Game on January 28, 2024 at 07:50, 7 players
1. 195 pts LongJump22
2. 120 pts Vuincunx
3. 120 pts Wuincunx
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 24 24 


9E 75 99 


L7 81 180 


13F 86 266 


7C 83 349 


M2 41 390 


C7 36 426 


N2 44 470 


H11 39 509 


O1 43 552 


15G 62 614 


5E 32 646 


8A 37 683 


4A 34 717 


B12 28 745 


O12 105 850 


15A 30 880 


B2 26 906 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
LongJump22 2 2:27 -711 195 1.8462 LongJump22 2 2:27 -711 195
Vuincunx 2 4:30 -786 120 2.8805 Vuincunx 2 4:30 -786 120
Wuincunx 2 5:17 -786 120 3.8766 Wuincunx 2 5:17 -786 120
4. -
SSSSSS1111 1 1:15 -801 105 4.8454 Quincunx 0 1:40 -875 31
5. -
ZZZZZZ1127 1 1:39 -801 105 5.8756 Zuincunx 0 1:49 -879 27
Quincunx 0 1:40 -875 31 Group: not rated
Zuincunx 0 1:49 -879 27 1. - SSSSSS1111 1 1:15 -801 105
2. - ZZZZZZ1127 1 1:39 -801 105
On 1st draw, BEPAT H4 24 --- BEPAT to pat often [v]
Other moves: BAITER H4 22, BARITE H4 22, PIRATE H4 22, PRATIE H4 22, PTERIA H4 22
On 2nd draw, WHISTLE 9E 75 --- WHISTLE to make a shrill, clear musical sound [v]
Other moves: WHITTLES 8D 68, WHITTLES 8E 65, HEW I5 31, LEWIS I5 30, WEBLISH 4F 30
On 3rd draw, AUDI(T)OR L7 81 --- AUDITOR one that audits [n]
Other tops: (S)AUROID L3 81, (S)AUROID L9 81
Other moves: AUDI(T)OR L3 80, (S)AUROID L6 80, (S)AUROID 10A 76, AUDI(T)OR I1 72, AIRBOU(N)D 4E 70
On 4th draw, TINKLERS 13F 86 --- TINKLER one that tinkles [n]
Other moves: TWINKLES E8 80, TINKLES M2 79, LENTISK K1 78, TINKLES M1 77, NESTLIKE 5A 74
On 5th draw, QUA(N)DARY 7C 83 --- QUANDARY a dilemma [n]
Other moves: (B)URQA 8A 74, QUAER(E)D 5E 64, QUAR(R)Y M2 51, QUA(R)RY M2 51, QUA(K)Y M3 49
On 6th draw, ABEIGH M2 41 --- ABEIGH aloof [adv]
Other moves: ABEIGH M3 38, OBEAH M3 37, GHI 8A 32, BIGHA 14B 30, BOHEA 10B 30
On 7th draw, QUANTED C7 36 --- QUANT to propel through water with a pole [v]
Other moves: TENDU N2 34, TEOPAN 6E 29, AUTOED 10B 26, ATONED 14B 25, AUTOED 14B 25
On 8th draw, XIS N2 44 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other tops: JONG L2 44
Other moves: GJUS 8A 42, JINGO H11 42, JONGS H11 42, GOX N2 41, XIS D12 41
On 9th draw, JINNE H11 39 --- JINNE (Afrikaans) an exclamation expressive of surprise, admiration, shock, etc [interj]
Other tops: NINJA H11 39
Other moves: AJEE K11 33, CAJUN D4 33, BUNJEES 4H 32, BUNJIES 4H 32, AJWAN E7 30
On 10th draw, FENT O1 43 --- FENT a slit [n]
Other moves: FOOT L2 40, FEN O1 33, FET O1 33, OFT L3 31, FE 6J 29
On 11th draw, RENOGRAM 15G 62 --- RENOGRAM a photographic depiction of the course of renal excretion [n]
Other moves: MARENGO 5E 40, GAUM 8A 37, GRUM 8A 37, ARUM 8A 34, ROUM 8A 34
On 12th draw, RONEOED 5E 32 --- RONEO to copy with a duplicator [v]
Other moves: JOIN(T)ED 11H 28, JOIN(T)ER 11H 26, ODEON D11 25, BENDIEST 4H 22, JOIN(T) 11H 22
RONEOED 5E 32 LongJump22, Vuincunx, Wuincunx
On 13th draw, GAUP 8A 37 --- GAUP to stare stupidly [v]
Other moves: FEWEST 4J 32, PLUG 8A 32, FAW D12 31, FEW D12 31, FAP D12 29
FEW D12 31 LongJump22, Quincunx
FAW D12 31 Vuincunx, Wuincunx
On 14th draw, LYCEUM 4A 34 --- LYCEUM a hall for public lectures or discussions [n]
Other moves: LIMY D12 33, EMIC D11 29, ILEUM D11 29, MICE D12 29, EM 10E 28
On 15th draw, WIVE B12 28 --- WIVE to marry a woman [v]
Other tops: VIEW 12A 28, WAVE B12 28
Other moves: WAILER A1 27, WAVY B1 26, WAVERY J2 25, WEAVE 12B 24, AREW D11 23
WAILER A1 27 LongJump22, Wuincunx, Vuincunx, Zuincunx
On 16th draw, ZEAS O12 105 --- ZEA the stigma of a cereal plant [n]
Other moves: FAZES O11 90, COZES O11 87, FEAZE 15A 81, ZOEAS O11 81, CEAZE 15A 78
ZEAS O12 105 LongJump22, SSSSSS1111, ZZZZZZ1127
On 17th draw, REACT 15A 30 --- REACT to respond to a stimulus [v]
Other moves: CARLOT A1 24, CERIA 15A 24, RECIT 15A 24, RECTA 15A 24, RECTI 15A 24
REACT 15A 30 Vuincunx, Wuincunx
On 18th draw, FOYLE B2 26 --- FOYLE to foil [v]
Other moves: OOF 10E 25, ENVOI 10B 24, FILLE A1 24, FILLO A1 24, OVOLI A1 24
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