Game on January 30, 2024 at 22:22, 5 players
1. 660 pts LongJump22
2. 162 pts Wuincunx
3. 100 pts Vuincunx
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 28 28 


5E 40 68 


G8 65 133 


H13 45 178 


F9 34 212 


I7 37 249 


6F 35 284 


L1 35 319 


E7 31 350 


1K 24 374 


1F 42 416 


I7 24 440 


8A 30 470 


C3 76 546 


4A 26 572 


N1 42 614 


B10 38 652 


A11 30 682 


O7 53 735 


N10 49 784 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
LongJump22 9 17:53 -124 660 1.8567 LongJump22 9 17:53 -124 660
Wuincunx 2 5:39 -622 162 2.8776 Wuincunx 2 5:39 -622 162
Vuincunx 2 4:42 -684 100 3.8745 Vuincunx 2 4:42 -684 100
ShotPut22 0 2:35 -715 69 Group: intermediate
5. -
SSSSSS1111 1 1:29 -756 28 1.6826 ShotPut22 0 2:35 -715 69
Group: not rated
1. - SSSSSS1111 1 1:29 -756 28
On 1st draw, BAYOUS H4 28 --- BAYOU a marshy offshoot of a lake or river [n]
Other tops: BOUSY H8 28, BOYARS H4 28, BROSY H8 28
Other moves: BAYOU H4 26, BOUSY H4 26, BOYAR H4 26, BOYAU H4 26, BRAYS H4 26
BAYOUS H4 28 LongJump22, SSSSSS1111
BROSY H8 28 Vuincunx
On 2nd draw, INHALER 5E 40 --- INHALER one that inhales [n]
Other moves: HEREIN I3 30, LEHR I5 29, INHERE I7 28, HIREE I3 27, REH I5 26
INHALER 5E 40 LongJump22, Vuincunx, Wuincunx
On 3rd draw, GENTOO(S) G8 65 --- GENTOO a Falkland Island penguin [n]
Other moves: ONTOGEN(Y) F4 62, O(S)TEOGEN J2 62, O(U)TGONE G9 62, O(U)TGONE I9 62, GEO(G)NOST 9B 61
ONTOGEN(Y) F4 62 LongJump22
On 4th draw, WOX H13 45 --- WAX to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v]
Other moves: LOX I5 40, XIS H13 40, OX H11 36, XI H12 36, WILIS L1 35
WOX H13 45 LongJump22
On 5th draw, HAULM F9 34 --- HAULM a plant stem [n]
Other moves: HAULM 4A 32, YAH 6H 32, HAULT F9 30, BAHUT 4H 29, MUTHA 4A 28
HAULM 4A 32 LongJump22
YAH 6H 32 Vuincunx
On 6th draw, IMP(A)VE I7 37 --- IMPAVE to set in a pavement [v]
Other moves: PE(L)VIC 4J 36, VICE(S) L1 36, CIVE(S) L1 34, IMPE(D) I7 33, IMPE(L) I7 33
VICE(S) L1 36 LongJump22, Wuincunx
On 7th draw, YAY 6F 35 --- YAY an affirmative vote [n]
Other moves: ENTITY 6A 34, TETANY 6A 34, NATTY 6B 33, NETTY 6B 33, NITTY 6B 33
TETANY 6A 34 LongJump22
On 8th draw, CEPES L1 35 --- CEPE a large mushroom [n]
Other tops: COPES L1 35, STEP E8 35
Other moves: TEC E9 33, CETES L1 31, COTES L1 31, ESTOC L4 31, ESTOP L4 31
COPES L1 35 LongJump22
On 9th draw, DOTER E7 31 --- DOTER one that dotes [n]
Other moves: OBTEND 2I 30, NOTER E7 29, BEENTO 2J 28, BREDE 2J 28, BREED 2J 28
OBTEND 2I 30 LongJump22, ShotPut22
On 10th draw, ACTED 1K 24 --- ACT to do something [v]
Other tops: OCTAD 1K 24
Other moves: DOAB 4E 22, ACETA 1K 21, CADE 1L 21, CODA 1L 21, CODE 1L 21
ACTED 1K 24 LongJump22
On 11th draw, DISTRACTED 1F 42 --- DISTRACT to divert the attention of [v]
Other moves: CAIRDS 4A 33, DISCO 8A 33, DRACO 8A 33, CRISTA 4A 30, STEAD 2J 26
DRACO 8A 33 LongJump22, Wuincunx
On 12th draw, IMP(A)VES I7 24 --- IMPAVE to set in a pavement [v]
Other tops: MOWS 13F 24
Other moves: TINIES 2B 23, TONIES 2B 23, ES(S)OIN 14E 22, IONISE 2A 21, SEINE 2K 21
TINIES 2B 23 LongJump22
On 13th draw, NARCO 8A 30 --- NARCO an undercover drug agent [n]
Other tops: CARGO 8A 30, CARPING 3I 30, CONGO 8A 30, CRAPING 3I 30
Other moves: GARCON 2B 29, ANGICO 2A 27, CARGO 2B 25, CARGO 4B 25, CONGA 2B 25
NARCO 8A 30 LongJump22
On 14th draw, FLANERIE C3 76 --- FLANERIE commendable idleness or aimless wandering [n]
Other moves: NEAFE 2K 33, FE 6J 28, LEAF 2K 28, NEIF 2K 28, FELINE 2A 27
FLANERIE C3 76 LongJump22
On 15th draw, VOLET 4A 26 --- VOLET a short veil [n]
Other tops: REVOLT B10 26
Other moves: LORATE B5 24, OVERT B10 24, TROVE B10 24, VELL 4A 22, VOLE 4A 22
VOLET 4A 26 LongJump22
On 16th draw, EARLIKE N1 42 --- EARLIKE like an ear [adj]
Other moves: LEKVAR A1 39, ALIKE B10 26, ALKIE B10 26, ARIKI B10 26, REIKI B10 26
LEKVAR A1 39 LongJump22, ShotPut22
On 17th draw, BIDON B10 38 --- BIDON a container for liquids [n]
Other tops: BANDA B10 38
Other moves: BANIA B10 36, INDABA O6 35, DOAB O5 32, DANIO O5 29, DANIO B10 27
BANDA B10 38 LongJump22
On 18th draw, QAT A11 30 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QI A11 27, ATIGI O6 26, QAT 2E 21, ATIGI O7 20, QI 2E 18
EE J4 2 LongJump22
On 19th draw, FUZE O7 53 --- FUZE to equip with a detonating device [v]
Other moves: FEZ O7 50, FIZ O7 50, ZO C12 41, FUZE M7 39, FEZ M7 38
FUZE O7 53 Wuincunx
On 20th draw, WIRING N10 49 --- WIRING a system of electric wires [n]
Other tops: WARING N10 49
Other moves: WIGAN N10 47, WRANG N10 47, WRING N10 47, WANG N10 29, WING N10 29
WAN N10 27 LongJump22
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