22

On 16th draw, ROUX D12 22 --- ROUX a mixture of butter and flour [n]
Other moves: FLUORIN 12H 20, LIAR M11 20, LOUR M11 20, URAO 10D 19, RAOULIA 2A 18
AL 1N 8 ShotPut22

On 17th draw, OTTAVA 2B 34 --- OTTAVA an octave [n]
Other moves: OVATING 13H 30, TAV C11 29, TAINT O11 28, VAU C13 27, TAV 1M 25

On 18th draw, QI 1A 35 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: LWEI 1A 34, WEIL 4L 33, LOWN(E) G11 30, WEN 4L 29, WEN 1M 28

On 19th draw, WEIL 4L 33 --- WEIL a whirlpool [n]
Other moves: WIG 1M 31, LOWN(E) G11 30, WEN 4L 29, WEN 1M 28, WIN 1M 28

On 20th draw, BOWN(E) G11 32 --- BOWNE to prepare [v]
Other moves: LOWN(E) G11 30, BOW G11 26, LOW G11 24, NOW G11 24, OW G12 23

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